Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 371, there is a road in heaven, you don’t go

Ding Hao smiled coldly, and waved his hand, and there were six sacred sacred sacred soldiers, spurred out and turned into streamers.

A black fog, in the air with a strange rhythm and speed to change the trajectory, incredibly teleported general jump, avoiding the strangulation of layers of swords, and immediately came to Ding Hao's near.

Ding Hao seems to have anticipated this scene long ago. There is no fluster, his hands are in the void, a huge chilly sword appears in his hand, and the sword is flashing [匣里星文动] five Chinese inscriptions, one sword Pulling out, the body shape is rushing, and the black smog in front of you is divided into two sections.

"Oh..." The sound of the nightmare sneer turned from behind.

Ding Hao returned to fight and swept, Jianguang stunned, once again black fog and smashed.

However, the black fog that was smashed into four sections was obviously not injured. It was gently swayed in the air, and at the same time it was turned into four humanoid shadows of the same size and the same breath. It was more horrible than before, with the same as the real thing. The murderous machine, and moved toward Ding Hao.

Obviously, Ding Hao’s inscriptions and mysterious spirits cannot pose any threat to this insidious black fog.

Every time the black mist is smashed, it will change into another attack point. As Ding Hao swings the sword, the black fog in the air is more and more, as if it is a split.

At this time, [book] [sword] [painting] three people, are carefully observing the surrounding Chinese characters inscriptions Lei Guangguang.

[Sword] and [Drawing] Although they are not inscriptions, they are born in Qingping College, but they also have a very high-definition vision. Naturally, the surrounding light is an inscription system that uses inscriptions to communicate the lightning between the heavens and the earth. If you want to get out, you must destroy these inscriptions, but these square inscriptions are really rare, and it seems that they are not one of the inscriptions they have seen.

Among the three, only the book is full of poetry books. In his spare time, he likes to study the inscriptions. He is also a strong fourth-order inscription, and he is also a row in Selangor. The character on the top, but at this time staring at the inscription on the square in the thunder of the sky, the face is full of doubts and shocking colors, he found that he has never seen this form of inscription.

[Sword] noticed the reaction of [Book], sighed in the heart, knowing that [Book] could not break, and now the backhand draws a sword and hits a sword.

This powerful sword light, which is enough to open the mountain rock, hits the wall of the inscription on the ripples, like a mud cow into the sea, but even a trace of cockroaches is not aroused.

The power of the inscriptions is far beyond the imagination of the three.

"What is this inscription, I have never seen it before? Can you borrow the power of the robbery? I am afraid that I can't get out with my strength." [Book] Frown, among the three, he is in the inscription I know the most, but I can't do anything about it.

"Since you can't go out, you can find a way to break the battle." [Sword] The face is filled with killing suffocation.

"How to break?" [Draw] Frown.

[Sword] sneer: "The best way to break the inscriptions is to kill the inscription master." [Sword] is always obsessed with killing.

Just then, there was a black and white exclamation.

The three turned and looked.

But I don’t know when, the black sword in the hands of Ding Hao turned into a giant sword burning with an orange flame. The atmosphere of the whole person has also changed completely. From cold to hot, a sword is thrown out. The orange flame contains incredible lethality, and it actually ignited the nothingness of the black mist, and the sound of burning in the air.

Black inflammation is forced to be dangerous.

Black inflammation is actually restrained.

In the twinkling of an eye, the black smoke of the 20th and 30th groups was almost burned, leaving only three or four groups.

The black mist suddenly received, merged into one, turned into a young man's body shape, and his face was blurred. Only a pair of scorpions presented bleeding red, extremely evil, and screamed angrily: "This is impossible, what is your flame?" How can you restrain my [virtual black inflammation]?

Ding Hao did not say a word, the flame sword in the hand suddenly shocked, decomposed into the flame sword of the five or six handles, the sword body flashed with the inscription of the square Chinese characters, was extrapolated by his palm, turned into a stream of flames, toward Black inflammation strangled and went.

"First kill Ding Hao!" [Drawing] When the machine is upright, clear and drink, take the lead.

In his hand, the jade brush bloomed in brilliance, and he sketched it again and again, using the void as the paper. In a moment, a hundred meters of mountains were painted by him. When the pen was shocked, the mountains turned into reality, and the rumbling whistling toward the distant Ding Hao overwhelmed the past.

Such a huge mountain peak, with a shadow to squat down, there is really a suffocating pressure.

"Haha, there is a road to heaven, you don't go, there is no door to hell, you are biased... Today, let me know everything, you four together." Ding Hao laughed.

His hands sneaked into the void, and the prison ice cold sword and the sky fire knives all appeared in the hands. The right half of the body was filled with the chill of the pure silver, and the left half shone with the endless flame of orange, two very different. Power, at this moment, is perfectly integrated in his body.

The sky flame knife gently strokes in the void.

The huge mountain that was overwhelmed in the past is like a cheese cut by a sharp edge, and it is silently divided into two from the middle.

With a flash of light, Ding Hao's figure suddenly flashed through the cracks in the mountains, and came to the front of the painting, killing the plane and shooting.

"Fast!" [Drawing] was shocked, only to feel the wind blowing, there is a feeling of suffocation by the name of death.

No one thought that Ding Hao would dare to take the initiative.


A series of glaring fires exploded.

However, at the crucial moment, the first reaction of [Sword] came out, pulling out the sword and throwing out the sword. When the millennium came, it blocked the sword in Ding Hao’s hand and won the vitality for [painting], but he himself was also shocked. The face changed greatly, and the explosion broke out more than ten meters.

[Book] The hand is on display, and a book that is as big as a door is in the hands.

He turned his hand over the page, and pressed it to the top. It was like a dragon sucking water, and a glimmer of blue flames burst out from the pages of the book, sweeping toward Ding Hao.

When you look closely, it is a series of words that are full of everything, belonging to the endless continent. It has the same meaning as Ding Hao's Chinese inscriptions, but the meaning is much worse. It is the most common inscription pattern in the world.

"Haha, Banmen got an axe." Ding Hao laughed, the right hand ice sword suddenly broke out, and then the sword went to the dragon snake, a strange singularity came out, he used the sword as a pen, and instantly wrote a series of Chinese inscriptions in the void -

Mountain darkly, vista!


Since becoming a writer, not only is the passer-by, but the body is also slag, and it is high fever...

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