Blackstone Code
Blackstone Code 2038
The next morning, Lynch saw the chairman of the Conservative Party committee in a park outside Boupen Circle.
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He was sitting on a park bench like an ordinary old man, holding a paper bag with bread in his hand.
From time to time he took out some crumbs of bread from the paper bag and threw them on the ground in front of him.
In the open space in front of him, many gray pigeons had gathered.
These pigeons will continue to change positions according to the bread crumbs he throws out, and sometimes some pigeons will attack other pigeons in order to monopolize more food.
In the corner of the park in the morning, the old man and the pigeons looked natural and harmonious. No one could have imagined that this old man had a prominent status.
Lynch shrank his neck, and his personal security officer nodded to him, indicating that the surrounding area was under control and would be very safe.
He then left the vehicle and stepped into the park.
A homeless man watched the well-dressed Lynch enter the park and wanted to follow him into the park.
Times are not easy for homeless people either.
Ever since the federal government introduced the “utility encroachment tax,” homeless people have to pay extra fucking taxes too.
The police will randomly select homeless people they meet on the street and ask them to produce their tax returns and tax payment certificates from the previous quarter.
If they can't show it, they will be sent to a temporary prison for homeless people——
These temporary prisons are called prisons, but they are actually factories.
The factory has been contracted to capitalists. After entering, homeless people have to work hard for twelve hours a day and earn a small amount of income.
They must pay back last quarter's taxes and fines before they can leave the temporary prison.
If they continue to fail to complete these requirements, they will continue to do these tasks.
But if they fail to pay the fine within six months, they are transferred to real prison, with sentences ranging from six months to 10 years.
This was also the New Deal after Mr. Trueman came to power. The homeless people were also angry and marched. Facts have proved that even if they unite, it will be useless.
Most homeless people have a formal job, and a small number of homeless people rely on begging, theft or even robbery to barely pay taxes.
The homeless man saw that the coat Lynch was wearing was very expensive and decent, and he thought he could get some money from Lynch.
Three to five yuan, or more.
This will be a great help for him in paying his taxes!
But the next second, he was blocked out!
"Go somewhere else!"
A guy in a formal suit and tie looked at him and said with an unkind expression, "You are not welcome here for the time being."
The homeless man was stunned for a moment, and just as he was about to say something, the guy lifted his clothes and revealed the gun holster inside, "Don't cause trouble for yourself."
The tramp immediately raised his hands and took a few steps back. He swore that he just wanted to beg for a few dollars from the kind master!
At this time, Lin Qi didn't know what was happening outside, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care.
He went straight to the bench and sat down. Because of his arrival, some pigeons flew up.
…but soon fell back to the ground.
"Look at these little guys, they are obviously aware of the danger, but they still don't want to leave."
"If I were one of those hungry homeless people, they might become my dinner."
The old man said something appropriate to the occasion, crushed some bread and threw it out.
Those pigeons that stayed in the same place immediately gave up all vigilance and flew to grab the delicious food with other pigeons.
Lynch seemed to have gained something and said, "Because profit is always the best bait. As long as you throw it out big enough, people will catch it!"
The old man turned slightly sideways and looked at Lin Qi.
The temperature at this time had not yet completely risen. At the end of February, white air blew out rhythmically from his mouth and nose when he breathed.
"You don't look like a young man, Lynch, you look like an old guy."
The old man sighed with emotion, "But you are a little different from other old people. Your determination to make progress is the huge difference between you."
"A lot of people my age, you know, our biggest wish is to just take it one day at a time."
"As long as there is no trouble, we can find a place to sit for the whole day."
"This is different about you, you are always doing something."
He paused as he spoke, "And we lack people like you."
Lynch's response was quick, "Are you talking about you and you, or do you mean the Conservative Party?"
The old man sprinkled another handful of bread crumbs nonchalantly, "Both of them are there, what difference does it make?"
Lynch replied, "I'm willing to make friends, but I don't want to be what others call a 'traitor.'"
The old man laughed loudly after hearing this, "I haven't heard anyone say this word for a long time. You know, for us, sometimes the boundaries are not so clear."
He smiled, shook his head, and said in a sincere voice, "They are ostracizing Trueman. I believe you can see that. I respect him very much. He is an idealist practitioner."
"Actually, he is more suitable to come to our side. Compared to the 'reform' that capitalists call, we have the same views on many issues."
Conservatives may not be truly conservative; conservatism is just a manifestation of political and social needs.
Is the conservatism against capitalists not a kind of defense?
From another perspective, the Progressive Party’s reforms are actually more about meeting the policy demands of capitalists.
The federal government has improved many laws and regulations, making this society a more suitable soil for the growth of capitalism.
On the contrary, the relatively conservative Conservative Party’s attitude on some issues can actually inhibit the rapid expansion of capital!
Of course, this is all two-sided. In other words, it is an agreement reached under the common demands of politics and capital. It does not represent the truth, let alone the truth. It is just a superficial appearance of conformity in a period of time!
Lin Qi said nothing, he could hear the old man soliciting him.
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The key is the Han Dynasty.
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锷犱笂爠戶 threshold inert鑳呄嬬镵戈偊锛屾洿锷犵殑瀹夊叏鍙欬锛屽彲鎯 pet€倰鍗忚涓€镞﹁皥濡ワ纴爠煶Threshold Inert 绔嫔埢灏铘笙噙洊鍒荴崮楁媺chain睝鍏ㄩ儴鍦 Board尯锛屾垚涓 coax 焄锷涙渶寮红殑 Threshold lazy 锛屾 disease chain変箣涓€銆?/p\u003e
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璋兜 Simple and clear
鐜板湪鎯呭喌嶶嶅搓浭纴钖勬南閮 borrow紑洮嬫浵鎷夋嫝浠栥€?/p\u003e
The key is the Han Dynasty.
鍧愮潃鐪嬩典涓€浼氶瀛愪 slip 钖冨畲涓滆タ钣庣鬴人殑鏉ュ洖骪bian锛彂鐜版 disease chain 夋洿澶氱殑涓滆タ钖庡NH涓€鍝勮€屾ying锛屽哚鋋佷Jianlvd簺bi勬湰瀹hid€?/p\u003e
Chain夊ソ澶娭殑镞淺€欙纴甔埢锲笂锉ワ纴鍝€曟湁椋娨橹浠栦 slip涔綴笉鍦ㄤ箮銆?/p\u003e
铋楀鎶ご鐪潃鐪shoulder齧chain涚潃杩滃鄄勫煄宁勦纴涔戈偣阍熺殑阒ochong厜鍦ㄤ笢鍗楁南钖戠澶╃┖Stiff shoulders澶у湴抆?/p\u003e
瀹冨碢娓╂殩宁︽浵浜红棿洛崽向纰庝剑涓ュ啲锛岃嫃莃玍 simply涓栫暫抆?/p\u003e
娌″锞箹纺鋋楀璧MadHan绂紲紜浗叕锲纴褰撹昒熺寮€钖庯纴涓€浜涘湪 forgeㄥ洿璀﹀镄啫畕鍏ㄤHan forging樻姠退怀槦槛姼综瀻鍧愬彟澶栦竴戈嚈戂簲紑銆?/p\u003e
粠鐗 returned to the 羾whirlpool fried 鐢黻鍒罃涔嫗锛屾滠濠濧囧銄繁鄄勫畨鍏ㄤ闅锅簗鍒纴鍙壣皟楂树tract simply鍑犱Fujinf 銆?/p\u003e
锽槧燽戠煶瀵嗙爜璇峰ぇ瀹鈥湹钘奿 fine(..)锽戠煶瀵嗙爜chain€镞╁皬璇anc洿鏂综合€緷harasschain€Jian€?/p\u003e .
The tripod reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it
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