Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 638 Construction of Ground-to-Gold Unidirectional Transmission Line

Chapter 647 Construction of gold-to-ground one-way transmission line

Zhaicheng Aerospace Center, ground command room.


The door of the command room opened automatically, and Zhang Zhai quickly stepped into the command room, passed by a group of ground command personnel, and walked to the front of the ground command room.

At the same time, the holographic projection of Academician Gan emerged at the same time.

"Mr. Zhang..." As soon as the holographic image appeared, Academician Gan noticed the appearance of Zhang Zhai.

Walking to the front of the command room, Zhang Zhai nodded to Academician Gan, and turned his gaze to the holographic screen in front of the command room.

On the holographic screen, the screen is divided into two.

On the left is the screen of the temporary command room of the Yinghuo branch, and on the right is the temporary command room of the Qiming branch.

According to the plan, Yinghuo City and Qiming City will be mainly responsible for the construction of the gold-to-ground one-way transmission line and the improvement of the two-way transmission line in the ground-gold transmission line.

The implementation of the plan at this moment will also be carried out by Yinghuo City and Qiming City. The Moon Palace Branch and even the Zhai City Space Center on the ground are only used as auxiliary.

Zhang Zhai stared at the screens on both sides, engrossed in a group of plan executives, and glanced at the countdown to plan implementation at the bottom of the holographic screen.

"Half an hour..." Zhang Zhai whispered to himself, and looked at the screen in the temporary command room of the Yinghuo branch.

According to the needs of the implementation of the plan, the node transmission device components manufactured by Qiming Branch will first be transported to the ground through the ground-to-fire two-way transmission line, and then transferred through the ground, and the node transmission device components will be transmitted to the ground through the ground-to-gold transmission line. The position of each node of the line.

Right now, it's about time...

"Attention all regions, open the front exit of Yinghuo City, open the external hatches of each mooring room in the interstellar port, and order the anti-gravity transport vehicle to go to the ground."

At the same time Zhang Zhai looked behind the screen on the side of the Yinghuo branch, the command voice from the temporary command room of the Yinghuo branch rang through the quantum communication equipment on Mars, Earth, Venus, and the moon at the same time.


In Yinghuo City, the anti-gravity transport vehicles that had been prepared before quickly began to execute the instructions.

A large anti-gravity transport vehicle full of node transmission device components either passed through the decompression chamber, poured out from the front exit of Yinghuo City, or directly passed through the external hatch of the interstellar port.

After the anti-gravity transport vehicles poured out one after another quickly gathered together,

Start with several vehicles and advance side by side, forming a long queue in batches in a manner of superimposing several layers, quickly moving towards the outside of Yinghuo City, and the transmission end of the ground fire transmission device poured in.

The faint blue light curtain rippled, and batches of anti-gravity transport vehicles began to transmit through the transmission line of the ground fire node.


After a very short time.

On the ground, the area where the ground terminal and starting point transmission device of the ground fire transmission line is several kilometers away from Zhaicheng Space Center.

On the terminal transmission device, ripples appeared on the faint blue light curtain.

In the next moment, from Yinghuo City, the first batch of anti-gravity transport vehicles that passed through hundreds of node transmission jumps poured out of the blue light curtain.

After rushing out, the first batch of anti-gravity transport vehicles drove straight towards the starting point installation area not far away, without stopping at all.

Afterwards, the second batch of anti-gravity transport vehicles also emerged,

Batches of anti-gravity transport vehicle followers, in the direction of a group of anti-gravity transport vehicles in front of them, seemed to be continuously gushing out of the blue light curtain.

Pull a billowing torrent across the sky between the ground fire transmission device and the ground gold transmission device.


On the other side, arriving at the transmission device area at the starting point of the ground gold transmission line, the anti-gravity transport vehicles above the warning area did not rush straight into the ground gold transmission line, but parked over the area again.

Batches of anti-gravity transport vehicles circled the entire area, parked in circles, and when all the anti-gravity transport vehicles reached the area, the entire sky was covered.

"With so many anti-gravity transport vehicles, is Zhaicheng Space Center making another big move?"

Outside the warning area, many tourists gathered. They looked up at the phalanx of anti-gravity transport vehicles that covered the sky and the sun, and they were a little excited.

"Isn't it going to build a new interstellar city again? Will the immigration qualifications be opened to the outside world this time?" A tourist said with some expectation, while using the camera that comes with the holographic device to take pictures of the scene in front of him.

"Crack... I think, this should be the two-way transmission construction of the ground-gold transmission line?" A tourist next to him took out a holographic device to take a picture, and said with some uncertainty.

"Well, it should be, but after the two-way transmission between land and gold is realized, the price should drop again."

"Sure, after the construction of the two-way transmission line of the earth metal transmission line is completed, a large amount of resources developed from Venus will continue to be transported back to the ground. The total amount of resources owned by human beings has increased, and the price and cost of living will definitely decrease."

"But it shouldn't drop too much, right? After all, the cost of living is low enough."

"No, no, no, unless it is directly controlled, it will drop as much as it should, and at most it will not drop suddenly. This kind of reduction has a large material resource base, so no matter how much it drops, it will not have a negative impact."

"Well... But, what you said is not entirely correct. It will not have a negative impact on our country of Hua, but it will have a negative impact on other countries."

"That's right. Since the realization of the two-way transmission between the earth and the moon, the purchasing power of other countries' currencies has continued to plummet. Only our Huaguo's money is thriving. I read the news two days ago, and several large Huaguo companies announced that they would not accept non-Huaguo. Settlement in currencies other than currency.”


Just outside the warning area, a group of tourists were discussing and chatting.

Zhaicheng Aerospace Center, ground command room,

"The anti-gravity transport vehicles have all arrived at the ground metal transmission device area."

The feedback sound rang through the quantum communication equipment in Zhaicheng Space Center and various branches.

"Attention all regions, the start-point device of the gold-to-ground one-way transmission line has begun to be constructed."

The command sound from Qiming City resounded in each branch and the command room on the ground.

Announced that the construction of the two-way transmission of the ground-metal transmission line has officially started.

"Order the anti-gravity transport vehicle to immediately start passing through the ground metal transmission line and head to the designated areas."

"Pay attention to auxiliary monitoring in the ground command room."

At the front of the command room, Zhang Zhai also picked up the communicator and issued an order.

Turning around, Zhang Zhai continued to look at the front holographic screen.

On the holographic screen, there are still two images.

One is the picture of the area where the ground device of the ground metal transmission line is located.

With the start of the construction plan, the command was issued, and the anti-gravity transport vehicles suspended above the warning area began to pour into the transmission device.

The other place is the scene inside Qiming City.

The Terminator forming a phalanx quickly moved only the manufacturing area of ​​the Qiming branch, and moved the starting point device components of the gold-to-ground one-way transmission line of the ground-gold transmission line to the central area of ​​Qiming City, where the transmission device is located.

The moment they arrived at the designated location, a group of terminators immediately started the construction of the starting point transmission device on the surface of Venus in the gold-to-ground one-way transmission line.


In the picture, the construction plans of Qiming City and Yinghuo City are being carried out at two places at the same time.

As the faint blue light curtain on the ground continued to rippling, batches of anti-gravity transport vehicles gradually disappeared in it, and began to quickly transport forward along the ground metal transmission line.

With the quick and precise operation of a group of terminators in the city of Venus Yinghuo, the starting point transmission device was gradually constructed.

The two-way transmission of the ground-metal transmission line is perfect, basically following the same model when the ground-fire transmission two-way line is perfect.

Through the existing ground-to-gold one-way transmission line, the anti-gravity transport vehicle equipped with the components of the node transmission device is transmitted to each designated location, and then directly in space in a closed space composed of multiple anti-gravity transport vehicles. The node transmission device is assembled.

time flies,

Batches of anti-gravity transport vehicles successfully arrived at the designated positions in space through the transmission device, and the terminators who were also riding in batches of anti-gravity transport vehicles quickly started the assembly of the node transmission device.


The node transmission device on Venus was completed, and after standing in Qiming City for a while, the node transmission devices in various positions in space were also assembled at the same time.

"Throws all node transporter large parts."

The commands sounded simultaneously in Qiming City, Yinghuo City, Yuegong City and the ground.

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