Blackstone Code

1808 The country above the country

Drago's eldest son's business is on track, and his other children are doing things they love.

Someone has entered the entertainment industry, and the Nagari people are a new race to the entire environment of the Federation.

The differences between races and races cannot be replaced by makeup.

Just like now when people need someone to play the roles of great nobles or medieval characters, they will first choose the immigrants of Gevra.

There is a natural kind of temperament in these people.

If some directors want to make some simple movies, with a small number of people, simple scenes, with or without costumes, they will definitely choose the indigenous people.

Not only is it cheap, it’s also tax-free.

When they need some barbarians, the Nagarils obviously become the first choice. Even if they put on the cloak of civilization, they still look like they have a barbaric atmosphere!

There are others who are studying hard, and several of his daughters are married.

Asr had fallen in love with one of them before, but now she has become someone else's wife.

Sometimes if you miss it once, it is forever.

Drago and Lynch chatted about some of their recent changes, and one could tell that although he was rich, he was unhappy.

People are always like this. Only rich people will consider spiritual pursuits!

Lunch time is very short, forty minutes for eating and resting.

The meeting continued forty minutes later. After discussing several important topics, the meeting seemed to be coming to an end. Lynch glanced at Mr. Patu, who seemed to be in no hurry and had no intention of speaking.

At a meeting like this, if you have an opinion, you can speak up.

And the higher the status, the greater the attention paid to it by everyone.

Mr. Patu's speech will definitely attract attention, but he does not seem to want to stand up.

Lynch turned his attention to the others, as if what were everyone waiting for?

He wasn't sure.

After taking a look at the meeting materials in hand, I saw that some of the main items on the agenda have been discussed. If there are no new additions, the meeting will be over.

At this time, a small shareholder raised some questions.

"Members of the board of directors and shareholders, I have a personal opinion that I would like to discuss with you."

The head of the secretary's office who was in charge of presiding over the meeting nodded, "Of course, please tell me."

The minority shareholder looked a little nervous. He opened his mouth and his eyes rested on several people. Lynch looked sideways and saw that several people were on the board of directors.

he mused.

If the board wants to push this idea, it's obviously not appropriate, but it has to involve people from the board, maybe those people have already discussed it.

Lynch has nothing against this. This is the Federation.

During the breaks in congressional meetings, congressmen can canvass votes on the spot, and are said to be "warming up" in advance before the meeting. This is in compliance with various federal laws.

Everyone has the right to express their personal wishes at any time and on any occasion. This is something that is fucking written in the Charter.

You think canvassing is illegal, and you are fighting against the spirit of federal freedom!

“Is it too risky for us to establish central and east-central Nagaril as a new economically developed region?”

The angle at which these points are made is great and immediately grabs everyone's attention.

The head of the secretary's office who presided over the meeting seemed to have known about these situations for a long time. He looked a little confused, but that was all.

"Please elaborate on your views so that we can have a better understanding."

The minority shareholder seemed less nervous. No one contradicted him, which made him calmer.

"During our war with Pendeo, Nagaril was divided into two parts with the central region. From the center to the east, it was once the area occupied by the Pendeo people."

"As far as I know, in their occupied areas, the Nagaril people not only did not resist the Pendeo people's aggression, but instead cooperated very well with their construction and production."

"Those fortifications, temporary railways, factories, etc. that were used to counter our counterattack were all built by the local Nagali people."

"At the same time, they are also engaged in various productions for the Pengeo people, including producing bullets for them, making food for them, etc."

"Among these locals, are there still some Nagali people who are sympathizing with the Pendeo people?"

"If there is, if they don't expose themselves and suddenly jump out to destroy our construction results when our development plan is almost completed, will it cause a serious blow to our plan?"

The smoother he speaks, the more confident and contagious he becomes, and some people have begun to think along his lines.

The idea he proposed is indeed worrying. It is very risky to let a group of Nagaril people who once helped the Pendeo people still stay in the most important part of the development blueprint.

There was some discussion in the conference room. Lynch glanced at Patu. Mr. Patu still had a straight face, but his facial features were softer than serious. You couldn't see that he was smiling, but you could feel it!

This is a very special perception!

The discussion continued for a while, and Lynch turned around and glanced at the government officials sent by the federal government behind him. They were also recording something.

Soon, the discussion calmed down, and a board member asked the small shareholder, "Do you have any good suggestions?"

It was obvious that the board of directors included this issue in the new discussion session. The small shareholders shook their heads, "We have no way to ensure that each of them is loyal to the Federation."

"Their lack of resistance and even helping the Pengeo people fight against us made me completely lose my trust in them."

"Especially I heard that some people even played a very egregious role in this. They have a high social status, but they have become the lackeys of the Pendeo people..."

There was some uproar at the scene, but it was reasonable.

"Once these people with social appeal decide to do something secretly, we won't be able to predict it in advance!"

"This is also what worries me the most. Is it possible that there are nails left by the Pendeo people here? If so, how can we remove them?"

People are talking louder. The construction plan of the Southern Hemisphere Financial and Economic Center involves approximately 20 to 30 billion capital flows.

All this money will come from within the Nagaril United Development Company, which has seven major banks and many consortiums.

It is certainly not possible for each household to raise so much money, but it is not difficult for everyone to raise so much money together.

Not to mention that this is not a one-time payment, it is a phased payment. The first phase only costs 1.5 billion, and the total project duration is about ten to fifteen years.

With such a large investment, any small problems that may cause investment failure will be infinitely magnified.

After a brief discussion, the board member went on to ask him, "So do you think there's any way to prevent this from happening?"

Small shareholders raised two points of view.

“First, we need to make people realize that there is a price to pay for doing something wrong!”

"At the same time I have some concerns about the laws that are being implemented in Nagaril now..."

"Sorry, I don't think that's going to work very well in the areas that we're planning on, so I think the first thing we have to do is establish new legal rules."

"We have to find local people who have taken the initiative to do things for the Pengeo people in the past, and after finding them, we need to help the local people understand that there are some things that must not be touched."

"When they are sentenced to death, I believe many people will realize this more clearly."

"The ruling class in the past did something wrong and were punished. Then the common people like them will also be punished if they did something wrong!"

"Second, when new areas are built, we also need new management mechanisms and methods. The old ones are no longer practical."

“The people of Nagaril are far behind our pace in terms of thinking and model of urban management. What we need is a local ruling class that can provide us with more development help.”

"Instead of the ruling class holding us back!"

Lynch's eyes lingered on the other people's faces one by one, and he had already realized the core of these two contents.

First, the establishment of a special zone and the establishment of laws for the implementation of privileges will divide Nagaril into two regions with different laws and different rules for social operation.

Second, from central Nagaril to the central-eastern region, and even directly to the eastern region, the federal people will be fully used as the ruling class and the management class of the city.

He had heard before that the Dog Federation seemed to want to establish a special zone or a state in Nagaril, just to prevent things like Pengeo's invasion from happening again.

Moreover, the location was chosen in the eastern region, closest to Penjieo and the Eastern Continent.

But now it seems that the federation has a huge appetite. This is not a state, but half of the country.

However, this kind of thing has only advantages and no disadvantages for Lynch. He would not say that he would refuse or object.

He glanced at Representative Nagaril, Drago and others. Their expressions were serious, and it was obvious that they were aware of what had happened.

The Federation is trying to swallow the entire Nagaril in some way.

Regardless of the fact that today we only want the central to central-eastern regions, when these regions are completely digested, Nagaril will transform into a real "new federation" bit by bit, and Nagaril people will also become " New Federalists”!


Of course, this is all well-hidden, and the minority shareholders do have a point.

How can the ruling class of a backward region like Nagaril be able to manage a developed city and region where everything is built according to a federal mechanism?

What do they know?

I invested so much money not just to see it go to waste, but to make the money have the practical significance it should have. It is just to swallow up a region...

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