After listening to Wu Feng's words, Wang Hao shook his head. He had always disliked going through the back door. Other people didn't care, but he was always very self-disciplined about himself.

"No, County Governor Wu, for such a big event, go busy, don't worry about me, there are not many people in the queue, and it will be here soon."

Wang Hao shook his head firmly.

Say something that made other people look at it, that is, He Shishi didn't consciously glance at Wang Hao, looked at the calm on his face, and showed a calm attitude, let people glance at the past, not the kind that looks at a glance The handsome face made her, who is in the entertainment industry, see more handsome men and handsome guys, glanced at Wang Hao, and felt that this person looked very comfortable.

"Mayor Wu, please go here. People here look old and uncomfortable." Fang Bing looked at other people's eyes. He did not intend to let Wu Feng register, but the other people who signed up were curious, but let He felt a little uncomfortable.

"Okay, if you have my phone, just call me if you have any problems." Wu Feng looked at Wang Hao and Fang Bing, feeling that he had come in abruptly, and Wang Hao was different from any boss he had ever seen.

While Fang Bing is purely based on Wang Haoma, Wu Feng discovered this situation long ago.

Wang Hao nodded gently, watching Wu Feng leave, watching other people staring at him curiously, and smiled kindly.

Sign up is not too much, because here is only a small county.

"I really don't know what happened this time around the Lingshui Lake, even if non-professionals are open to participate, although no results are recorded at the end, everyone knows that these are not professional cyclists and it is impossible At the end of the ride, it's totally foil. "

Not far from Wang Hao, one or two cyclists wearing professional equipment were checking equipment and bicycles. One of them said that the voice was not loud, but the queued people listened to it.

Because of this person's words, there were many thoughts and silently withdrew from the queue, because the driver said that it was not unreasonable, that it was focused on participation, but if even the whole journey was not confident to complete, then do not come out and be ashamed. .

"Don't you say, I don't know, if a lap is more than ten kilometers, will two laps be circulated? This time there are women participating." Another driver looked at the people in line and immediately found that it seemed to be A few girls shook their heads and said to their companions.

"What do you say, professional drivers are amazing, can they look down on women?"

Wang Hao didn't speak, but Zhang Xin couldn't bear it anymore. This was obviously sexism. He immediately jumped out and said.

"Little girl, I ’m telling the truth, you have to admit, you really ca n’t pass us, amateur and professional, there is a big gap, I do n’t look down on women, but seek truth from facts, as long as an amateur driver can keep up with me, even I lose, I can apologize to you, but this is impossible. "

The person who had just spoken turned to Zhang Xin with a serious look.

In fact, he didn't agree with it at all. Gancheng also brought in these amateurs, thinking that it was completely destroying the competition environment. Although it would not affect his performance, but let amateur players participate in it, there are many people in the car. In case one or two deliberately engage in something, the result is not what he can predict.

"You ..." Zhang Xin was a little speechless, and she couldn't find anything to refute, because professional and amateur, although it is a word, but she also knows, this professional and amateur is completely A world apart.

"I hope you remember what you just said." Wang Hao took a deep look at the man and patted Zhang Xin's shoulder lightly, without saying much.

But Zhang Xin and Fang Bing, who knew Wang Hao, and Zhang Nan, knew that Wang Hao was preparing to teach each other a lesson.

"Xiaoxin, that guy just owes his mouth. He will see how his brother taught him later." Fang Bing also glanced at the speaker.

He Shishi also sees this scene. For the cyclist, even though her temperament is very gentle, although the rider's statement is correct, she does not agree.

"Hao brother, don't be polite for a while. Never seen someone who hangs like this. Give me a hard lesson. Don't look at me for the sake of my face." Fang Bing finished, as if he was still not relieved. He also knew how much he weighed. Two, although his physical fitness is very good, but for professional cyclists, he knows that there is a big gap in technology.

"Your face is not big, so hurry up and sign up." Wang Hao glanced at Fang Bing angrily and shook his head. The team didn't slow down because of the two people's interruption. Instead, many people left to let The queue is faster.

Looking at the few people in front, he couldn't help saying.

"This is somehow my territory. I don't give any face." Fang Bing murmured and walked up. Although he signed up as an amateur, it was not just a bicycle, so he could participate.

At least there are bicycles of a certain level. Fang Bing went forward and took out some of the bicycle materials for the record. At the beginning of the meeting, a second review will be conducted.

Soon after Wang Hao finished registering, he saw the bicycle that Fang Bing prepared for him.

"Bingye, you are a local tyrant now. Isn't this car cheap?" Although Wang Hao doesn't know some bicycle brands, after riding for a while, the six-level driving skills made him instantly recognize this car. know.

"Not expensive, it can only be regarded as an entry-level bicycle, which is more than 10,000." Fang Bing is also testing the bicycle. Tens of tens of thousands of bicycles are nothing to him now.

Now it is straightforward. At least three or four million live broadcasts. However, Fang Bing's live broadcast is different from others. Other people may live for a few hours, and his live broadcast is calculated on a daily basis.

"This car is good." Wang Hao nodded, although not the best, but there are not many problems.

"Brother, for a while, that guy is provoking again." After Zhang Xin entered the preparation circle, the man looked at himself frequently, and she thought that this was provoking them.

"Well, brother will help you to teach him later, Fang Bing. If you can keep up, you can keep up, and slowly." Wang Hao turned his head and glanced at the professional driver with a slight smile on his face.

"This must be kept up ~ ~ Fang Bing said patting his chest.

The area of ​​amateur players is not big, which made He Shishi not far away listen to a formal look, and could not help but glance at it more. She feels that these two people are really confident, especially Wang Hao, although it seems plain , But all revealed strong confidence in the words.

Let her be a little curious about Wang Hao. Does the other party's technology really reach the level of a professional cyclist? Only so confident.

Since seeing Wang Hao at first glance, she never thought that this person would be the kind of person who talks big, good self-cultivation, makes her first impression good, and the plain appearance makes her feel a strong confidence .

"Suddenly looking forward ..." He Shishi whispered, she knew she was a few pounds, she came to participate as a priority, now she suddenly had more expectations, want to see the results of this time.

"Fengzi, you are really more competitive than me." Sha Neng looked at Zhang Feng without shaking his head, even if he couldn't look good.

However, after the previous fight, he knew that Zhang Feng would definitely explode this time, because Zhang Feng gave him a feeling of unprecedented seriousness at this time.

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