Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 346, desperately powerful

Ding Hao's black hair danced, standing like a javelin, gently raising his hand and taking a palm.


A soft bang.

Ding Hao's figure is like a meteorite, and it doesn't move.

There was not even a trace of wind on the ground within half a meter of his feet, but the rocky ground outside the half-meter range was broken and broken. The stone fragments flew and the ground was smashed by the small legs. A three-inch thick layer is like a chaotic cut, covered with shocking cracks.

The little stay was taken by this palm, and it was shocked to fly out.

A shocking exclamation among the crowd.

When I stayed at this moment, the fighting power that broke out was not strong, so that everyone felt the horror. The power of [sinking the knees] exceeded any previous performances, and it really seemed to be a giant mountain volley. general.

But Ding Hao’s performance is even more daunting.

Just a light weight of a light shot, it hard to completely disintegrate the terrible [sinking knees], not only that, his body shape does not move, and does not release any breath, it will completely resolve the gas strength within half a meter.

Ding Hao’s strength has obviously reached the point where it is difficult to move to the depths.

"Drink!" The small sigh in the air was open and the body was like a gyro. It suddenly sank again. The elbows were like hammers, carrying terrible power and slamming toward Ding Hao's back.

[Elbow hammer kill]!

Ding Hao still has no dodging action, and he does not look at it. The backhand is shot toward the back, and a series of squeaky sounds are heard. The small body is in a hurry like a fire, and it will be settled in an instant. The ground receded.

Surrounded by a mountain of tsunami-like exclamations.

Small stayed out of five meters, and finally stopped the figure.

His feet slammed on the ground, and the stone splattered and banged. The big squat was almost torn into two halves by this force, while the small stagnation relied on the force of the rebound, just like the arrow of the string. Ding Hao is approaching.

Rotating the legs, like two sharp axe, sweeping the waist.

[Axe leg kill]!

Still his own original killing trick.

Ding Hao still continually picks up the move, and the palms seem to be eagerly shot. The shadows of the palm prints bloom like a lotus flower, full of indescribable beauty.

He stood firmly in the same place, and his body shape did not waver.

[金刚小呆] Explosion and drink again and again, after entering the fighting state, he changed the shy expression before, became violent and thunderous, murderous, all kinds of heavy and sharp killing tricks, continuous display, It is like a storm.

At the end of the day, the whole person was completely immersed in a strange state. He was getting faster and faster, pulling out a seemingly illusory afterimage in the void, densely connected, almost forming a piece. The yellow waves, endlessly madly impacting the most central Ding Hao.

But Ding Hao's stability is desperate.

Like a mainstay, he didn't even move his footsteps from beginning to end.

Many people around the ring are watching like crazy, and the sound of cheering and cheering is endless.

They were the first to see, [King Gang Xiaoyao] brought his unique close combat fighting skills to such a realm.

At the end of the day, Xiaodan simply became a sophisticated killing machine. Hands, elbows, chest, abdomen, knees, feet, back, waist, hips, shoulders... every part of the body seems to be instantaneous. As a fatal weapon, one stroke and one force forcefully pulls thousands of miles, but it is incredible.

It is a pity that the opponent he met was a more perverted Ding Hao.

No matter how strong the move is, how to be ridiculous, he is not slow to shoot, and successfully solved all the attacks.

I don't know how long it took, and the cymbal was slammed into the ground, and the shadows disappeared. Everything was still.


He was sweating and squatting, his hands on his knees, his waist bent and his mouth rushed to breathe. His whole body was soaked up and down. The whole body shook slightly because of excessive exhaustion. It seemed that he had to stand still. It is.

On the opposite side, Ding Hao still smiles and stands quietly.

In contrast, even if it is a fool, I know the result of this contest.

With the technique of fighting in close combat and the power of the infinitely powerful, the "King Gangxiao" of the Fifth Academy, who was actually tired, was almost exhausted, but it was impossible to force Ding Hao back from beginning to end. This shows the gap between the two sides. It can't be counted.

"More... Thank you... Ding brother, I... I finally understood!"

The little stayed out of breath, and even the words were incomplete, but they were grateful.

Because he knows better than anyone in his heart, with Ding Hao's strength, he can kill himself with one stroke, but he is extremely patient with his own tricks, letting himself show all the killings, and give himself a full display. opportunity.

"No problem." Ding Hao smiled.

The voice fell, and suddenly there was a loud bang.

Everyone was shocked to see that the huge downfall suddenly collapsed without warning. The hard bluestone shattered silently into a small stone half-inch square. It was like a sand sculpture.

King Kong fell and fell into the sand.

Only the rocks at the foot of Ding Hao are still intact.

Like a round stone pillar, standing on the ground, like a god. Ding Hao stood on it, hunting and hunting, and fluttering backwards, like an eagle that wants to fly and flutter, it is unsightly.


"Strong!" Lin Xin was in the crowd, sighing low.

Beside him, Ren Xiaoyao held a roasted yellow chicken leg in his hand and forgot to send it into his mouth. He couldn’t help but sigh with emotion: "In the face of a small state of blasting, [King Kong kills 12 companies Hit], even took it down in an understatement, did not make the slightest dodge, Ding Hao actually reached this level... How did he do it?"

"Small stay selection and Ding Hao battle, is right, and only Ding Hao, can complete his entire [King Kong 12 killing], let him find the flaws and weaknesses of his own killings, to make up for it... Ding Hao!" Lin The letter read the name heavily, and the corner of his mouth could not help but reveal a bitter smile.

"Mom, I can't help but envy and hate, and let people not live." Ren Xiaoyao took the chicken leg into his mouth and took a bite: "I want to work hard, I have to work harder."

Further away, standing is the person in the White Shirt Intermediate Court [Seven Yimeng].

The seven geniuses who had worshipped their brothers appeared in front of people for the first time after half a lapse of time, and undoubtedly became the focus of attention of the crowd.



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