Black Technology Monopoly

Chapter 556: Weird creature

When he saw the huge crater that was bombarded, Zhang Heng knew that the Archimedes satellite orbiter missed.

The previous artillery shell just bombarded the northwest of Schwarzschild's throat, and it was 300 meters away from Schwarzschild's throat, but even so, the satellite orbiter that was comparable to a million tons of nuclear bombs also gave those The legion of monsters rushing into reality caused a devastating blow ...

Numerous burned coke bodies are scattered on the ruins within a radius of 1,000 kilometers, and the sky is covered by the rain of the corpses of unknown monsters. The site hit by the orbital guns has formed a giant skyhole with a diameter of 100 kilometers and a depth of 100 meters. , As if a crater on the moon!

At this moment, Langlang Daylight has almost become the night, the sun is blocked by the soaring smoke, and the hot wind is constantly blowing. If you do not wear exoskeleton armor, it is estimated that this wind can instantly ignite people and burn them into Coke.

In this devastating attack, even the energy life will be torn into pieces due to various physical and chemical effects, which cannot be spared ...

Archimedes satellite rail guns can already be called map guns, which are enough artillery to change the terrain.

"His commander, the radiation here is very high. According to the doomsday armor detection, the gamma-ray radiation here has reached 500 millisieverts per hour!" Yue Hua's voice reminded Zhang Heng from the communication headset.

"Understand, continue to test." Zhang Heng nodded, the radiation dose per hour of 5.5 millisieverts is very high, even to the extent that it can affect communication and electronic equipment, if it is ordinary people, it will cause severe Acute radiation sickness.

"The radioactivity is still increasing, and it has reached 1,000 millisieverts per hour." Yuehua's voice was hesitant. "It is strange that the Archimedes satellite orbiter would not produce such a high dose of radiation. Horse rays come strangely. "

"When something goes wrong, there must be a monster." Zhang Hengze looked indifferent. As he opened his mouth, the majestic mental power poured out like a tide, covering a range of a thousand kilometers, and Zhang Heng's mental power swept this. While in the area, he suddenly saw something, and frowned subconsciously.

At the same time, a hundred meters away, a piece of ground with a diameter of more than ten meters began to heat up, as if there was a strong heat radiation source with a high temperature of several thousand degrees below the ground. The ground suddenly emitted strong green smoke, and the soil began to turn black and was completely burned Coke, but it's not over yet. After turning black, it started to turn dark red, faint, and turned into a magma-like thing!

"Her commander, be careful!" The clone soldiers on both sides stood in front of Zhang Heng automatically, holding up the pulse rifle and staring vigilantly there.

The color of this soil kept changing, and soon it was completely turned into a pool of magma, and it was still bubbling continuously, as if something strange was hiding in the magma, waiting to give everyone a fatal blow!

"The radiation intensity has risen rapidly. It has reached 3000, no, 4000 millisieverts per hour!" Yuehua also began to warn loudly that the gamma radiation emitted here can instantly kill all unprotected within 30 meters around. Humanity!

Zhang Heng's eyebrows were slightly raised, and a huge amount of mental power suddenly pierced into it. I suddenly saw a group of human-shaped high-temperature radiation sources standing quietly at the bottom of this magmatic lake. , Suddenly stepped on the foot, suddenly jumped out of the magma!


Until this time, Zhang Heng finally saw that the monster in front of him was the monster with the ox-head and bat-wing flying on the satellite picture! At the same time, Yuehua ’s shocked voice rang directly from Zhang Heng ’s communication headset, “Her commander, this is the legendary inflammation!”

Zhang Heng's look remained unchanged, but several clone fighters responsible for protecting Zhang Heng immediately opened fire!

A metal storm swept over, and the monster's surrounding ground was surging like a tide, and numerous deep pits with a diameter of more than one meter exploded, but these bullets that could have shredded the steel plate were shooting at the creature. When I was on my body, I felt a sudden meal, as if it was cracked, it melted into molten iron quickly and completely lost the attack power!

"There seems to be some kind of high-temperature force field around the other person's body!" Yue Hua reminded, "It is that kind of force field that constantly emits gamma rays, produces lethal radiation of up to 10,000 millisieverts, and generates extremely high temperatures. , This creature can never be a carbon-based life! "

At the same time Yuehua spoke, the monster was completely enraged by the two clone warriors. Do not want to think about it, the monster's two thighs like cowshoes suddenly jumped, and suddenly turned into a lightning towards Zhang Heng!


Without waiting for Zhang Heng to move, a clone warrior immediately gave up the pulse rifle, and at the same time, he threw with one arm, and a high-frequency electromagnetic blade popped up!

This flame-like monster in the western mythology system emits deadly gamma rays all the time, and generates thousands of degrees of heat at the same time. Fortunately, clone warriors have excellent performance Doom 2 armor, which can protect from high temperature and radiation. Blows, and almost all clone warriors have been soaked in magic, the combat effectiveness of the individual soldiers is no less than that of the famous masters in the "Final Fantasy 7" plane. In just one blink, the clone warriors pressed the opponent **** the ground. , And then think about it, inserting the high frequency electromagnetic blade directly into the monster's cervical spine!


Suddenly, countless hot blood splattered, and the flame-like monster uttered a whine before the death of the bison, and then twitched fiercely, completely motionless!

This shot was clean and clear, although the monster was huge, but the cloned warrior after putting on the exoskeleton armor was able to crush the opponent in terms of strength, agility and even skill!

However, at the moment of the other's death, Zhang Heng suddenly felt a palpitation. He didn't want to use his mental strength to pull the clone warrior back, but it was too late!

Almost at the same time that Zhang Heng had just reacted, the corpse of the Flame Demon turned out as if there was a nuclear bomb in the body, with no sign of explosion!


Zhang Heng had no time to think. He just instinctively laid a thick layer of mental barrier in front of him. In the next second, a dazzling light lit up. For a moment, the world seemed to dim, and even the sound disappeared instantly, leaving only The next incredible force, Zhang Heng and the Eagle Fighter not far away flew away!

A small mushroom cloud rises out of the air. Although it is small, it is not worse than a cloud explosion. The power is almost the same as a fat nuclear bomb ...

After turning around for a while, Zhang Heng's body fell like a missile fiercely from high school, splashing countless fumes, but the next second, Zhang Heng sat up again, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, and he quickly climbed up from the ground. Not to mention that a tens of thousands of tons of nuclear bomb exploded, even the one million tons of nuclear bomb Zhang Heng also resisted, but because this time it was not prepared, it was counted by the other's explosion, but although it was embarrassing, it almost No real harm was done.

However, the clone fighters and Hawks fighters that followed him were not so lucky. A few dozen meters away, the Hawks fighter's body had been blown into two sections, one of which was inserted in the ruins, constantly burning with flames, and the other One was a few kilometers away.

This explosion was nothing for Zhang Heng, but it was a disaster for the clone warriors. Zhang Heng even saw the remains of two clone warriors, and several clone warriors reported their injuries on the communication channel. , From minor to severe injuries, the most serious is that a clone warrior has been bombed two sections, the lower body can only see a section of intestines flowing on the ground, if there is no rescue within ten minutes, the clone warrior It is almost certain that even Genova cells can't save him ...

"Why did it explode?"

Zhang Heng's eyes flashed with rage for the first time. He took a pity look at the two dead clone warriors and walked towards the place where the monster died, only to see that it had already turned into a crystalline land. Although Jukeng is not as powerful as the Archimedes satellite orbiter, its killing radius has also reached more than 100 meters, which is the power of a small nuclear bomb.

"Yuehua, tell me, why did the body explode?" Zhang Heng asked coldly again.

"I, I don't know ..." Yue Hua was a little bit grieved. She understood that it was her negligence that had caused the cloning fighters following Zhang Heng to play a role, resulting in injuries and deaths. Zhang Heng almost never happened after he got the demon. Everything that happened this time is a shame that the Stellar Foundation can't erase!

Hearing the sound of Yuehua's grievances, Zhang Heng took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart. He simply took a big step, and walked a little embarrassedly towards Schwarzschild's throat. Mission He will go to the other side of Schwarzschild's throat, to the world where the wormhole is connected to reality, to see why the nano-bombs are not working. (To be continued ...) 2k novel reading network

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