Blackstone Code

0793 one million


"the second time……"

"For the third time, congratulations...sir, you were able to capture this item!"

The gavel in the auctioneer's hand fell quickly and accurately. A charity fundraising auction was different from a serious auction house auction.

Generally speaking, during charity fundraising auctions, except for a few people who may not be used to it, or people who attend such a party for the first time and make mistakes, normally people will not really compete to bid for a certain item.

Everyone will send a product to the auctioneer for auction, and then pay a price to buy the product. There will be no competition, so the auctioneer does not need to arouse everyone's emotions, as long as the entire process is completed quickly.

After Penny watched the items that might be valuable or that she couldn't tell were worth selling for astonishing prices one by one, she gradually discovered some clues.

"Have you always played like this?" she asked in a low voice.

It was indeed an eye-opener for her to be brought to this party by Lynch today. In addition to the people she usually rarely met, this special fundraising auction also made her feel very fresh.

Lin Qi ignored her, and she kept talking all night, like a curious baby, asking why this was, and why that was.

Lynch could answer her questions at first, but soon became too lazy to answer.

Because she just answered a question and she had a new question.

The auction starts from the back row and then gradually moves forward, with the heavyweights often being placed at the end.

The queue soon reached Lynch's side, and the waiter stood beside Lynch holding a red velvet tray in his hand.

Lynch took out a lighter from his pocket and put it on, and briefly explained its use, its value and some features. After listening carefully, the waiter left quickly.

"I thought you would prepare them in advance." Penny still looked curious, "What if any of you didn't bring these things?"

"Will someone prepare something in advance and send it over, such as some oil paintings?"

"The real estate is actually quite suitable..."

Lynch sighed and turned his head to look at Penny, "You at least have shoes on, right?"

Penny curled her lips. She had no idea what these big shots were thinking. In her opinion, such a party should be handled very seriously. All preparations should be made days or even weeks in advance. Everyone is looking forward to it. Waiting for this moment to arrive.

But... the enthusiasm she had prepared quickly cooled down. No one was bidding. Calling it an auction, it was more like a boring and ordinary fundraiser.

This is different from what she imagined!

In fact, Penny's understanding of this matter was fundamentally wrong. Fundraising and charity activities like this, whether auctions or charities, are not the core. Only fundraising is the core.

As for how to raise funds, that’s not important. What’s important is that the money is in place.

There is no point in preparing in advance and preparing too well. Instead, it is better to "donate" a personal item and then spend money to buy it back as we are now, which saves time and energy for both of us.

As for why it is not directly raised through donations, but auctioned, that is because the tax exemption amounts obtained from auctions and donations are different!

Yes, Mr. and Mrs. President are so considerate. When they take money from everyone's pockets to put money on their faces, they don't forget to do enough to help everyone get more tax exemptions.

"This is an exquisite lighter donated by Mr. Lynch. It is handmade by a famous master. The interior is made of high-purity handmade brass body, which is strong and corrosion-resistant. The outer shell is made of pure gold and inlaid with Eighty-eight gems of various colors.”

As the auctioneer spoke, he turned on the lighter, and the metal trembled with a clang that could be heard throughout the venue!

A good lighter, at least judging from the auctioneer's introduction and its performance.

"The original price of this lighter is around 50,000 federal soles. The starting price is 50,000 federal soles. Everyone can bid..."

Penny sat on the side and stuck out her tongue, her pink tongue flashing between her lips. She didn't expect that just a lighter was so expensive!

God, her current salary for a movie was about this price. She knew that Lynch had many similar lighters, and when she thought of these, her mind became a little dizzy.

She asked herself a question: Why are you still working so hard?

Isn’t it good to lie down and win?

Of course, no one can answer this question, not even herself. Sometimes it is not so easy to win by lying down.

Lynch raised his hand, "One million..." with a warm smile on his face, "This lighter has been with me for a long time. I have a very special feeling for it. At the same time, I felt emotional for Mrs. Barbara. Initiative, we really need to do something within our capabilities for this society, I hope you won’t compete with me, thank you!”

He said these words, on the one hand, to have fun, and on the other hand, he also wanted to avoid making trouble.

It is not that no one has made trouble at such an auction. For example, if someone wants to flatter Lynch or asks for something from him, they will donate the money on Lynch's behalf.

Spending 50,000 yuan to photograph this thing in exchange for a favor from Lynch is obviously a very cost-effective thing!

The purpose of Lynch's words was also to eliminate the possibility of such a situation.

If someone really did that and bid against each other, it would actually be very embarrassing.

Fortunately, no one wanted to test Lynch with one million. The people who could come were not poor. After the auctioneer made three quick tens of thousands, the gavel fell.

Lynch had prepared a cashier's check from the bank and placed it on the red velvet tray while the waiter returned his lighter.

One million cashier's check issued by Jinhui Bank. This thing can be directly exchanged for one million cash in any bank.

Besides checks, promissory notes are also one of the financial instruments most commonly used by capitalists.

At this point, the auction price suddenly increased a lot. No matter what those people behind them did, they could not give a price less than Lynch.

Mr. President looked towards Lynch and nodded slightly in greeting. Lynch knew what he meant, which was to thank him.

Raising one million dollars is also fundraising, and raising ten million dollars is also fundraising. If the president's wife cannot raise a large amount, the president's face will not be at stake.

Even if the people behind are hovering around one million, this auction can raise almost 20 million, which is enough for Mr. President and Mrs. President to gain a lot of face in the media.

Some people in the front row also glanced back at Lynch. Compared with Lynch's previous bid of hundreds of thousands, two or three hundred thousand, Lynch raised the price several times in one breath.

Compared with the normal looks in everyone's eyes, the looks in the eyes of the two young people from the Duncan family seemed less polite.

"He raised the price too high, it was beyond our plans!"

The person who spoke was the leader of the younger generation of the Duncan family. After he withdrew his salty eyes from Lynch's face, he looked at the eldest brother beside him and complained in a low voice.

Originally, their plan was to donate 500,000 or 600,000 yuan, which would be enough. But now it looks like it will be at least 1 million yuan.

As one of the most powerful families in the Federation, the Duncan family's family glory does not allow them to be confused with those "lower families".

If Lynch donated one million, they would donate 1.5 million or even two million to show the status and momentum of the Duncan family.

The young man sitting next to him whom he called "big brother" had an incomprehensible smile on his face, "It's not a lot of money, just donate it."

He glanced sideways at the young man next to him and said, "A big family needs to have the magnanimity of a big family. Let's donate two million..."

The young man nodded and stopped talking.

The auction continued at this pace. Mr. Wardrick donated his tie clip and bought it back for 1.2 million. Lynch's price was too high. He had no intention of spending that much money. .

Mr. Patu donated Anna's diamond hairpin, which he also bought back for 1.2 million.

Everyone follows a rule that does not require communication. In the upper class society, this kind of rule is everywhere. Many people rashly enter the upper class society with some small luck, but they cannot use it.

It's as if there is an invisible wall around them, firmly restricting their behavior. This is the disadvantage of having no foundation, and they cannot even grasp some of the most simple rules.

In the end, the normal charity fundraising ended with the Duncan family spending two million to buy a watch. The president's wife excitedly told the total amount raised, which was an amazing number.

At least it was more than double what she expected, and all this was because of Lynch's random shouting. He directly disrupted the ascending order of prices, forcing the people behind to pay more.

Two million each is equivalent to the donations from the previous dozen people.

The president's wife knew who she wanted to thank, but she didn't show it right away. Thanking Lynch too much at this time, or focusing on Lynch, would only arouse some potential hostility for him.

After the party was successfully concluded, Mr. President and Mrs. President bid farewell to the guests and had a special exchange with Lynch when they were sent to him.

"In two days, on the weekend, I hope you are free. I will hold a barbecue party in my back garden. Are you free to come?"

Lynch has helped Mr. President and Mrs. President a lot, and they should repay Lynch in return. For example, they can obviously enhance their relationship and contact with each other, and then talk about the future distribution of benefits.

"It's a great honor. I happen to have a collection of the best wine. I will take it with me when the time comes." He agreed happily.

Mr. President stretched out his hand and shook Lynch again, "Then I'll wait for you. Come early, and we can still have a chat!"


After the two said goodbye to Mr. President and Mrs. President, they met Mr. Wardrick as they walked out.

He was chatting quietly with the two of them. When he saw Lin Qi coming over, he ended the conversation with the others and looked at Lin Qi, "Let's talk?"

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