The Yanhuang Expeditionary Fleet, the laser cannon is charged again and again, fired, and the fighting power it shows completely shocked everyone.

"The shape of this warship is so powerful."

"The strength of these warships is so strong ..."

The Southwest Fleet looked at this fleet that had not been seen before, and had no idea how this fleet might be so strong.

The laser gun with a rhythmic strike attacked with a strong flashing light, and the terrible laser penetrated the source beast.

The hulls of these warships may seem small, but their power is completely beyond the imagination of everyone in the Southwest Fleet, especially as this fleet approaches the Southwest Fleet.

All the people of the Southwest Fleet have a more intuitive understanding of the Yanhuang Fleet. The combat strength of this fleet seems to many people that the overall strength may even be above the Southwest Fleet.

After all, the attack capabilities displayed by these warships exceeded their expectations completely, even if it was the Vietnamese army, or the more ice, I did not expect that the Yanhuang Alliance warships could achieve such a degree of power.

"The more ice, it is the vast island you said, is this really just an island research? These warships are simply perfect ..."

The Vietnamese army said inconceivably, in order to get a more intuitive understanding of the Yanhuang Alliance's expeditionary fleet, he especially approached the front line to observe.

However, Yue Bing shook her head gently and didn't speak. There was a strong unbelief in her eyes. She seemed not to believe that Wang Hao met on Earth Star in such a short time. , So much progress.

Surely the strength was hidden before ...

In Yuebing's eyes, there was a hint of enlightenment. In addition, she couldn't figure out other possibilities. After all, she could not improve so much in such a short time.

But as the Vietnamese army sighed, the more he observed the Yanhuang fleet, the more burning he felt in his heart, because he found that the combat strength of these warships was completely beyond his expectations, and he was so powerful that he could not believe it.

This made the Vietnamese army have some questions. If Yue Bing was his own granddaughter, he must have doubted that the person who told him the situation of the earth star lied.

Okay, it's a planet that has just stepped into the interstellar planet. Okay ... just a small island within the planet. How could it be possible to have such a powerful battleship?

Especially for these warships, although the shape of the Vietnamese army is strange, the design is already perfect, because these warships are not large, but they are extremely powerful. Originally, he also thought that these warships must have sacrificed the hull for power. But he paid special attention after observing the battle of the battleship.

He saw one thing, that these warships, in terms of moving speed, is actually very amazing.

Seriously speaking, not in the speed of movement, but in the attack of the evasion of the source beast, under the left and right evasion, these warships can always reach a very amazing level.

There are even some of the most front-line battleships, which are swaying nonstop, at a fast speed, like a pendulum of a clock.

In the vast sea of ​​stars, swaying non-stop, dodge the shells spit out from the mouth of the source beast, and at the same time can also open some of the source beast's approaching battle.

Such observations made a strong shock on the face of the Vietnamese army. Because of these warships, he actually saw the shadow of the intermediate civilization, and even in power, it was not weaker than the flagship sold to them by the intermediate civilization, but this warship has The special combat ability is to sacrifice the defense system, increase the speed, and increase the attack ability.

What about the mighty battleship.

The Vietnamese army watched the battle of the Yanhuang Alliance, and the more shocked they were in their hearts. These warships were completely beyond his imagination, perhaps because they were shocked by the U-shaped battleships of the Yanhuang Alliance, his eyes fell involuntarily on a giant. On the same warship.

This battleship is much larger than ordinary U-shaped battleships, and it is not even comparable at all.

The Vietnamese army showed a deep curiosity about the battleship like the Big Mac. From beginning to end, he never saw the battleship like the Big Mac.

But he never underestimated this battleship, because he knew that this battleship never reached the point of shot.

The other kind of warship that had not been shot, the Vietnamese army was equally curious, but the degree of curiosity could not be compared with that giant warship.

With some fighting down, the source beast in the entire battlefield suddenly seemed to receive a command. The source beast with a roar, slowly began to retreat.

Especially when retreating, there is a strong regularity. Before the retreat, there was still a lot of sand, but when I retreated, it seemed to be integrated.

"Retired? This seems to be the first time the source beast retreated."

The Vietnamese army was also slightly stunned. It was completely unexpected that the source beast also had a day to retreat. Know that since the source beast has attacked the Meiwen Alliance, or the Apocalypse Empire, or some other countries or alliances, never There have also been retreats before hearing the source beast.

In the mind of the Vietnamese army, Yuan Beast has only been advancing, and there is no retreat at all, because he is fighting with Yuan Beast very frequently. Yuan Beast is attacking every moment, making the Vietnamese army really tired of coping.

"Commander, the Yanhuang Alliance Fleet sent a signal that they wanted to visit us."

The signalman is now dealing with the Yanhuang Alliance, all of which are very cautious ~ ~ After all, this Yanhuang Alliance is very strong.

"The more ice, you come over in the flagship, and other captains come along."

The Vietnamese army was silent for a moment, glanced at the retreating source beast, and a trace of fine awns appeared on their faces. These source beasts receded like a tide, so that the pressure of the Southwest Army was greatly reduced, facing the first time against the source beast. Victory, he decided to welcome the arrival of the Yanhuang Alliance fleet with the highest ceremony.

Compared with the excitement on the face of the Vietnamese army, Wang Hao watched the source beast retreat, but he showed a little doubt, because he was not the first time to contact the source beast. He had been in contact with the source beast before in the last days of the planet.

I know that the source beast rarely voluntarily retreats, but there are only two situations. One is that after a long battle, it can't be beaten at all and can't help but retreat.

The second situation, which Wang Hao thinks is the most likely, is that the source beast is ready to accumulate stronger power and throws his fist again.

This is also the most likely result of Wang Hao ’s guess. After all, he has just arrived and he knows that the Southwest Fleet is being devoured step by step. The source beast has the possibility of breaking through the defense line. For the source beast, even if it is a loss Greatly acceptable.

He just came and joined the battle, but now the source beast faced by the entire Southwest Fleet is retreating, which makes him have a hint of speculation that the source beast may be preparing for a greater attack wave.

Storm is coming.

Wang Hao sighed softly in his heart. He didn't expect to encounter the attack wave after the source beast's integration as soon as he came. He didn't believe that the source beast would retreat so simple. Today's situation is the same as when he was at the end of the planet Yanhuang Base. The situation in the face, how similar it is, is exactly like a spring. After the source beast is compressed, it will soon launch a stronger offensive.

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