Earth star, vast island.

Wang Hao studied in the research center of Haohan Island. After hearing some movements, he turned to look at Ling Yanyu's expression when he walked back. He guessed something.

"Teacher, I still can't do it. I cloned my own genes and couldn't be like myself. Now my body has reached the sixth weight of self-cultivation, but the clone is still struggling with self-cultivation."

Ling Yan shook her head, and there was a touch of depression on her face. She also hoped that her clone could be like a body and could be improved through challenges, but after a few days of trying, she found that she was still delusional.

"Then I can't figure out what's going on. You first used Xiao Tian as a prototype and created a clone of your face. I have prepared it for you long ago, and I have reached the five levels of self-cultivation. , You just need the number. "

Wang Hao shook his head, and there was a hint of regret on his face. He really wanted to study Ling Yan's talent, but no matter how he studied, he felt that he hadn't touched the road and could only watch.

"it is good."

Ling Yan nodded her head lightly. Even with all kinds of helplessness in her heart, she could not help her teacher, she had nothing to solve, how could she study it.

In fact, she wants to know more than anyone, for what reason, she can have the strength through high-intensity battle.

After Wang Hao watched Ling Yan enter the control center, he also walked in. After a few days, he arranged permission to train Qin Hongxi in economics.

Now he also wants to take a look at the licensed training results.

Wang Hao put on a nerve-controlled helmet, the screen changed, and instantly entered the world of Tianyan.

"Six-Site Realm is Sixfold."

Wang Hao used the nerve to feel the situation in the cloned body. A smile appeared on his face. After a few days of trusteeship, he himself started to analyze the world of Tianyan with the complete equipment of the Haohan Island. .

Similarly, these days, Wang Hao also found a new place. Without attracting much attention, a wormhole that could transmit signals appeared in the world of Tianyan.

On the basis of the signal, Ling Yan was arranged to enter the world of Tianyan. After all, Ling Yan's strength improvement was completely improved through battle. Ling Yan, who reached Tianheng Realm, did not have any at all on the source star. Opponent.

And Tianyan world, naturally became the target of Ling Yan.

Wang Hao controlled the clone to enter the world of Tianyan, Ling Yan came in with him, and Wang Hao opened his eyes.

He greeted Ling Yan and walked out of the closed room, next to Qin Hongxi's study. After he walked out, he heard a voice from inside, because it was closer, so he heard it clearly.

"Economy is the creation, transformation and realization of value; human economic activities are activities that create, transform and realize value and meet the needs of human material and cultural life.

Simply put, the economy is the management of materials; it is a general term for the overall dynamic phenomenon of people producing, using, processing, and distributing all materials.

The concept refers to the household management of a family microscopically, and the national economy of a country macroscopically. In this dynamic whole, it includes the activities of human production, saving, exchange, and distribution; production is the basis of this dynamic, and distribution is the end point of this dynamic. "

Allow Taotao to say endlessly, and Qin Hongxi is holding a small book, carefully recording the appearance of a pupil, even a shock left on his face, if there is no teacher to arrange for someone to teach himself these Knowledge, he would never have thought that there was so much exquisite knowledge.

Even after comparing, he discovered that Qin was so weak that he did not form an economic system at all, and was still in the initial era of bartering.

In the past few days, Qin Hongxi has a clear understanding in his mind after studying, that is, this thing called economy, it is really too difficult not to talk about theory, it is some calculation formula, he is really difficult to learn Heavily.

"Today's theory class is here. Now I will take a test to see if you have studied seriously. Give me the nine-nine multiplication table first."

After Tao Tao's permission was finished, he stopped and looked at Qin Hongxi, who was a little dull, with a look of helplessness on his face. If he could, he really hoped that he could go to the Meiwen Alliance to control his own interstellar business. The business atmosphere of his boss has just started, and he is groping forward.

But the boss arranged this errand for him, he naturally had to do it well, originally thought it was just an easy task, but after real training, he discovered that it was so difficult to teach, the people in front of him did not need to be able to die wood describe.

Just like a person in a primitive society, people who are not estimated to be primitive are easier to teach than people in front of them, because people in primitive society are like a blank piece of paper, but people in front of them are not. It is really difficult to come over.

"Uh, instructor Xu, I still have some memory."

Qin Hongxi said weakly that one of the things he was most reluctant to experience in these few days was the test after he finished studying theory. He did n’t know the word ‘test one test’ before. It turned out so horrible.

These days, it is almost a daily test. After taking the test for the next time, now he feels big head when he hears "test one test".

Especially, instructor Xu heard his spitting test, and now he still remembers what Xu instructor refuted.

"What kind of an exam is this? In our country, kindergarten will arrange homework for students from the beginning. Arranging homework is the normal state in our country. Starting from elementary school, we will take the exam in the middle term and the exam at the end of the term, not to mention the time of high school, every day. All exams are required, and in your opinion, this is not an exam at all, not even homework. I want you to memorize, but it is the basic knowledge that our country has to master in the first grade of primary school ~ www. ~ This is the original word of permission, but listening to Qin Hongxi's ear, it is like a thunder

There are some words echoing in my mind. This is not an exam at all, nor is it an assignment, but only the knowledge that my teacher must master in the first grade of the national primary school.

"Can you ask, what is the first year of elementary school entrance examination?"

Qin Hongxi remembered asking a particularly stupid question at that time, and the permission to answer really left him speechless.

"Primary school is enrolled at the age of seven. Like our country, the primary school is five years, and the twelve-year-old enters high school to study for six years. At a uniform time, the college entrance examination will be conducted, and different universities will be entered according to their grades. Some people continue their studies. University At least about eight years. "

When Qin Hongxi heard these words, he was really dumbfounded. When he faced his teacher ’s national system, he realized that his country ’s weakness was not unreasonable, and why his teacher said that domineering. if.

Under the world, it is the king's land, the shore of the soil, the king's minister.

Qin Hongxi's mind echoed all that was said, and a concept was formed in his mind. It turned out that this is education. From birth to the age of thirty, a person spent all in the education of the country.

He instantly combined with Qin's situation and realized something. If his own country can implement such a system as his teacher's country, then no worries that the country will not grow and no worries will appear.

Qin Hongxi was very shocked, reflecting on Qin's current situation, he could not help but sigh gently, this road is still a long way.

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