Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 946: The Evolution of Dragon Brain

For the behavior of Emperor Madman, Wang Hao has never been relieved. The same is true for him. For Emperor Madman, there is only one more Emperor Realm, but one more Emperor Realm.

At least now it seems that Wang Hao does not need Emperor Kuang to stay, and now, he is not afraid of Tiangong discovering his own existence, because now his strength is not empty of anyone or power, after all, it seems to be the highest level of cultivation. It's just Imperial Realm, but when clones of these Imperial Realms are put on mechas, that's his real strength.

However, Wang Hao did not leave the Tianyan world, because he found that even on the earth star was the same exercise, five years, only he and Ling Yan broke into the upper three realms.

Even if it is Xiao Tian ’s cultivation body, the earliest clone in the earth planet is only Yanyuan Realm, which makes Wang Hao clearly realize that Tianyan World still has some secrets he does not know, at least in cultivation This piece still has something he did not know, even if it is the energy concentration of the vast island cultivation of the earth star, which is consistent with the Tianyan world, and even exceeds it, but the speed of cultivation is completely incomparable.

"Chief Senior ... I failed again."

Emperor Kuang looked at Wang Hao with a respectful look on his back. He changed his attitude towards Wang Hao every year. Now looking at Wang Hao ’s eyes, it ’s like looking at God. He is now glad that he was lucky It was Wang Hao, who was still very kind. As the time passed, the other party did not seem to have much enmity, but instead seemed to put it down.

But now his ideas have changed greatly, and he is no longer just wanting to leave here. Even if possible, he wants to join the Yanhuang Clan. This idea has long been told to Zhitian.

"Then I have no choice. Your strength is in the Yanhuang Clan. Looking at it now, it really doesn't matter, even if it's me, it's nothing."

Zhitian looked at Emperor Kuang ’s expression and shook his head involuntarily. He now had no idea of ​​fleeing Wang Hao ’s palm at the time, but was fortunate. Fortunately, Wang Hao wanted to study the soul, otherwise he would not be able to stay here. Reason.

Especially looking at the loss on Emperor Kuang's face, in contrast, his heart for the Dingyan Huang Clan is getting stronger and stronger.

"I think about it again."

The emperor shook his head madly, and still did not want to give up. After a little silence, he lifted his mouth and said.

"Okay, I have another problem with this clone. I have to change to another clone."

Chi Tian did not have very good advice for the younger generations like Emperor Kuang. After all, the Yanhuang Huang ’s current imperial realm can become a legion. He is not like Emperor Kuang such an imperial realm. Long stay in the misty forest.

With the passage of time, Zhi Tian has become more and more aware of the horror of the Yanhuang Clan. In one point, the Yanhuang Clan can make infinitely talented horror clones, which is enough to be perverted.

"Senior, I really envy you."

Emperor Kuang looked at Zhitian with envious eyes, and he had a very longing desire in his heart.

"Fortunately, I won't talk anymore. I have to get a research report out and give it to Haoge."

Zhitian looked at the emperor's envious expression, and naturally knew what the other party envyed. The metamorphosis of the clone was not only reflected in the unrestricted manufacturing, but also in the fact that he won no losses at all, and he could switch constantly. It is precisely because of this that he tried his own ideas about cultivation, and he was able to stay after Wang Hao studied his soul.

And after staying here for five years, he naturally knew what conditions he could stay here, and then there was only one identity, that is, a researcher. After his initial understanding, he applied to Wang Hao as a researcher in cultivation .

After thinking about it, Wang Hao agreed with each other's demands.

In the practice of practice, Chi Tian has also made great efforts. In Wang Hao's heart, he has indeed regarded Chi Tian as a non-staff researcher at the vast research center.

"Senior, do you want to practice research assistants, I can immediately break through the emperor's realm, and I will be able to get out of my soul at that time, so I can help you study the practice of cultivation together."

Emperor Kuang seemed to have thought of something. As soon as his eyes lit up, the more he wanted to feel that the idea was more feasible, he looked at Zhitian with an extremely eager look.

Emperor Kuang ’s statement also moved Zhi Tian ’s heart slightly. After a period of time, although he said that the relationship with Emperor Kuang was not a life-and-death relationship, there are still general relationships, especially looking at these few years. Emperor Kuang tried his best to stay, and Zhi Tian saw it in his eyes, which is why he had many ideas before.

"When Brother Hao is free, let me talk to Brother Hao."

Zhi Tian was silent in the eyes that Emperor Kuang looked forward to, and did not agree, but handed over the decision to Wang Hao. He knew his identity clearly, but was a non-staff member of a vast research center, according to Wang Hao. In the words of the big brother beside him.

I don't even count my formal work, and I'm still in a trial period.

"Xiaolong ... How is your new body running in?"

Wang Hao visited the misty forest and came to the center of the misty forest. In the original valley, the tall iron tower still stood. He came to the valley. A temporary research institute he had stayed in before asked about a The progress of new projects.

"At present, the subject has moved, this structure is very suitable for me, I feel that I am gradually growing."

Standing in the center of the institute ~ ~ Wang Hao listened to the feedback from Dragon Brain, and smiled slightly on his face. The voice of Dragon Brain was no longer purely metallic, but like a crisp child, this is him One of the most proudly successful design changes.

After studying some of the soul's data, Wang Hao came up with a bold idea, which is to change the dragon brain into such a structure. Of course, he did not directly change the dragon brain in a big way.

Even if DragonBrain does not have real wisdom now, Wang Hao still respects DragonBrain. After constructing a huge hardware data structure with the structure of the soul, he only let DragonBrain make a trial of the new data structure. .

If Dragon Brain itself concludes that it is feasible, it will directly move the body, and all of this is extremely smooth. Dragon Brain has also reached Wang Hao after he built the body named the soul data structure, and was really born. Wisdom.

Facing the dragon brain that followed him all the way, the moment when wisdom was really born, Wang Hao's eyes were a little red. After all, dragon brain was like his own child, and then dragon brain really evolved into a With his own intelligent intelligence, Dragon Brain seriously said that he was the first soul he created.


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