Blackstone Code

0479 The charity that can’t be waited for

People are very subjective creatures, especially when a person is very self-centered, even if he goes too far or does something wrong, he will not feel that way. He will only think that everything is a matter of other people's attitudes, not his own. of.

Mr. Simon treats his children at home, and his wife's attitude is not like a real father or husband, but in his own opinion, he did what he should do.

He provided that woman and child with a life foundation that 80% of Nagarilese people could not enjoy, and gave them a prosperous life so that they could live a good life without having to work outside.

He has given so much, and if anyone is still dissatisfied, the problem must not be with him.

He thinks so and sees it this way, but some bystanders, such as Mr. Butler, who are not involved in the matter, can see that Mr. Simon really does not like the heroine and the young master.

At this time, the old housekeeper had vaguely guessed that Mr. Simon might want to sell his property and leave here. As a butler, he naturally could not interfere with Mr. Simon's thoughts and actions, but...

Facing the young master, the old housekeeper sighed softly. He didn't want this to be the case, so he revealed something a little bit, even if the chance was slim.

"The master may... plan to leave here."

"Is he going to travel or discuss business elsewhere?" The young man did not realize this problem at first.

Although Mr. Simon was not good to him and his mother, he still took on the most basic responsibilities and provided him with a good growth environment.

He was still able to go to school when others were already busy trying to survive, so his feelings for Mr. Simon were very complicated. Sometimes he would be desperate, but sometimes he could comfort himself.

The smile on his face suggested to the old guard that the young man did not realize the seriousness of the problem. He looked around and lowered his voice, "The master used to be from Preton Trading Company. Now that Preton Trading Company has collapsed, the Federation The businessman is here, and he may be planning to...leave here completely and go back to where he came from."

"It doesn't matter whether I stay here or not. Anyway, I am already an old man. Maybe the bumpy sea voyage will kill me." There was something very special in his eyes, like It's kind and caring, "But you are different, Master."

"I don't know something, maybe you can...ask the master."

After saying this, the old housekeeper sighed heavily again, and then left quickly, leaving only the young man standing there in a daze.

It was not good news for him that Mr. Simon was leaving. In fact, he had known over the years that his father had a family in another country, including another wife and children.

This is not a big problem for teenagers. In Nagalir, it is not something that people would scold for a capable man to take care of a few more women and help them realize their dream of reproducing.

It is not uncommon here for some wealthy people to have dozens or even dozens of wives in their families, but they just have another aunt and a brother, so he doesn't pay much attention to them.

But now, things he had so deliberately ignored began to creep into his mind.

For example, Mr. Simon always places photos of his other family where he can see them most easily: on the bookshelf, on the desk, on the desk or even on the cabinet in the living room.

But here, there has never been a photo of him with his family here.

For example, he always writes letters to his family over there on time, and each time he writes for a long time. He fills three or four pieces of letter paper with stuff and sends it out, but he rarely communicates with his family here for a short period of time, even just a few times. sentence.

For example...

There were too many examples, which made the boy's originally good mood fall into a low ebb. The most important thing now was to find out whether Mr. Simon planned to leave.

He quickly changed his expression. In such a family and in such family relationships, he had learned how to disguise himself.


Two minutes later, he came outside the study, looked at Mr. Simon, who was writing something with his head down at his desk, and breathed softly.

He stood outside the door and did not cross the boundary even one centimeter inside, because Mr. Simon said that no one could enter his study without his consent, including the mistress and the little boy of the house. Owner.

The young man did not dare to disobey Mr. Simon's request. The scar on his forehead seemed to be throbbing, but in fact he had not felt it for a long time.

Mr. Simon didn't even raise his head, didn't even say anything, and continued to do his thing.

About seven or eight minutes later, he put down his pen and rubbed his wrist. When he raised his head, his expression was very cold, and his tone was also, "You should be doing homework or doing other things at this time."

What he meant was that he didn't want to see the young man here. The young man pursed his lips, lowered his head, and continued, "Yes, I just met the housekeeper and asked about some things from him..." He mustered up the courage to raise his head. He started to look at Mr. Simon behind the desk, "Are you leaving?"

"Leave?" Mr. Simon's eyes became a little scary, "Who did you listen to, or are you just making your own random guesses?"

"I told you, I will definitely tell you things that you should know, but I don't want you to ask around dishonestly for things that you shouldn't know."

"I won't punish you this time, but if there is another time and you let me know that you make random guesses or inquires, the punishments will be added together."

Mr. Simon has a cane whip, which is used to whip those servants who have made mistakes. You cannot treat these Nagaril natives too kindly, otherwise they will try to cross the line between the master and the servants step by step. boundaries.

The whip is a good tool for maintaining one's authority. It only takes a few strokes to make people recognize their status within a certain period of time.

Sometimes when the boy made a mistake or his mother made a mistake, Simon would whip them with a whip, five lashes each time. He had to take off his shirt and slap it on the back.

Every time he was punished, it was impressive. When he heard the punishment, there was a look of fear in the boy's eyes, and his head hung lower.

"If nothing goes wrong, go do your thing and remember to close my door..." Mr. Simon rubbed his wrist, picked up the pen again, and started writing furiously.

In fact, he had a typewriter here before, the kind that kept typing, then made a ding at the end, and then pushed it back with your hand.

But then he started using it and stopped using it. Firstly, the frequency of writing letters was not low, but it was impossible to write every day. Secondly, the ink ribbon needed maintenance, and so did the typewriter.

The money he spent on this was much higher than the typewriter itself, and his typing skills were not very good, so he finally gave up.

The young man stood at the door in silence for a moment. Simon raised his head again unhappily, looked at him, and nodded slightly, as if asking him, why haven't you left yet, and what else do you want to do?

The young man bowed slightly and closed the door. Suddenly there was only rustling in the study, and Mr. Simon's heart was looking forward to returning to his real home and enjoying the warmth of a real family.

The more he has such thoughts, the more urgent he becomes, even if the child over there has no feelings for him, everything is for the sake of money.

Even though his wife over there had cheated on her and had a lover, he felt that he was to blame, that he had done something wrong first, and that he would make up for it when he returned.

He can't stand the savage look of the children here, and he can't stand the strange smell that can never be removed from his wife. He's had enough, and he wants to go back!

The boy returned to his room in a daze. When passing by his mother's room, he didn't even notice that his mother called his name.

He returned to the room, closed the door, and threw himself heavily on the soft bed. Looking at the sand tent, he became more and more confused.

He could already feel it, feel Mr. Simon's determination to leave, and... to abandon them.

He could feel that decision. It was magical. He couldn't explain how it was done, but he just knew that he and his mother were about to be abandoned.

Tears flowed from his eyes uncontrollably. He never cried even when his father whipped him, because Mr. Simon said that the last thing a man should do is cry.

He has never cried since he was sensible. The more painful and injured he is, the more he has to smile, because in this way he can cater to Mr. Simon's expectations for him that may not exist and comfort his mother.

But now, he cried out. He was the one who was going to be abandoned after all, and according to the news from Mr. Butler, Mr. Simon seemed to be planning to sell everything here. He didn't even consider the young man and his mother. How to live here.

This society is very cruel. If rich people like them suddenly run out of money, those outside will treat them even harder.

For almost twenty years, he has been like an unpleasant stone that sometimes plays a role and is placed somewhere that can be touched at any time.

Now he has no use and is about to be kicked away.

In the midst of his sadness, he thought of a passer-by with whom he had been chatting very well recently. He was a very interesting person. He was not like other Nagali people who hoped to end their lives in confusion and then vote for a Good tire.

In this interesting young man, he felt something that no Nagarilese had ever experienced before, a spirit, something exciting.

It is stubborn resistance.

It is an active struggle.

It's a fierce fight.

Then use your will, body and hands to hold up a bright future!

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