Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 836: The emergence of the Yanhuang Alliance

Yue Bing was standing on the vast island, and spent a lot of time, watching another batch of battleships lift off, and slowly walked towards the source. Her eyes were a bit numb for a long time.

"Mr. Wang, I really admire your productivity. I have produced so many battleships in just a few production lines."

The more she saw the vast island, the more emotion she felt in her heart. The vast island shocked her more and more. Who can imagine that the productivity of an island can reach such a degree.

In only five or six days, ten space warships took off, and she knew that it must have been produced recently. Otherwise, Wang Hao could not hide under such great pressure from the source. You know, it is the Earth star directly facing the appearance of the source land, but it is not the Maywin Alliance.

Once the source beast came out and launched a wave of attacks, the biggest loss was not her ice, she was a big deal to leave with the fleet.

But the earth star does not work, even if Wang Hao wants to leave, but the earth star cannot move, which is simply impossible.

"No way, everything is forced."

There was a frustration on Wang Hao's face. The original production center defined a new generation of vast warships that required ten births. After the source appeared, he eagerly wanted to improve his strength.

By all means, the production has once again been improved, so that the production of vast warships has changed from the original ten days to the current five or six days.

After all, the pressure from the source is not small, but these days, the harvest has been great.

Wang Hao also discovered an incredible thing. After eating the processed source beast meat in the body, he found that his cultivation level had been slightly improved.

Although the improvement in time is extremely subtle, Wang Hao really found out that the source beast's flesh can actually improve his system skill level time. Although it is only a few minutes, more than ten minutes of such improvement, but the accumulation is small, the improvement is still very considerable.

"Mr. Wang, after we passed the news back to the Union, the Maywin Alliance really wanted to invite you to join the Maywin Alliance to watch the peace that everyone hopes for."

After getting in touch with the Meiwen Alliance, Yue Bing passed back the news of the source beast he had harvested, and he also raised the situation about the vast island.

After the Meiwen Alliance heard of Yuebing's information on the Haohan Island, Yuebing's grandfather immediately came up with the idea of ​​inviting Haohan Island to join the Meiwen Union.

"We will not join, but we can become an alliance and reach an agreement with the Yanhuang Alliance."

Wang Hao shook his head with a smile, and said a word that made Yue Bing frown slightly. The establishment of Yanhuang Alliance was also expected by him. The predecessor was the Earth Star Peace Development Committee led by China.

"Mr. Wang, the strength of the Yanhuang Alliance ... you also know ..."

Yue Bing frowned, this Yanhuang Alliance, she knew it was a recent alliance of Earth Star.

The strength of the Yanhuang Alliance is not even qualified for the Blue Devils fleet, let alone the Meiwen Alliance. She and her grandfather value the vast island, the technical strength that has not been realized, and the two for the source beast Laser weapons with great lethality, and that kind of mysterious bomb.

"Then there is no way, then let's develop ourselves first."

Wang Hao shook his head, and he was reluctant to join the Mayvin League from the bottom of his heart. If the Mayvin League is a newly established alliance, he might consider one or two, but a long-established alliance is simply not what he wants.

Because Wang Hao knew that in this alliance, the forces that had joined earlier had already been deeply ingrained. Once he entered, he was completely looking for guilt and letting him be subject to other forces everywhere, he could not stand it.

Restricted by people, both Wang Hao and Hua Guo are unwilling to see and are unlikely to accept it, so Hua Guo proposed to transform the Earth Star Peace Development Committee into a military alliance. Immediately afterwards, he was approved by Wang Hao.

Rather than join a long-established alliance, it is better to start a new alliance. After all, China cooperates closely with itself. Therefore, in the past few days, China has transformed the Earth Star Peace Development Committee at a very fast rate. .

Today's Yanhuang Alliance has formed, and other countries have also been greatly stimulated. They want to join this newly established Yanhuang Alliance. After all, aliens are coming from time to time. The technology strength of Haohan Island is improving rapidly. The development of China is also very fast. They couldn't sit back and wait any longer.

If you don't get on Huaguo's car at this time, it will be difficult to get on in the future.

With the support of Wang Hao, the Yanhuang Alliance has been upgraded very quickly. The management mechanism originally had the opportunity to follow the previous Earth Star Peace Development Committee. In addition, Wang Hao passed the Huaguo and arranged virtual training. Manipulate warship personnel.

After a lot of intensive training, the first batch of trainees, after half a month of training, successfully graduated and became the first warrior to control warships besides the vast island.

With the ten massive warships donated by Wang Hao at one time, the strength of the Yanhuang Alliance has begun to take shape.

"In fact, there is one more thing. It is necessary to remind you that you see that the Yanhuang Alliance is indeed very weak, but you have not taken the vast island into account. Seriously, we are also a member of the Yanhuang Alliance, a member of the Yanhuang Alliance One, the Yanhuang Alliance may not have much scientific and technological strength, but as long as they transport the resources to the Haohan Island, we have the strength to enhance the Yanhuang Alliance ’s strategy. After all, there are still many technological capabilities that can be realized on the Haohan Island. "

Wang Hao turned his head to take a closer look at Yue Bing. The strength of the Yanhuang Alliance may not be really strong. Even now, there are only ten warships. This is what he just passed before, but do n’t forget, the vast island is also A member of the Yanhuang Alliance.

If you give him enough time, the Yanhuang Alliance, which has half the resources of the earth star, will have a powerful cosmic combat power.

Therefore, all forces of the Yanhuang Alliance are actively transporting various resources towards the vast island.

After the integration, the Yanhuang Alliance has demonstrated unprecedented cooperation. Various resources are constantly being transported to the vast island. The purpose is to enhance the Yanhuang Alliance ’s own strength. However, they also know that they want to rely on their own strength to achieve this goal. Too realistic, it is better to rely directly on the implementation of the vast island, the vast island also agrees anyway.

Haohan Island made more warships and handed them to the Yanhuang Alliance. This is Wang Hao ’s plan to make the Yanhuang Alliance form its combat power. The Yanhuang Alliance can not only help him share the pressure from the source, but more importantly After the Yanhuang Alliance is formed, it can provide better protection to the earth star and keep the war away from the earth star as much as possible.

The more frozen, she didn't speak. She was thinking seriously about Wang Hao's words. In fact, Wang Hao's words were correct. As the other party said, the Yanhuang Alliance has the scientific research of the vast island, which is not weaker than the Meiwen Alliance. presence.

With a front head like Haohan Island, as long as you give Yanhuang Alliance some time, the strength of Yanhuang Alliance ~ ~ will definitely not be weak.

"I'll contact the league again."

Yue Bing was silent for a while, and stayed in Haohan Island for some time. After learning the history of Haohan Island, she was very shocked at the speed of Haohan Island.

Haohan Island has such a scientific and technological strength, which actually took only a short period of six years, which made her dare to believe, and now faced with Wang Hao, she can no longer be as casual as when she first met Wang Hao. But requires serious thinking.

Wang Hao, after all, is the core of the vast island. A true scientific and technological research strength is against the sky, so that she can no longer look at Wang Hao with her usual eyes. This is a true scientific research talent. Look at the current situation. I know that it is by virtue of Wang Hao's strength that it is pulling the military development of the Yanhuang Alliance in the universe.

"Yes, you can contact me, I still say that, the cooperation between the alliances is OK, but joining is free ... let's go, it's time to eat, let's eat."

Wang Hao glanced at Yuebing, and said calmly, this is his bottom line, and also the bottom line of the Yanhuang Alliance. He knows that everyone knows that joining is never as good as his own formation. What ’s more, there are also the technology of the vast island Supported by strength.

But at this time, Wang Hao's mind is no longer on the Yuebing Alliance, but his mind is sinking into his mind. Looking at his personal skills, seriously, it should be looking at the level of personal cultivation skills.

It seems that after eating this meal, you can break through.

There was a hint of excitement in Wang Hao's eyes. Ling Yan had already broken through the sixth level of the spirit level in the realm. After some understanding, he also knew that the flying level mentioned by Yue Bing was actually the same level as the spirit level. .

It's just that the regions are different, the culture is different, and there is no commonality between the two, so the same level has a different name.

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