Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 633: The Press Conference Begins

the next day.

The main urban area of ​​Zhai City, outside the Xihe headquarters park.

As the time for the press conference approached, the media reporters who had been waiting for this moment in Zhai City began to gather outside Xihe Park.

A large number of media gathered, crowded and surging, so that they could enter the Xihe Park as soon as it opened.

In front of the reporters, the Terminator formed an impregnable wall, standing still and preventing any media from taking a step forward.

"...Here is the live broadcast of Zhaicheng Aerospace and Xihe Technology's press conference on the opening of interstellar immigration qualifications brought to you by the news channel. It is less than an hour before the press conference. As you can see, a large number of media They have already gathered outside the Xihe Park, waiting to enter the press conference..." A reporter at the forefront reported excitedly to the camera.

"...This is the first press conference hosted by Zhai Shen himself after a very long time. There is no doubt that this press conference will change the entire world forever and be recorded in the annals of human civilization..."

"...Welcome everyone to watch the live broadcast of the immigration eligibility conference brought to you by Penguin News. The start of the conference has entered the countdown. Let us wait and see and witness the history together!"

Along with outside the Xihe Park, more and more media reporters gathered, accompanied by a group of media reporters reporting impassionedly and passionately.

In the online live broadcast rooms of various media, a large number of viewers began to gather.

Countless people either opened the online live broadcast rooms of various media, or turned on the holographic TV.

Even if it is distributed to various media, each media live broadcast room gathers a huge number of viewers.

"...excited, so excited that I didn't close my eyes all night, the press conference is finally about to start."

" era will be opened by this press conference, and we! will witness the arrival of this great era."

"...It's so dangerous, I was so excited that I couldn't fall asleep last night, and I almost overslept today."

"Zhai Shenhui will personally host the press conference, right, hahaha, excited!"


The audience was excited, and the media broadcast rooms continued to erupt.

And time is also passing quickly in the continuous explosion of barrage in various media live broadcast rooms.


Under the excited reports of the media, countless audiences are in the tense anticipation.

The Terminator outside the Xihe headquarters campus received an order to make way for a passage.

The media reporters who had obtained the interview permission began to enter the Xihe Park in batches.

"... What you are seeing now is the live broadcast of Zhaicheng Aerospace and Xihe Technology's interstellar immigration qualification conference. There is only half an hour left before the conference, and all the media have already started to enter..."

"...What you are seeing now is the scene of the press conference. This is really a shocking and immersive picture..."


Just as a group of media reporters began to enter the press conference venue.

On the other side, inside Zhai City Space Center.

It is still relatively quiet and orderly, and each research team is carrying out their own research tasks and performing their respective duties.

On the fifth floor of the Rocket Building, there is a comprehensive chemical laboratory.

Some researchers in the chemistry-related research team are busy in the laboratory, continuing to carry out related research.

In the corner of the laboratory, in a slightly secluded area, Zhang Zhai also stood in front of the workbench, operating the instruments and participating in the research work of the second research team of inorganic chemistry.

"...God Zhai, in the specific experiment of the eighteenth research mission, I encountered some inexplicable problems." A researcher appeared beside Zhang Zhai and asked for advice.

"After the discussion in our research group, I really can't figure it out, can I ask you for advice?"

Hearing this, Zhang Zhai put down the ongoing experiment and turned to look at the researcher.

Take the experimental records and related materials handed over by him. Zhang Zhai browsed through it at a very fast speed.

"The thinking is deviated, and the research experiment is over the edge." Zhang Zhai took the pen on the side workbench, circled the experimental records and materials a few times, and handed the materials back to the researcher.

"Change direction and think again."

"Thank you God Zhai." After the researcher said a word, he took the materials and left, lost in thought.


Withdrawing his gaze, Zhang Zhai turned his head back, continued to operate the instrument, and carried out the unfinished experiment in hand.

"Father, Hua Menglian informs you that the press conference will be held soon." A1's voice sounded at the right time.

Hearing this, Zhang Zhai nodded slightly, but did not stop his movements.

After finishing the experiment in an orderly manner, he turned around and walked out of the laboratory.


at the same time.

Xihe Science and Technology Park, inside the press conference venue of the headquarters building.

The moment a group of media stepped into the venue, they fell into shocking emotions instantly.

Nuo Da's press conference venue was completely covered by holographic images.

This is a scene of a dense rainforest, with luxuriant trees growing densely, clusters of plants of different species all over the place, vines clinging to the trees, rotting dead leaves piled up, and various animals can be seen from time to time move in it.

Under the shroud of holographic images, stepping into the conference venue is like stepping into another world.

The real holographic image made it impossible for the media to tell whether they were indoors or in the rainforest.

The media and the audience couldn't help being immersed in it.

The reporters who were excitedly reporting could not help but silence the moment they stepped into the press conference.


In various media live broadcast rooms,

It also fell into a very short period of silence, but after a moment,

The barrage that was several times larger than before exploded in an instant.

"... Shocking, could this picture be..."

"...This is a holographic image of the rainforest in Taiyin City. I saw a Qilin dog!"

"From this perspective, the rain forest feels more real, no, I must immigrate to Taiyin City!"

After they were the first to discover that this was a real picture of some areas in the Taiyin City ecological area, everyone reacted one after another in a very short time.

Following this, the audience in the live broadcast rooms of various media became more and more excited.


In the press conference venue, various media reporters were also led by the Terminator, and under the cover of the holographic image, the hidden positions were in place.

"...Here is the live broadcast of the interstellar immigration qualification conference brought to you by the news channel. Right now, we are at the conference site, and what you see is the real-time projection of some areas of the rainforest in Taiyin City. .”

"...The press conference hosted by Zhai Shen is about to begin. Let us look forward to the arrival of a new era and the birth of a historic moment..."

Time passed with more and more excited reports by a group of media reporters.

In the live broadcast rooms of various media, the number of people online has risen exponentially.


Under the tense and excited anticipation of countless people,

The scheduled time for the press conference is coming.


Zhang Zhai, who arrived at Xihe Park in an anti-gravity car, has already appeared beside the rostrum of the press conference.

All media reporters present pointed their cameras at Zhang Zhai's figure.

He glanced at the entire press conference venue and didn't stop there.

Zhang Zhai walked unhurriedly, passed the stairs, stepped onto the rostrum, and walked to the middle area of ​​the rostrum.

Facing the media reporters in front of the rostrum, Zhang Zhai smiled slightly.

Looking around at the crowd in the venue, he fixed his eyes again,

"Welcome to the press conference jointly held by Xihe Technology at Zhaicheng Aerospace Center. I am Zhang Zhai."

After the words fell, all the media reporters became excited.

Countless viewers who watched the live broadcast also boiled.

The press conference officially begins.

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