Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 802: Education everyone Wang Hao

Roar roar roar

The huge source beast, after Wang Hao launched a suicidal attack, suddenly issued a horrible roar, accompanied by blood in his mouth, as if completely irritated, his pace was faster.

"Angry ..."

The three forces looked at the expression of the source guardian beast. He knew that the source guardian beast was really angry and was completely irritated by the attack method of Yanhuang base.

Looking at the suicide attacks of the Yanhuang people, they did not cause too much damage to the guardian beasts at the source, which made all three of them silent.

Origins .. Origins .. These are human life and death enemies. Faced with the destruction of the Yanhuang Base, which is also human, they are miserable, as if they see themselves and become the next.

"Want me to fail and see if you, the source beasts, have this ability."

Wang Hao watched the sharp reduction of the steel warriors in the battlefield, and his face showed a bit of fierceness, even if these lost mechas were all because they entered the huge source beast mouth, and turned into wrecks. It is estimated that it cannot be recycled again.

However, this kind of battle angered Wang Hao completely. He already thought in his heart that the existence of the source area was no longer necessary. As long as he guarded the Yanhuang base, he would definitely find opportunities to directly destroy the source area.

"Whether the spaceship is assembled, whether it is started."

Just after Wang Hao looked blankly at the situation in the battlefield, he suddenly heard the voice of the dragon brain, and suddenly made him slightly happy. He was waiting for this moment, the spaceship, the biggest kill he has made so far. Device.

On the spaceship, it can be said to reflect all of his cutting-edge weapons, such as electromagnetic orbital guns, energy laser main guns ... all these were installed on the spaceship by him.

He produced several large energy main guns. Because of the production capacity, he was not even installed in Yanhuang Base, because Yanhuang Base still has different places compared with the spaceship.

Because the spaceship can move freely, and Yanhuang Base cannot achieve Wang Hao ’s mobile deterrence strategy, after thinking about it, he did not consider installing an energy laser main gun at Yanhuang Base, but chose to have Above the spacecraft with a powerful mobile force.

Nowadays, no matter whether it is an energy hedge missile or a small laser weapon, it does not have much effect on the huge source beast, which makes Wang Hao only rely on the energy laser main gun of the spaceship.

"Take off and immediately start the charge of the energy main gun ... let me bomb it ..."

Wang Hao's gloomy eyes, he can accept the losses in the front of this battle, but the last few huge source beasts appeared, so that his losses reached the highest level to the end of the planet.

This allowed Wang Hao, who has been relatively smooth and smooth, to experience the taste of the heavy losses for the first time. More than half of the clones were killed and injured. One hundred thousand clones took at least two or three months to recover their vitality.

The clone that most disturbs Wang Hao is the clone. After all, it takes a long time. The clone is like training a child. It not only takes a lot of energy, but also consumes countless resources. Like the core of the source beast, I think It is still very troublesome to make these clones into shape.

"It's over, Yanhuang Base is over ..."

There was a pity of regret on Wu's right face. Looking at this war, in his view, it was about to fall down the curtain wall and end this horrific war.

"No ... what is that in Yanhuang Base ..."

Just when Harris wanted to agree, suddenly at the Yanhuang base, four objects larger than the source beast appeared, slowly flying from the ground and flying towards the sky.

If the source guardian beast is placed in front of this huge object, it is not enough to see at all, there is a feeling of seeing little witch.

"God ... this is too big."

Wu You's eyes revealed a dullness, as if there was no reaction to the objects flying out of Yanhuang Base.

"For the sake of Yanhuang ... the spaceship appeared ... what about the size, we can have our spaceship big, kill ..."

Chen Teng immediately recognized that this is the vast center, and the spaceship that can be exchanged for vast points, but this spaceship is obviously much larger, but the appearance is the same, so he instantly reacted.

He even had a certain despair before, because he watched the attack of the huge source beast, all proved that this time the Yanhuang base guardian battle was going to failure.

And all players know that if this battle fails, it is estimated that the subsequent game will not be open ...

This is totally unacceptable to game lovers.

"It's saved ... Sure enough, Haoge still can't bear to watch the game fail to open ... it's so considerate to us ..."

"Huge Brother estimated that it was designed in this way, and hitting such a level, it is no longer able to resist the player. The player has reached a limit. This game opens a prelude copy. After resisting for so long, there will be a king to king In this situation, this monster that the player can't solve is solved with a spaceship. "

Some theoretical parties have published their own remarks on the Internet. After this remark came out, they were immediately recognized by others, as if the remarks were in line with the situation.

If Wang Hao knew, there would be some crying and laughing. Players know where to build spaceships. It takes time. These spaceships have just been built and are put into use immediately.

Where did he think about everything ... If he had thought about it already, he would n’t be so anxious anymore ...

"Look at Wang Hao ... Even if you open a game, you have to tell the players that there is nothing that you don't get for nothing. This is the real core of education ... You have to think about it, the education of China ... "

Tao Hongguo also sighed with emotion. He admired Wang Hao now. He felt that every step Wang Hao took was so profound and had such a strong ability to guide national progress.

In his view ~ ~ Wang Hao is not only an inventor, research scholar, philanthropist, but also an educator, a reformist, and a national leader with great ambitions.

He saw Wang Hao as if he saw the rise of China and the nation stood on the top of the world. This has been achieved on the earth star. Now to say the nationality of China, it is the most scarce thing.

"Yes, every time Wang Hao's actions have a profound meaning ..."

Ye Lao also sighed, which had to make him sigh, after all, this is what Wang Hao did.

"Issue Wang Hao as an outstanding educator in China ..."

Tao Hongguo pondered for a moment and said decisively that he thought this outstanding educator was worthy of Wang Hao.

Although Wang Hao may not look at this title, he still has to award this to Wang Hao. After all, what the other party has done is enough to win such an honor. (https: //) "Black Technology R & D Center" only represents the views of the author Fan Walnut. If you find that its content violates the laws of the country, please delete it. Reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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