In the early morning, the soft light penetrated through the gap of the cabinet door and reflected in Zhang Heng's eyes.

Zhang Heng opened his eyes slowly, and through the cabinet door, he confirmed that it was still the scene of yesterday, and there was no danger, so he opened the cabinet door and climbed out.

Gently stretched his body that had been curled up all night, Zhang Heng looked at his feet, the dead zombie was still lying in a pool of sticky blood.

Zhang Heng hesitated for a while, and then rummaged through the other person's body, but unfortunately he didn't find any valuable items except for a rotten wallet and a rubber stick that was not lethal.

Walking to the window again and opening a small opening, Zhang Heng saw that there were several more zombies in the hall. Just after a night of searching, the zombies who found nothing chose to sleep again to maintain energy, just like the computer is on standby.

These zombies were lying on the ground, like corpses that had been dead for many years. If Zhang Heng hadn't seen them moving around yesterday, he would have never imagined that these mummified corpses were actually a group of living dead who chose people to eat.


Zhang Heng scolded secretly, he didn't know what organs these zombies rely on to capture humans besides the sound and smell. But obviously, if he wants to pass the hall, he must pass by the sleeping zombies. If one of them is disturbed, then it is very likely that the zombies in the whole building will be waiting for him.

Zhang Heng was suddenly distressed. To be honest, he was just an ordinary person living in the 21st century. He was an ordinary person in terms of power, and even more so in terms of power and money. Except for some more knowledge than ordinary people, he had no Advantage.

But now, that damn dimensional star is forcing him to fight with zombies that are enough to destroy human beings?

"If you continue to hide, you will still be dead. Why don't you fight?" Zhang Heng gritted his teeth and wiped away the mushy plasma from the zombie's body. There was indeed a T virus in the zombie's body. , but the T virus is only transmitted through the exchange of blood and body fluids, that is to say, as long as the blood is not applied to one's own wound, there is no risk of infection.

Zhang Heng took off his clothes and smeared the pool of coagulated blood on his body, but after a while, he turned into a bloody man with a foul smell all over his body.

In Zhang Heng's analysis, zombies distinguish human beings only by relying on three senses: sight, smell and hearing. It is absolutely impossible to produce a sixth sense or the like, otherwise human beings will be extinct long ago, and it will not be delayed until twelve years later. And among these three senses, the vision is elusive. Zombies do not eat the same kind, so how does he distinguish the difference between the same kind of humans by vision?

Therefore, according to Zhang Heng's vision, when a human becomes a zombie, it will emit a pheromone unique to zombies, and it is with this pheromone that zombies can distinguish the difference between the same kind and food.

That's why Zhang Heng smeared zombie blood on himself. He wanted to cover his own smell with the smell of zombie blood.

Of course, Zhang Heng never thought of completely fooling the zombies by this method, he only needed to fool the zombies' sense of smell.

If the biochemical crisis just broke out, Zhang Heng would not consider this method at all, but now it is different, because human beings are almost extinct, these zombies have no food to eat at all, and can only keep sleeping to reduce consumption. As for the sleeping zombies, the only things that can distinguish humans are sounds and smells with little probability.

Zhang Heng could only try not to make a sound, but the smell on his body was enough to betray his existence. Before, because the security room was relatively closed, he was lucky to hide his breath, so he was not discovered by the zombies. After all, zombies are also transformed from humans. Even if his sense of smell is higher than that of humans, it will not be too much higher. It is impossible to find survivors by chasing the smell of humans like a dog.

Only by turning one's own scent into the scent of zombies, then the only thing that sleeping zombies can rely on,

Just hearing. As long as you are careful, is there no possibility of success?

Thinking of this, Zhang Heng secretly encouraged himself. I have to say that people are forced out. In the great horror of life and death, an ordinary person who has never killed a chicken can be forced to challenge zombies and complete basically impossible tasks. Human beings have limitless potential.

When everything was ready, Zhang Heng gently opened the door of the security room, and suddenly, the iron door that had been in disrepair made a slight creaking sound.

The only barrier that blocked the zombies disappeared. Zhang Heng's heart was pounding. Every time he took a step, he would wait quietly for a moment to make sure that the zombies would not be awakened before continuing to move. It took about four or five minutes before he reached the first step. in front of a zombie.

Looking at the sleeping zombie lying on the ground, Zhang Heng took a deep breath again, held the saber tightly in his hand, and stabbed it sharply!


A slight voice came, and Zhang Heng directly pierced the zombie's eye socket with a dagger, destroying the opponent's brain!

That's right, this is Zhang Heng's entire plan. He has to rely on his unknowing actions to remove all the visible zombies on the road!

For ordinary people, if it is analyzed that smearing zombie blood can avoid dormant zombies, then the first reaction of this person must be to go upstairs quietly, rather than kill them one by one.

But Zhang Heng is not an ordinary person after all. The appearance of the Dimensional Star forced him to face life and death, and he even began to gradually adapt to this role. From this, it can be seen that his psychological quality is very good, at least ordinary people will never have His guts now.

In his plan, he would never use the method of going upstairs quietly, which, in his view, was tantamount to suicide. If a zombie is awakened in the process of going upstairs, then the consequence is that all zombies will be awakened, and then the two sides will attack, and there will be no hope of survival.

So, he would rather use a more troublesome method to clean up all the way. This method may be tiring and troublesome, but it has a higher survival rate and is more secure.

Through this method, Zhang Heng finally saw a glimmer of hope to complete the task...

(This chapter is not enough for 2000 words, but the plot can already be segmented here, so the author adds some nonsense, please recommend! Please recommend! Recommended ticket! Ask for recommendation ticket! Ask for recommendation ticket! Ask for recommendation ticket! Ask for recommendation ticket! Ask for recommendation ticket! Ask for recommendation ticket!

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