Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 219: The people behind Tianfeng and Nantian

Early next morning

"Dad, I'm going out first. I'm going to go to Gancheng No. 1 Middle School today." Wang Hao carried his bag early in the morning and ate the catering robot early, and said to Father Zhang.

"Pay attention to the driving, the furniture should arrive today." Father Zhang nodded.

Wang Hao finished eating early, came out of the villa, and drove towards Gancheng No. 1 Middle School. He made an appointment with Fang Bing and met at the school gate.

It takes about an hour to go to Gancheng No. 1 Middle School.

Kancheng's business center area is now working.

At this time, in the office building of a business center, a logo formed by the words of big business and industry. In an office, there is a woman in a professional attire, a black suit, a bow on the chest, and a short skirt over the knee, showing a white net Skin-like stockings, at this time is quickly browsing some information, the expression is very serious.

"Sister Ying, I found it ... I found it."

A rapid voice sounded outside his office, letting the professional woman named Yingying brighten her eyes and raised her head with a touch of joy.

"What is the name of this ordinary card user, is the contact information still valid?" Ying Jie's eyes lit up and she said quickly.

This time when she was also screening high-quality customers, she accidentally saw a user with 700 million funds in the card. What made her a little unable to spit it was that this person used a normal card, which is the kind that ICBC can't ordinary. Bank card.

But she also knows that this time someone must have made trouble from it, otherwise this card, even if it belongs to an ordinary bank card, passed the fund alert line, but she did not receive any reminder from this card.

If she had not discovered it by accident, she would have missed such a high-quality customer.

"Yes, as to whether I can contact, I don't know." A thirty-year-old man in a suit said.

"Give me the information, let me try it." Sister Ying nodded, this time she hung a deep breath in her heart, because she knew that the person who intercepted the notification could not simply intercept it, maybe it was fatal. Attacks may come at any time.

Especially at the critical moment of the director of competition, she is a powerful competitor of the director.

There are a lot of competition directors, and there are also many who regard her as an imaginary enemy. It is very unrealistic to purely want to rely on this idea to find the black hand behind the scenes.

She is a smart person and won't waste time here. The top priority now is to contact this customer. Otherwise, once the leader knows that although it will not have any impact on her current situation, she will definitely not be able to continue to participate in the promotion of director.

The competition in the workplace is very cruel. One is not good. It may take several years or more than ten years of hard work because of a little negligence in the work.

. . . . .

"Huge Brother."

Wang Hao just drove the car to the gate of No. 1 Middle School in Gancheng and saw that Fang Bing was already waiting there.

"Well dressed so well? There is a feeling of returning home." Wang Hao looked at Fang Bing's decent clothes. Although he did not know some clothing brands, he did not affect the feeling that Fang Bing gave him.

"Hey, finally come back." Fang Bing's face was slightly red, and he did dress up before going out.

"Let's go." Wang Hao looked at Fang Bing with a smile, but now he remembered that Fang Bing was under 20 years old and had a strong sense of vigor.

Fang Bing is not like himself. He has long been indifferent to these and does not care about other people's views in this regard. Life is his own.

Wang Hao doesn't care what other people think of him. His mouth and brain grow on others, as long as he is comfortable and at ease.

Bell Bell Bell Bell

But after Wang Hao and Fang Bing had parked the car, they were just about to step into the school, and Wang Hao saw his phone ringing.

"Who is this?" Wang Hao answered with some doubt.

Because the caller is displayed, it is not any phone call I have ever seen.

"Hello, is this Mr. Wang Hao?"

"I am, who are you?"

After Wang Hao connected the phone, his voice was very soft.

"Hello, I am Li Ying, the account manager of Gancheng Industrial and Commercial Head Office. As a major customer of ICBC, we have a return visit. Can we make an appointment with you?" Li Ying said softly, but she had a face But there was rare tension.

Nervous about what Wang Hao does not see himself, because most people's first reaction to such an appointment is the refusal, but she has no way, because there is not much time left for her.

"How long will it take to return the visit?" Wang Hao thought for a while. After being busy this morning in Gancheng No. 1 Middle School, there really was nothing else, but he still asked for a long time, too long he thought it was unnecessary. Too.

"Is it about ten minutes or so?" Li Ying sat in his small office with a look of excitement on his face.

"OK, I will send you the address." Wang Hao thought about it and did not refuse.

It happened that he had an idea to find something to do with the bank. He had planned to go to the bank this afternoon, but did not expect it to come to the door.

"YES." Li Ying jumped excitedly, listening to the beep of the phone.

This is not only as simple as a big client, but also about his career promotion. You have to be nervous because the unknown enemy does not know when it will be difficult.

After Li Ying shouted excitedly, he immediately packed up ~ ~ prepared some materials.


In the presidential suite of a high-end hotel in Gancheng.

"Mr. Ma, there is news." Liu Qi, as the vice president of Tengqi, believed that he could make Taishan fall to the front without changing his face, but this time, there was a shock on his face.

"Is it really the same boss?" President Ma of Tengqi Group sat on the sofa, looking at Liu Qi's complexion, roughly guessing the situation.

"Yes, this Nantian Automobile and Tianfeng Technology are all called Wang Hao standing behind the scenes." Liu Qi handed over some of the materials in his hand.

"Wang Hao ... Who is this?" Ma Zong frowned slightly. He had been in Shanghai for so many years and had never heard the name Wang Hao.

But now looking at the report from the investigation, whether it is Nantian Group or Tianfeng Technology, this person named Wang Hao is holding the shares.

"There is no feedback for this time." Liu Qi shook his head. After all, they are not professional intelligence organizations, and it has taken a lot of effort to adjust these contents.

Especially Nantian Group, because of the establishment of the relationship between the group, makes the people behind the scene even more difficult to figure out. He also entrusted a lot of people to investigate before he got a feedback.

But the result of the feedback made him a little stunned. Before they guessed, they became a set fact, and the result became very scary.

"Delay back to the Deep City for a few days to see if I can contact this Wang Hao and find a chance to see you." President Ma said after a moment of meditation.

If it is an irrelevant company, there is such a mysterious person, and it does not matter to return to the deep city, but it involves Tianfeng Technology, which makes him a bit like a throat, not clear, and not worry about going back.

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