The two test subjects were facing the camera, so that Joshua in front of the camera could directly see the terrified expressions on their faces, and then they were under general anesthesia.

After doing all this, another man took out a razor and began to shave the heads of the two of them. This man seemed to be very skilled, but in a few minutes, he shaved the two of them into big, bald heads, and then again. some disinfection.

Next, the assistant on the side built a surgical frame that is only used for craniotomy on the top of the two people's heads, hooping the heads of the two people, only exposing the part of the Tianling cover, and then put on the operating table cloth again. The naked Tianling Gai was exposed in front of everyone without any obstruction.

Looking at the cold expressions of everyone on the screen, Joshua felt a chill all over for some reason. He couldn't help sitting on the leather sofa and leaned back. At this time, the video had successfully aroused his interest.

"This is a kind of craniotomy? What's the purpose? What's the use value?" These questions are what Joshua wants to be curious about. As for the fate of the two experimental subjects, it is obviously not something he should care about.

Because the operating frame is unique, in addition to the medical staff who performed the operation who could only see the two men's heavenly lids, Joshua, who was in front of the camera, could see the whole bodies of the two experimental men. At this time, he saw that these medical staff drew lines on the skulls of the two subjects as expected, which determined the drilling holes for the craniotomy.

After about ten minutes of work, one of the men made an OK gesture, and the assistant who had been waiting for a long time pushed an unknown instrument.

This instrument is all about some hanging robotic arms, like a hanging spider. I saw what the assistant had set on the robotic arms. Next, these robotic arms moved to measure the size of the man's head at an extremely fast speed. In the next second, several robotic arms protruded out at the same time. A dark blue light was emitted and circled around the heads of the two experimental men at an extremely fast speed, then extinguished in an instant.

What does it do, laser measurement?

Joshua was stunned for a moment, but what happened the next second made him almost fall off the sofa!

After those mechanical arms were retracted, two assistants in chemical protective suits came up, carefully held the Tianling covers of the two experimental subjects, and lifted them up gently, they even lifted their Tianling covers, revealing the bottom. The meningeal layer of the white face!

Joshua couldn't help rubbing his eyes, and even pulled the playback bar back to confirm that there were no spliced ​​layers in this section before giving up. If this precise laser craniotomy just stunned him, then the next technology shocked him deeply.

After the two subjects exposed the meninges, several assistants gathered around again to make some statistics, and then the robotic arms fired a row of lasers to scan the entire brain several times.

"After scanning, the incision layer has been confirmed, ready to separate the brain and the parts below the brainstem, and prepare the nutrition compartment." One of the assistants made an OK gesture, and then the robotic arms moved again, and several lasers took milliseconds. The speed of the film kept irradiating the brain under the meninges, and even Joshua, who was the audience, couldn't help but secretly nervous. He had an idea, but even he couldn't believe it was true.

"Impossible, how is it possible! With current technology, how could such an operation exist..." Joshua murmured in a low voice, but his heavy breathing revealed his uneasy mood at this time.

"Prepare the hemostatic forceps. Be sure to stop the arteries and veins as soon as the brainstem is separated. In preparation for cutting, three, two, one!"

Immediately, the robotic arm moved at a faster speed, and dark blue lasers as thin as spider silk penetrated into the brain, and the brain was instantly irradiated hundreds of times.

"Separation is complete, hurry up!"

The assistants who were waiting on the side suddenly walked out one person,

Peel off the meninges with extremely light force - at this time, the brain of the experimental subject has already been cut by the laser, and the assistant picked up the brain without hindrance, and then quickly placed it into the transparent container like a giant beaker that had been prepared. Inside the container, there is a green solution that is bubbling constantly. After the brain is placed in it, it is suspended directly, floating up and down in the container.

At this time, because of the severed artery, a large amount of blood gurgled out of the intracranial cavity of the two subjects, and other assistants took out tools such as hemostatic forceps to force the bleeding.

"The blood pressure of subject No. 1 has dropped, and he is ready to inject a cardiotonic."

"Subject No. 2 is normal, pay attention to maintain the activity and concentration of the isolated brain cells."

Obviously, this kind of human experiment is not the first time. Although everyone is busy, there is no panic. Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

In the end, the cranial cavities of the two subjects were completely stopped bleeding. Next, the containers in which the two men placed their brains were exchanged with each other, and the voice commanded even more calmly.

"Prepare for the third step, the brain is reset." After speaking, Joshua saw that the seats of the two experimental subjects were slightly backwards, and the two changed from a sitting position to a half-lying position, and, that The two beaker-like containers were covered on the heads of the two with the joint efforts of the robotic arm and the human assistant. At the same time, a large number of robotic arms stretched into the other side of the container, directly linking the nerves of the brain in the green solution. .

If the first few steps are still within the reach of modern science, then the last step is not something that human beings can participate in at all—the last step is the connection of brain nerves, and the amount of work required is impossible for human beings except machinery!

Joshua just stared at it all. He could only see the robotic arms fiddling in the cavities of the separated brain and the experimental body. These robotic arms also take a lot of time. About half of the entire video is showing this picture, but Joshua forcibly held back the boredom. He just stared at it all, and his mind was already surging... …

It wasn't until an hour and a half later that there was a beeping sound on both instruments, and the red light on the instrument turned green. Until then, the sound continued to sound, "Okay, the cranial nerve grafting is complete, ready to test the blood vessel connection. degree."

"The patency rate of cerebral blood vessels in Subject No. 1 is 99%, and only a few capillaries show signs of damage, which is qualified."

"The patency rate of the cerebral blood vessels in the second experiment is over 99%, and it is qualified."

"Okay, now to test the neural link, prepare for the discharge test..."

"The discharge test is passed, and the nutrition chamber is ready to be evacuated, and the artificial meninges are sutured."

Until this time, Joshua finally sighed, he knew that it was meaningless to watch the rest. He shook his head with a wry smile, and simply pulled the progress bar back to the end.

At the end, the two slowly opened their eyes, and the black man named John looked around in confusion, and even raised his head, if it wasn't for a sutured wound visible to the naked eye, even Nothing different from before.

"Your name."

"Jack Garcia..."

The same question as before, the black man answered very smoothly, but Joshua had a deep sense of coldness. For a moment, he even had the urge to delete this video directly.

Should such a terrifying technology really appear in this world?

Joshua did not do this in the end. He just made a phone call and ordered his housekeeper to invite the most famous special effects artist in the entire United States to verify the authenticity of this video.


"Although I am very shocked by the events on the video, I have to say that I did not find any traces of cutting and modification in the whole video..."

A few hours later, a man stood in front of Joshua in amazement and danced, "Yes, you didn't understand me wrong, there is a 90% chance that this video is real. Yes! God, I swear to God, this is incredible, it's really a brain replacement surgery, if all this is true, then does anyone else fear aging and death..."

Joshua nodded expressionlessly and sent the special effects artist off with a large sum of money. After some coercion, the special effects artist also satisfactorily agreed to never reveal the content of this video.

After doing all this, Joshua pondered again. In addition to being shocked by the excellent technology of the Foundation, he also had an expectation - if he replaced a young body when he was old, he would definitely It's a very pleasant thing, isn't it?

Looking at the invitation letter from the foundation on the phone, Joshua's always calm and rational eyes flashed an uncontrollable greed.

"Cough cough cough..."

The next second, his father's violent coughing brought Joshua back to reality from his dream. At this time, he realized that his father and housekeeper had come to the reception room at some point. He quickly stood up and greeted softly, "Father..."

"No need to report, I already know, are you inviting us to Huaxia Haizhou? Joshua, you must go in the name of your family..."

Joshua nodded, no wonder why his father knew that his father had always had his own means. But when he looked up at his father, he trembled suddenly and almost screamed!

I saw my father, who had always been in the doldrums. At this time, there was a wolf-like light in his eyes. Those greedy eyes showed almost unparalleled ferocity and desire. Limbs, full of blood!

Joshua has not seen his father's eyes for 20 years since his father stepped back behind the scenes, but today he understands that the all-powerful wolf of Wall Street was released again because of the intrusion of this unknown foundation. Out……

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