Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 343, Li Lan’s apology

time flies.

The date of the last big test of the registered disciple is getting closer and closer.

At this time, the news came out from the six peaks and six blocks. Li Lan, Li Muyun and Liang Feixue, who had joined the six peaks and six seats before because of their outstanding performance, returned to the registered disciples area at this time.

According to the requirements of Zongmen, they will appear in the final exam.

For many people, this is not a good news.

Because according to Zongmen's previous rules of the college entrance examination, the top fifteen of the college entrance examinations will directly enter the inner door and become a true disciple of the inner door. Since then, it has been almost a fishery gantry, step by step, not only can enjoy a large number of cultivation resources, but also It has been cultivated with the greatest strength of Zongmen, and its status has risen leaps and bounds.

If there is enough chance and luck, go further and you can enter the core layer of Zongmen, which is the most crowded group of the whole sword.

When Li Lan and others return to participate in the college entrance examination, they will inevitably occupy four of the fifteen places. For others, the chances will be much smaller.

In addition, after this final assessment, asked Jianzong to evaluate more than 2,000 registered disciples based on the performances of previous assessments in the past year, and rank according to the comprehensive results.

The 16th to the 200th directly entered the inner door.

From the 207th to the 500th, they entered the outer door.

The recorded disciples after the five hundred have almost lost their cultivation value, and Zongmen will not waste limited cultivation resources to cultivate these disciples.

The fate of these unsuccessful disciples will become uncertain.

They either return to their respective families, or become wandering warriors who have no fixed place, or become mercenaries who are on the line of life and death, and the luckiest guys can stay in the swords and become some extravagant personnel.

For many people, asking Jian Zong to get a long-term errand, such as becoming the manager of Jian Zong’s industry in the various ethnic settlements of the Terran, is still under the protection of Jian Zong, and it is also very good. s Choice.

This process fully reveals the cruel rules of survival of the fittest.

In the cold world of the endless continent, only the strong are qualified to control their own destiny, and the weak can only be engulfed by the cold tide of fate.


As time went by, the atmosphere of the Jianzongshan Gate became tense.

Especially the name of the disciple area is completely an atmosphere of arrogance.

Some good friends on weekdays, at this time, have become indifferent because of the possible competitive relationship, because even the best friends, it is possible to become their own roadblock in the exam.

In the face of cruel destiny, friendship is always raining, and only those who have truly withstood the test can be high in the mountains and worthy of defending with life and soul.

For Wen Jianzong, the year-end big test of the registered disciple is a grand event.

In addition to the towed disciples, the various large and small factions in the Zongmen, six peaks and six, as well as those little-known Xiaofeng, Zongmen's major functional organizations, and even some elders without real power, also Will appear in this exam.

These people are like bargains, holding one in ten thousand hopes, patiently and carefully watching the entire process of the college entrance examination, hoping to find some buried jade, stay with them, cultivate or use them.

Time is in such a hustle and whistle.

On this day, in the No. 8 compound, Ding Hao finally saw Li Lan for more than half a year.

"Hey, Xiaolan, I haven't seen you for a long time, you are still so thin." Ding Hao smiled and asked Li Lan to sit down.

Li Lan is still wearing a clean cyan gown. The body is thin like a gust of wind that can blow him away. His shoulders are narrow, his face is pale, and there is a slight exhaustion between the eyebrows. The kind of excitement and excitement from the peak of one of the six peaks and six towers is just a pair of scorpions, but the more invented and deep, like a sea of ​​abyss, seems to be able to drown everything.

"You still can get into trouble." Li Lan did not swear.

Regardless of how he opposed it, Xiaolan’s feminine name eventually fell on himself. However, the entire question asked Jian Ding, Ding Hao dare to say this, if others dare to call themselves... then his mouth must be Will be torn into bad.

"I am sorry for Xiaofan's affairs..." A little silence for a moment, Li Lan broke the silence with apologetics.

He knows what Ding Hao is thinking about.

Before Ding Hao left to ask Jianzong, he personally explained to himself, hoping to take good care of Zhang Fan and Wang Xiaoqi and other friends. After all, he was the head of the Tsing Yi Eastern Hospital and was able to do this. all.

Unfortunately, I was later selected by the peak of the Six Peaks and Sixth Block and had to leave the Eastern Court temporarily. I thought that in a short period of time, there were so many things happening.

After all, he still couldn’t protect him for that friendship.

"This is Xiaolan, your virgin apologizes? Hey, okay, I forgive you." Ding Haoyi haha.

To be honest, Ding Hao was a bit disappointed with Li Lan at the beginning. Before going down the mountain, he firmly believed that Li Lan could make the entire Tsing Yi East Hospital well-organized. Who knows that the final result is so disappointing.

However, Ding Hao soon figured it out.

After all, in the face of the invitation of one of the six peaks and six towers, no one named disciple can refuse, and he has no power to ask Li Lan to give up a great opportunity, so too selfish.

The virgin apologizes?

Li Lan gas knot.

He found that in the face of Ding Hao, the bastard, he always had no way to be serious. He still wanted to do it and talk to this guy. Who knows that the atmosphere was destroyed at once and it was not bad.

"Oh, yes, Xiaolan, let's talk about your business first. Hey, I heard that there are many beautiful women on the peak. Have you ever secretly liked any of your sisters? Let's talk to everyone." Ding Hao Reaching out to say Wang Xiaoqi and Li Yunqi came over and put a small bench around Li Lan, a pair of gossips looking for dissatisfaction.

Li Lan did not get angry this time.

He looked at Ding Hao very carefully, and suddenly said: "Ding Hao, you have changed."

“Oh?” Ding Hao smiled slightly: “Is Xiaolan really a good vision, become more handsome and mature?”

"Hey! It's getting more cheeky." Li Lan snorted without a sigh of relief, and the worry in his heart was put down, and it became easier again, and immediately seemed to think of something, thoughtfully: " It’s changed. It seems that you really figured out some things and saw a lot of things. So, don’t be like that person. Otherwise, you will feel tired when you enter the hidden sword peak with your previous character. ""

"Hey, Xiaolan, you seem to know a lot of things, it is better to talk about it carefully?" Ding Hao hearted, from Li Lan's words, heard some information.

"Without me, you will know soon." Li Lan kept her mouth shut.

Ding Hao no longer asked, the topic turned, said: "You and Li Muyun, Liang Feixue three returned to the disciples of the disciples, is to participate in the year-end exam?"

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