Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 939: Heaven has a way, you do n’t go, **** has no way to break in

"This is emperor madness ... a powerful emperor who goes to the three realms."

After Emperor Kuang's voice appeared, it was passed behind the bronze door, everyone in everyone's ears was shocked.

The name of Emperor Madman is one of the most prosperous Bayan stars recently, because Emperor Madman has cultivated to the upper three realms with extremely powerful training talents.

A third-rate family, because of the emperor's madness, directly became a first-class family.

Even some of their powerful forces with sources have long heard that Emperor Mania has broken through the realm of the king, and the achievement is the power of the realm of the king.

The existence of the Shangsan Realm is not to say no in the world of Tianyan, but it is too rare, because when you reach the Shangsan Realm, you will enter the top powers, and those forces are all called star-level power.

Very few masters of Shang San Realm have been born, which has caused the pinnacle of Zhong San Realm to become the top master in the world of ordinary cultivators.

They didn't expect that, here, they actually met the imperial realm.


Emperor Kuang gave a strange look, and according to his thoughts, he came over this time, and Emperor Zhitian should have been resurrected long ago.

But why now, there is no response to what he said, especially inside the bronze gate, it is too quiet, giving him a feeling of unreal.

"Go inside and see."

Emperor Kuang hesitated for a moment, and made a decision, ready to go in and see which process Senior Senior Chiten had entered.

But he did not know that he made a decision that he regretted for life.

"The other party is coming in."

Wang Hao was inside, waiting very patiently, but when he saw the other party approaching, there was a look of excitement on his face. At the entrance of the bronze gate, a lot of mechas had been ambushed for a long time. The other party has thrown himself in the net.

There is really a saying, you have no way to go to heaven, you have no **** to break in.

In fact, it is not impossible to go out to catch the Emperor's Madness, but Wang Hao is worried that the other party will react and run away in an instant, so Wang Hao wants to solve the battle inside the bronze gate.

Therefore, when Wang Hao saw that the other party was actually preparing to enter, he showed a strong sense of excitement.

"Where is Senior Senior, and ordered by the Lord of the Eight Yantian Palace, he came here to protect the senior."

After the emperor madly entered the bronze gate, he looked at all the people in the underground palace, and there was a surprise on his face. He did not expect that there were so many people, nor did he think that these people seemed to know that he was coming in. Looked at himself.

However, Emperor Kuang faced with so many eyes and was very accustomed to it, because he had long been accustomed to other people's eyes. After all, the powerful training talent made him always the center of focus.

Just why, these people's eyes, with a touch of sympathy.

After a glance at Emperor Kuang, he did not find anyone responding to him, nor did he see the shadow of Senior Zhitian.


Zhi Tian in Feng Xingchi's mind saw Emperor Kuang enter the scene, especially after watching Emperor Kuang enter, his vigilance was so weak, he had a strong disappointment in his heart, and there was also a kind of hatred .

He originally hoped that the people in Tiangong could rescue him from the hardships and dangers, but he did not expect that a person with such a lack of vigilance came.

In fact, it's not to blame the emperor's madness. In the world of Tianyan, people with the strength of the upper three realms rarely go out to walk, and there is no power to catch up with the Tiangong.

The significance of the Daoist is actually to prevent some people who are not eye-opening from affecting the cultivation of the resurrected people before the strength of the people who won the house is improved.

Therefore, the emperor mad with the strength of the Shangjing Realm has no worries at all, because he knows that in the world of Tianyan, it is impossible for Shangsanjing to shoot.

This is a taboo in Tiangong. Once such a situation occurs, Tiangong will definitely take action to wipe out this force.

However, Emperor Madman did not expect that Wang Hao, a person who was not in the world of Tianyan at all, would naturally act without much concern.

"Do it yourself."

After Wang Hao watched Emperor Madness enter, his face was slightly cold, and he did not hesitate to say that he was very pleased with the arrival of Emperor Madman.

After such a long time in the world of Tianyan, I have known for a long time that the people who destroyed the original exploration fleet must have existed in the upper three realms, even above the imperial realm.

Because he knows clearly from some classics that only the Imperial Realm can fight in the starry sky, and the King Realm can only barely fly in the starry sky.

"Who are you."

Emperor Kuang was slightly shocked after hearing this sound, and was about to find the source of this sound. He suddenly heard the sound of tearing air coming from his ear.

In an instant, he immediately flashed this attack, and he discovered that, somehow, suddenly there were many figures around him, and he was coming around in all directions.

This made Emperor Kuang's eyes frightened. In the face of a dozen people who were not weaker than himself, he had a strong feeling in his heart that he wanted to fold here.

"God, there are some armoured men who are all powerful in the realm of emperors."

At this time .. possessing the emperor madness as a reference to the strong realm of the realm, everyone in the underground palace only discovered that this group of people actually had a small part of the strong realm of the realm.

It was they who had watched the armor quietly moved near the bronze gate, and the Emperor Kuang suffered a loss under one touch. Everyone's heart came up with an idea, that is where these people came from.

Imperial Realm ..

Some great forces even shouted in their hearts, when the imperial realm can also become a legion, it seems that there is no other force except Tiangong.

But the emperor is clearly the person of the Tiangong ~ ~ So the idea that these armor is the Tiangong is not established at all, that is to say, these people come from an unknown force.

And in the mind of Emperor Madman, there was also a turbulent wave, because he knew better than other people, the pattern of Tianyan world, but he racked his brain and did not think where these people came from.

Although he is also an imperial realm, he is also very uncomfortable in the face of more than a dozen imperial realms that are not weaker than himself, knowing that he has to kneel this time.

Where does this pervert come from, how can every one be as strong ...

After playing for a while, Emperor Kuang trembles in his heart. Because of his strange discovery, he originally wanted to find a weaker breakthrough, but after all tried it, he realized that the breakthrough he thought was simply Vain.

Because these people are stronger than him one by one, what makes him feel outrageous most is that all the people he faces seem to be consistent in strength, which makes him feel the most weird.

He tried for a lap, facing the siege of a dozen people, and gradually defeated.


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