Zhang Heng once thought that the first class of the first major class arranged by Yuehua was already hell, but when he entered the second class, he knew what real hell was!

The first major class arranged by Yuehua has three class hours. The first class hour is offensive training, the second class hour is defensive training, and the third class hour is actual combat training.

As the name suggests, defensive training is a training in which he is beaten and cannot fight back. This time Zhang Heng needs to stand for 30 minutes in the stormy attack of Yuehua before he can pass the test.

If the training in the first class is still within Zhang Heng's psychological tolerance, then the second class is a real nightmare...


Zhang Heng's neck was twisted 180 degrees.

"No, come again." Yuehua waved his hand expressionlessly, and Zhang Heng was resurrected with blood.


Half a minute later, Zhang Heng's temple was sunk into the inside of his head by Yuehua's elbow.

"No, continue." Zhang Heng was resurrected on the spot again.


Another minute passed, Zhang Heng's entire jaw was shattered by Yuehua's knee, and he couldn't die any longer.


Ten hours later, when Zhang Heng woke up from the virtual space, the first thing he did was to rush to the toilet as fast as he could, and vomit in a big mouth!

Countless deaths have left him in a state of mental breakdown, excessive secretion of adrenaline, and various symptoms of discomfort in his body.

"You must adapt as soon as possible. There are still fifty-one days and twenty hours before the next mission starts."

Yuehua's figure appeared on the screen again.

"You go! I don't have your sister!" Zhang Heng's brain was so confused that he babbled nonsense, and after speaking, he vomited again.

"Your Excellency Commander..."

"Mud play Kai!"


Time continued to pass during Zhang Heng's dark training. Although he had a serious disturbance of consciousness due to maladaptation at first, as the special training intensified, Zhang Heng's disturbance of consciousness was broken by a crueler reality!

Eventually it became numbness, it became a habit...

Until the fifth day of Zhang Heng's special training, which is half a year after the virtual space, Zhang Heng finally persisted for more than half an hour under Yuehua's stormy attack. I cried with joy!

This night was the sweetest night in Zhang Heng's life.

At six o'clock in the morning the next day, Zhang Heng opened his eyes on time. The T virus brought far more physical fitness than ordinary people, and also brought amazing brain power. Zhang Heng's biological clock was adjusted extremely accurately, as if on With a clockwork pocket watch, his grasp of time even reached the minute level.

Brush your teeth and wash your face as usual, and then habitually run on the treadmill in the morning -- this is a habit that Zhang Heng has cultivated during this period. According to Yuehua, training in virtual space alone is not enough, and virtual space is the most After training Zhang Heng's combat awareness and skills, he could not improve the most basic physical fitness.

After Zhang Heng was injected with the T virus, his physical potential can already be described as a little superman, but in fact he can only exert the ultimate quality of the human body. This is because physical exercise is not enough. In fact, Zhang Heng's current physical potential , which can completely double the speed and power.

Unlike ordinary people jogging on a treadmill, Zhang Heng's treadmill is specially made to order, with a maximum speed of 80 kilometers per hour. Zhang Heng tried it before, and he can rush at a maximum speed of 40 kilometers. 丨The stab for 500 meters, on average, reaches more than 11 meters per second!

The speed of the 100-meter sprint/sprint is 9.09 seconds, which is 0.49 seconds faster than the world record!

Zhang Heng first jogged at a speed of 25 kilometers per hour for an hour, then performed sprint training, and then took a shower after everything was done, which happened to be around eight o'clock.

Zhang Heng is in a good mood today,

No, it's not great anymore, it's a relief from tears of joy - because there's one more important thing to do today than training.

If there is something to do, it means that there is no need for training. Without training, it means temporarily getting rid of Yuehua's claws.

At about eight o'clock, there was a roar of a large car engine outside the warehouse. Zhang Heng opened the door of the warehouse and saw more than a dozen heavy trucks driving to the open space outside the warehouse one after another.

A man dressed as a foreman stepped out of the truck and shook hands with Zhang Heng. Zhang Heng was not stingy, and directly took out two pieces of Zhonghua and stuffed them into the foreman's hand.

After chatting for a while, the foreman looked at his watch, and then waved his hand. Twenty or thirty workers got off the truck one after another. Under the command of the foreman, the various electronic devices in the warehouse were disassembled and packaged, and carried to the truck one by one.

"Everyone, be careful, these things are high-precision instruments, no one can afford to damage them!"

"Take it lightly!"

The foreman shouted while supervising everyone.

There were so many people and great strength that the warehouse was basically emptied at about ten o'clock in the morning.

Finally, the foreman personally drove a crane, and everyone worked together to dismantle the warehouse roof, and then hoisted a huge statue wrapped in a white curtain from the roof.

This huge statue is the black god's seal, but the black god's seal is in the open state at this time. Under the interference of the god's seal's thinking, no one has any curious thoughts about the statue under the curtain.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Heng dared to expose the black divine seal to everyone's sight.

The final seal was also loaded onto the truck, and many trucks lined up in a column, roaring towards the construction site of the Hengxing Technology Building located in the development zone.

Zhang Heng was still a little worried, so he personally sat in the truck carriage loaded with the seal and followed the team to the construction site.

After arriving at the scene, I saw that the foundation of five days ago had already changed greatly, and now it has become a huge deep pit covering an area of ​​10,000 square meters and a depth of 50 meters!

The bottom of the deep pit is bright and dignified. Looking closely, it turned out to be formed by welding hundreds of huge stamped steel plates to each other.

On top of the steel plate, there are hundreds of thick solid steel columns standing. Such a huge handwriting can only be done by Zhang Heng, who is not paying money.

If these are not too strange, then in the center of the foundation, there is a circular deep pit with a diameter of five meters and a depth of more than 20 meters, like a launch silo, strange and outrageous.

However, because it is located in a remote suburb, no one has found that the foundation of this building seems to be too deep, which is completely inconsistent with the common sense of building buildings.

"Boss!" Zhang Heng just jumped out of the truck when a young man in the distance beckoned to him, and then ran over quickly.

"Boss, the foundation of our building is too deep, and we also use special steel to fix the foundation? Boss Li almost scolded you to death." However, Fang Hao complained as soon as he arrived.

Zhang Heng looked at Fang Hao carefully, and saw that Fang Hao's spirit was stronger than the last time we met. His originally pale complexion had been tanned a lot because he had been overseeing the construction site, and his figure was also strong. When I got up, although I was still skinny like noodles, it was much better than before.

"It's okay, what about the little Confucian?" Zhang Heng waved his hand, but he didn't find Li Yiru.

"Boss Li didn't come today, and the office building is still recruiting people." Fang Hao smiled awkwardly, and consciously reported, "Now our company has hired more than a dozen people, but they are all about finance and planning. Now that they have nothing to do, Boss Li takes them all day to learn all kinds of corporate knowledge, so it’s not the way to go on like this.”

"Don't worry, something will be done soon." Zhang Heng nodded casually, and then asked the foreman to use a crane to put the black divine seal into the deep pit in the center of the foundation, and it turned out to be exactly the same.

Next, a group of slightly smaller cranes stacked the same huge stamped steel plates on the brackets next to the steel columns. A group of electric welders immediately followed and welded those steel plates densely together, only to hear a huge noise. , if someone unrelated to see it at this time, I am afraid they will think that this is building a bank vault.

However, for such an unconventional building, the construction workers on site didn't even show any doubts, and they didn't even talk in small voices.

This is the power of the Divine Seal. Although the Divine Seal cannot control thoughts, it can block certain memories. At this time, the Divine Seal is doing its best to release mental interference to everyone present, so that everyone can instinctively ignore the abnormality of the construction site. .

Zhang Heng watched the construction of the crowd in this way, and saw that the 50-meter deep pit was rapidly rising under the construction of pieces of special steel, and the pattern could be gradually seen.

In Zhang Heng's design, the Stellar Science and Technology Building has 55 floors with a total height of 188 meters. The underground buildings are divided into secret buildings and public buildings. The public buildings are the garages on the first and second floors. , a total of eight meters high. Under the garage, there is a ten-meter-thick concrete layer and a rammed earth layer, which are used as a hidden foundation.

Next is the underground high-secret experimental area, which is all made of stamped special steel with a thickness of 50 mm. Because the foundation is larger than the floor area, under Zhang Heng's deliberate entrustment, the bottom area of ​​the experimental area reaches 10,000 square meters, a total of seven floors.

Due to possible necessity, Zhang Heng designed the bottom base to be eight meters high, the sixth floor is five meters, and the fifth to first floors are about three meters high.

In Zhang Heng's design, the first floor of the underground building is the material area and the warning area. All the materials will be stored here. Anyone who enters from the outside can only enter the first floor, and then take the independent elevator on the first floor to enter the deeper one. floor.

The second floor is the living area, where various entertainment facilities and staff quarters will be set up.

Starting from the third floor, Zhang Heng built the laboratory in strict accordance with the 'biosafety level standards' set by the 'US Centers for Disease Control'.

In the third floor, there are fifty basic laboratories of "first biosafety level".

On the fourth floor, each laboratory has a larger space, and complex protective devices such as isolation walls have begun to appear. There are a total of thirty basic laboratories with 'secondary biosafety level'.

On the fifth floor, the laboratory space is larger and more complex, with not only the separation wall, but also emergency destruction devices such as poison gas, high temperature, and liquid nitrogen.

The sixth floor is the high-risk experimental area. Anyone who wants to enter this floor is a high-level company. It will also be used for high-risk experiments. There are 20 high-risk laboratories built in strict accordance with the 'fourth-level biosafety level'. The protective laboratory, the isolation wall of the laboratory even reached 20 layers and three meters thick!

Finally, there is the seventh floor at the bottom. There are only four laboratories on the seventh floor, scattered in four corners.

Why only four? Because Zhang Heng on the seventh floor is protected by ten times stricter than the standard set by the US Centers for Disease Control. Fittedly built, there is no ventilation system and energy system at all, because each laboratory is self-sufficient. In the future, it will be equipped with an oxygen circulation machine and a large generator. Even if you cultivate aliens in the laboratory, you are not afraid of him escaping. go.

The seventh floor is also the most confidential floor. Only Zhang Heng himself and the most core scientific researchers can enter, and even only in the center of the seventh floor can they find the underground pit leading to the black divine seal.

In order to place the black divine seal, Zhang Heng took great pains.

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