Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 882: People can be so strong

"It seems that these planets are very unwelcome to us."

Wang Hao frowned slightly, and he could see clearly the whole process of the reconnaissance plane being attacked this time.

That was among the ten conjoined planets, and a light suddenly appeared, directly exploding the closest reconnaissance plane.

But this time, how the reconnaissance plane was hit was seen by him.

"Hero, these planets are really big ..."

Fang Bing looked at the planet in the picture, and his eyes showed a strong emotion. After approaching, he truly looked at the planet. His eyes were completely shocked by these planets.

"The most surprising thing about these planets is that these planets are much higher than us in terms of energy use."

Wang Hao's eyes squinted slightly, his face showed a touch of interest, the planet in front of him made him think a lot, and looked at these gleaming lights connected together, can't see clearly the ten-star conjoined inside the planet.

Let him know that this must be an energy application.

This gave Wang Hao a speculation in his heart, that is, the same thing, what is the relationship between technology and cultivation, he does not know now, but now the earth star cultivation system can be said to be completely resolved by technology come out.

Combining with the scene before him, the ten-star conjoined, the previous self-strength emptied the interstellar interstellar, which let him know that perhaps the cultivation system may not be weaker than technology, even the same road, and the cultivation system is also another technological strength reflect.

"Hero, what shall we do next."

Yanglu's eyes are also showing strong excitement. The planet and his star in the Meiwen Alliance are not the same.

Everyone at Haohan Research Center has a character like Wang Hao in the face of research. In the face of an unknown thing, he ca n’t help but want to study, as is the ten-star Siamese in front of him.

"Let's lean over and be careful."

After Wang Hao pondered for a moment, there was a hint of fineness on his face. He had to say that the ten-star Siamese has successfully inspired his strong, not to mention, he thinks that Xiao Tian is estimated to be here, which makes him more Intensely.

He wanted to find out what kind of existence these ten-star conjoined body was. However, his expression was very vigilant, and he urged others to be careful.

Although he said that the warships he brought out now are only a dozen, and more warships are still being built, but they can minimize losses, or try to reduce them as much as possible.

"Emperor mad ... you ..."

Yuan Gu looked at Emperor Kuang completely disregarding his own words, and forcibly shot, suddenly letting his eyes sink, some anxiously corrupted, and even somewhat helpless.

"You what you ... these are just ants, no matter how big the body is, it can be destroyed by turning your hands .. watch me go and come ..."

The emperor looked at Yuan Gu's expression madly, and seemed to enjoy it. Since practicing all the time, he has always focused on himself, but after coming to the Tiangong, he was restricted everywhere, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

What's more, put yourself as a subordinate under the cultivation of evil spirits in a state similar to yourself.

Let Yuan Gu be the captain. He has long looked bad. He, arrogant, did not put anyone in the eye except the few people, let alone the Tiangong Code.

During the time of Zong Men, he had done things that he didn't know how much to turn upside down, but he was sheltered by Zong Men, and he had already formed his own style of doing things.

"Don't mess up ..."

Yuan Gu stared blankly at Emperor Madman, but immediately responded and reached out to try to hold Emperor Madman, but Emperor Madman was faster and a flash disappeared instantly. When it appeared again, it had already appeared above the palace, as if if It's the same into the void.

"How big is it, but it's just brute force ..."

Emperor madly looked at the warship that appeared dismissively. He did not put it in his eyes at all. One raised his hand, the light flashed, and the practice of cultivation practiced, so that the intrepid cultivation in the body broke out at this moment.

His body formed a vortex, standing in the dark universe like a god.

"Actually someone really can walk in the universe ..."

Wang Hao stared blankly at the wonders of the ten-star conjoined body. On the planet closest to the fleet he led, a figure suddenly appeared. His eyes were a bit dull. He heard before and saw it with his own eyes. It was completely different. When I really saw someone in front of me, I could walk through the universe through my own strength, and there was a little incredible in his heart.

"Alarm, energy attack is coming ..."

While Wang Hao was dumbfounded, Dragon Brain, as an artificial intelligence, was not dull. After monitoring the energy attack, he reported it immediately.

This made Wang Hao tremble slightly ... After he reacted, with a loud noise, a warship exploded into dust in the universe ...

"Fire .. Yanlong drill storage preparation ..."

Wang Hao's eyes showed a sharp look, even if he invaded the ten-star conjoined star field, but for the first time, he encountered a star field that attacked without any warning, which made him feel a strong anger.

What's more, after seeing this person appearing in the dark universe, Wang Hao has determined that Xiao Tian should be in this ten-star conjoined body, but he doesn't know on which planet.

"It's really pitiful."

As a new generation, Emperor Madman said that he has heard many legends of the older generation ~ ~ but he has n’t seen it after all, and he really looked at the "monster" appearing in the void, and was casually It fell in one blow, and even exploded.

He was very satisfied with his masterpiece. Such a sense of shock, even in the world of Tianyan, did not feel it.

But when he was really ready to raise his hand again, he suddenly felt a threat, immediately saw a dozen ‘monsters’ bodies, and there was a bright light, and he felt the rolling energy breath gather.

"It's such a move, how can I get it."

The emperor shook his head violently. He was not surprised that these ‘monsters’ would have weak strength, but when he saw the real attacking methods of these monsters, he was even more disdainful.

These ‘monsters’ attack methods are so clumsy, he obviously feels that the energy is getting stronger and stronger. Although the energy is very huge, how can the energy of the people like him be able to hit him.

"Hero, laser shot can't hit ..."

Chen Tang shouted quickly, because he had seen the figure in the void, and was approaching himself at a rapid speed.

"Hedge the bomb with energy to predict the attack."

Wang Hao's eyes fell. He did not expect that a person's strength could reach such a terrible level that he could actually compete with his warship in the universe.

This made him too many incredible, originally thought that only battleships can compete with battleships in the universe, but I did not expect that the first time he encountered a battleship that he studied, it brought such a strong threat. , Is actually human.

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