Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 748: Make the nation a sharp knife

"Resignation? Why did you leave so suddenly ... Why, is there a better place to go?" Xue Ling's face flashed with doubt, and Chen Teng's impression in her heart was deep or shallow. After all, staying for so many years, Chen Teng's work, she still very much recognized.

It is a person who is really very responsible and works hard.

"No ... I just want to be a professional player, not a peer company."

Chen Teng looked at Xue Ling's delicate face and thought about it, but did not conceal his opening.

"Ruin game?"

Xue Ling's eyes lit up, as if she discovered a new continent. Chen Teng's words made her think of no other game. There was only one, that is the game of ruins ...


Chen Teng nodded gently, facing Xue Ling's burning eyes, a little bit uncomfortable, and there was a hint of restraint on his face.

"How much is your mecha sports ranking ..."

Xue Ling looked at Chen Teng with a look of anticipation, and said involuntarily, to be honest, she had an expectation for Chen Teng in her heart, because she had a hunch that Chen Teng's ranking would not be low.

Now there is only one that weighs the strength of the game, that is the Mecha Athletic Ranking.

"the first..."

Chen Teng seemed to see the expectation in Xue Ling's eyes. After thinking about it, he still refused or concealed to answer the other party.

"First? ... You are ... Void Sky Blade ..."

Xue Ling was slightly dumbfounded, and suddenly looked up at Chen Teng, a shocking expression on his face.

Voidblade, in the game of ruins, is a legend. Not only is the mech ranked first, even the survival game of ruins, it also has a very powerful strength, and it is a real combination of technology and tactics.

A player with true technology and brain, this is the strongest king that all high-end players need to look up to.

For the ID of Void Sky Blade, it can be said that it is recognized as the first and has been unanimously recognized by all players.

Countless clubs, countless teams, or top experts all want to pull the virtual sky blade to form a team, even if it is the upcoming ruin competition, or the original game content, the virtual sky blade is undoubtedly invincible master.

"Yes, my ID is called Void Sky Blade ..."

Chen Teng looked at the shock on Xue Ling's face. He had some kind of enlightenment. He might have changed his life course.

The game of ruins made him go to another life unconsciously.

This made his decision to resign more and more firm. For him, this is his choice, but now it seems that his choice has not been the slightest mistake.

"Chen Teng ... No .. Void Sky Blade God .. I got news that there are some event agencies that are already actively communicating with the top travel entertainment company. The ruins of the game may appear immediately. Come and form a team with us. Of course, with your joining, we can count your technology shares and own the shares of this team. "

Xue Ling is also a courageous person. After thinking about it, he made a decision instantly.

"Team .. match ..." Chen Teng muttered to himself. He didn't know the news. The other party's words made him instantly excited. Now there are still flaws in the ruins. It may be that the real In this game, there is only one Mecha Athletic ranking.

If this piece is made up, the ruin game will be perfect.

After all, now in e-sports, it has matured, the sports system is also very clear, and the income of professional players is also very considerable.

If the ruins open a competitive game, it will be a real flourishing age, and Chen Teng also believes that with his strength, he will definitely have his place.

"Yes ... we are now forming, you may consider replying to me, although it is estimated that it is feasible to form a team by yourself, but the affairs of the team are not trivial. Yes, there are many other matters, such as team management, opponent analysis, intelligence collection ... and so on ... "

Xue Ling jumped a little in his heart. After thinking for a while, he said frankly that the market for ruin games is huge, so large that she was very cautious about the first master of ruin games.

Virtual Sky Blade, but the undoubted first person in the ruin game, whether it is personal strength or survival wisdom, is very amazing, the top great **** with both technology and IQ.

"Give me some time, think about it ..."

Chen Teng hesitated on the face, and after thinking for a while, he said.

"Okay, I'll wait for your news. I don't need to leave for the time being. I will wait for your reply before you decide."

Xue Ling glanced at the resignation book and said with a smile.

"Okay, but I have to take a leave in the afternoon. I want to join the team battle."

Chen Teng nodded gently, and also put forward his own needs.

"Yes, I always wanted to participate, but I couldn't make the 300,000 ranking, which was too difficult for me."

Xue Ling looked at Chen Teng with some envy, the other party's technology, she watched the video, and compared with the other party, she was completely the difference between the earth and the sky.

The technology gap is too big.


"Wang Hao's plan is really one link after another ... Our propaganda has not yet been launched, Wang Hao is already cultivating the next plan. This is to cultivate the mentality of national unity and protection outside the border. ... "

Tao Hongguo looked at the huge influence on the Internet and couldn't help feeling some emotion. Wang Hao's actions became another interpretation in their eyes.

In their view, this is to cultivate the protection of the people, to help each other with their compatriots, and indeed to let him know that Wang Hao's ideas are much more advanced than they are, too much ... they have just started running However, Wang Hao is thinking about the next project. The big gap in his thinking has given him a clearer understanding.

"Yeah ... I heard from the Ministry of Information that the press release was just prepared, but Wang Hao was struck step by step and had to change the press release ..."

Ye Lao also admired the meeting. For Wang Hao, he could not be seen as a real 20-year-old because what the other party did ... was a great man ...

"Let them as soon as possible, at the same time, let all the soldiers, except the normal duty, emergency soldiers, and administrative staff, watch the live broadcast of the ruins, and study the spirit of Wang Hao want to express. In addition, for the national staff, all Carry out the most stringent requirements, and check once again whether there is a person using the authority. "

Tao Hongguo made a decision. Wang Hao's approach made him think that the other party wanted to twist the entire race into a hemp rope, so that the entire nation has a heart, creating a true national cohesion, an unprecedented cohesion.

This is the key to national competitiveness ... Since Wang Hao wants to build such a national cohesion, he will naturally not sing the opposite tone. For them, this is also a thing that he wants to do but fails to do.

Wang Hao wants to do it, then they will cooperate as hard as possible.


All the participants attended the meeting with awe, and they unconditionally endorsed this decision, because in their last meeting, they felt the spirit Wang Hao wanted to convey and made them reflect For a moment.

The country of China that is about to step into the starry sky makes all of them understand that this is a real new era, and it is no longer possible to implement the management and development of the country with the old concept ...

If you do not want to be eliminated by the times, then let yourself work hard to meet the times.

Under the clear goals of the Interstellar era, the rapid development of the Chinese economy is the premise. With the improvement of the quality of the people and the improvement of the sense of belonging, the atmosphere of the entire China has changed ...

It became like a sharp knife ... Everyone is a part of this sharp knife. Let China and the Yanhuang nationality form a powerful bayonet ~ ~ Fast forward development.

This is a truly big era. At an unprecedented time, they have set their sights on the vast starry sky, not confined to the planet.

This is a change in the management of Hua Guo. It is not huge. With this huge goal, they do not have much worry about Wang Hao ’s status improvement, because this is for the Yanhuang people, better and faster. development of.

Their goals are the same ... that's enough.


After Wang Hao arranged everything, he once again wore a helmet and returned to his newly-named Doomsday Planet, listening to the sound of gunfire from outside, and the sound of shouting killing everywhere.

Feeling the tense atmosphere of the entire city and the entire line of defense, I looked at the Chinese in front of him again.

"Relax ... our army is coming ..."

Wang Hao looked at all Chinese people and said with a smile, he may have experienced too many wars, or may have walked too much to the edge of death. He looked at Liao Zhicai and Zhang Huaxin. Tight, could not help comforting these Chinese people.

"Now our national strength is very strong. On Earth Star, it can be said that it has truly become the center of the world. In terms of military strength, it is the first power of Earth Star." Wang Hao thought about it and said again.

Liao Zhicai, Zhang Huaxin, and Xiao Tian, ​​the old Xiao who was very disabled, glanced at each other.

"Huaguo has become the No. 1 power of the earth star ..."

Xiao Tian's face was slightly stunned. When they left, what kind of state was Hua Guo, but he knew, but he did not expect that in the years since he left, Hua Guo has actually become the center of the world. The first power, so that his eyes were excited.

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