Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 64 Long time no see, I miss you so much

Zhang Zhai touched his face and remembered that he hadn't paid much attention to his image during this time.

I'm afraid, at this time, my appearance is a bit bad.

In fact, it was more than terrible, with greasy hair, acne on the face, dark circles around the eyes, and pale and chapped lips.

Such a good young man, he seemed to be fleeing famine in a daze.

But does it matter?

Anyway, Zhang Zhai felt that it was not important at all.

Now, it's still business.

"Let's not talk about the image or anything. Mr. Xie, you promised me five hundred people, you forgot, right?"

Zhang Di opened his mouth to ask for someone, annoyed Chief Xie, and said angrily, "What do you think I am? A human trafficker?"

After speaking, Chief Xie gave Xiao Liu a look, Xiao Liu understood, and then left the office.

Zhang Zhai didn't care about Xiao Liu's departure, he was still talking to Chief Xie.

"Ahem, can this be the same? Mr. Xie." Zhang Zhai smiled coyly, and then flattered him, "Mr. Xie, how can you be a human trafficker? You are clearly the old chief I admire."

Chief Xie was really happy, he had never seen such a shameless person.

However, he didn't show it on his face. Instead, he snorted, "It's really different. Human traffickers have to ask for money, and I don't want any money."

"Cough cough cough..." Zhang Zhai choked on his saliva and coughed.

"Okay, what are you coughing, coughing, five hundred people sent by the military are already waiting for you in the Gobi Desert." Chief Xie said angrily, but finally gave Zhang Zhai a satisfactory answer.

"Then thank you, Mr. Xie." Zhang Zhai smiled cheerfully.

He is very happy, these five hundred people are definitely of great use to him.

" boy..." Chief Xie shook his head, feeling a little helpless.

"Boom boom boom..."

At this moment the door rang again.

"Come in."

Xiao Liu, who had left just now, came in with a basin with a field towel on it. The basin was filled with hot water, which was still steaming.

"Water is brought for you, wash your face, and look at you." Chief Xie said to Zhang Zhai, his tone seemed to be complaining, but it was more about the concern of the elders for the younger ones.

Looking at the basin of hot water in front of him, Zhang Di was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his hand, put the towel into the water, picked it up, wrung it dry, and washed his face well.

Silently in my heart, although I don't know if you always do it on purpose or from the bottom of your heart, but the kid accepts this love.

"Wash your face, isn't it much more comfortable?" Chief Xie said with a smile.


Zhang Zhai couldn't help spit out these two words.

In winter, after washing your face with hot water, you can feel the pores are open, which is really comfortable.

Hearing Zhang Zhai's words, Mr. Xie smiled even more.


After a long time, the topic diverted by this basin of hot water finally returned to the right track.

"You came to me today to ask for someone, what's the matter, the virtual battlefield is ready?"

Chief Xie is still very concerned about the virtual battlefield project.

"The work I can do is over. The design of the virtual battlefield No. 002 has been completed, and the shortcomings of the experimental version No. 001 have been absorbed. In actual use, there should be no problem."

"The design of version 002 has been completed?" Chief Xie asked in surprise, "So fast?"

"Well, it's basically over. The rest of the experts are still perfecting some details. I guess Mr. Xie will get the news in a few hours."

Zhang Zhai nodded and said, "So, I chose to leave. The next step is to build the 002 virtual battlefield. This time, the area covered is not as large as the 001 virtual battlefield used in the last experiment. It covers an area of ​​one square kilometer." , according to the efficiency of the military, I am afraid it will take a few months, and if I stay there any longer, it will be a waste of time."

"Well, Xiao Zhai, thank you for this matter." Chief Xie showed a slightly excited expression.

"It's nothing hard or hard work. This is one of the conditions I agreed to before." Zhang Zhai shook his head and said indifferently.

Mr. Xie didn't say anything about this, but instead asked: "Now that the matter of the virtual battlefield is over, Xiao Zhai, what do you plan to do next? Go back to school and continue studying, or?"

"I will go back to school to stay for two to three weeks, earn all the credits in all subjects, and apply for early graduation." Zhang Zhai replied after thinking for a while,

"And then, it's time to go to the Gobi Desert."

Chief Xie nodded at first. As for whether Zhang Zhai could finish his credits ahead of schedule, his genius level had already given the answer, and Chief Xie had no doubts.

However, the second half of the sentence made Chief Xie look directly at him, and said earnestly: "You don't think about it anymore? In the Gobi Desert, it is no exaggeration to say that there is no grass and no people. It can even be said that there are no signals. No, are you sure you can take it?"

Zhang Di smiled.

Mr. Xie may not understand what the Gobi Desert is to him.

That is not a desert, but a place where dreams set sail.

It is the stage that he can display at will, and it is the wings that he leads Huaguo and even the world to take off.

So, can he not go?

Therefore, Zhang Zhai was sure, even categorical, and replied word by word: "Go, definitely go. Although there is no one inhabited now, didn't I say it? I want to make it a bright pearl in the history of the world."

"Mr. Xie? You don't believe me, do you?" Zhang Zhai said with a smile.

"Believe it, why don't you believe it! You boy, you are a genius!"

"When will you leave, tell me! Old man, I will see you off myself!"

"Okay, thank you!" Zhang Zhai laughed.

In fact, Chief Xie persuaded Zhang Zhai not because of the desolation of the Gobi Desert.

but the dangers that may arise.

For Zhang Di, now, that barren place is a good place for spies from other countries to assassinate, murder, kidnap, and assassinate him.

After all, it is difficult to take care of the security system in the city in the desert.

Moreover, the Gobi Desert is located at the junction of Neimeng and Xinjiang.

If foreign spies want to infiltrate, it is undoubtedly much more convenient than infiltrating the capital of China.

Therefore, it was precisely because of Zhang Zhai's safety that Chief Xie persuaded him to stay in the capital of China.

But in the end, he still didn't say it clearly, and chose to respect Zhang Zhai's choice.

So Zhang Di, do you understand the dangers he may encounter during this trip?

In fact, he also thought about it. After all, a head with 150 intelligence points is not too stupid.

So he asked Mr. Xie for five hundred people.

More importantly, I am the child of destiny, how can I die so easily!

This is self-comforting optimism, self-confidence, and a kind of persistence.

"Then thank you, since this is the case, then I will go first."

"Well, let's go." Chief Xie nodded and waved his hand.

Zhang Zhai turned around, looked at the guard Xiao Liu, and grinned, "Brother Liu, I need to trouble you to take me back to school."

"Mr. Zhang, you are polite."


An hour later, the jeep entered the city.

Seeing the car blocking the road, the horn beeping non-stop, the roadside and the street, the urban appearance of people coming and going.

Zhang Zhai let out another long breath.

Looking at these people who are rushing to work, or returning home in a hurry, or people shopping in the shops on the street, Zhang Zhai feels strange while sitting in the car, but at the same time feels out of place.

Suddenly, Zhang Zhai seemed to remember something.

He took out his mobile phone, opened Teaser, and clicked the live broadcast button.

Looking at the audience still waiting in the live broadcast room, Zhang Zhai grinned,

"My friends, long time no see, I miss you so much."

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