Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 67, closed door, thank you sword

This time, the feeling that Ding Hao captured has changed.

It is no longer a gorgeous picture and trajectory, but a strong breath rushing in the face, draping Ding Hao in it, making him as if he is in a world with only a sword and only a sword.

The solitary peaks, the bonfires, and the heavens and the earth are all gone. There is only one long sword in the world that has turned out a strange arc!

Ding Hao still stood still in the same place, seemingly forgotten even breathing, his face appeared like a fascinating look.

Seeing this scene, Tsing Yi geek nodded, deep in the eyes, flashing a touch of satisfaction and surprise.

"The third time."

Tsing Yi geeks are not arrogant to display the third sword style.

For the third time, Ding Hao only felt that the outlook for the future changed again.

All the illusions and artistic conceptions in the past have completely disappeared. In the eyes, only the changes of the branches with clear and clear lines are the original moves, without any artistic elements!

"Well, three times over, how much you can master, depends on your own understanding and creation!"

Tsing Yi geeks ended the demonstration, did not do more explanation, and immediately sent the branches back to the bonfire, picking up the wine gourd and pouring a few mouthfuls of wine.

Ding Hao, if he did not smell it, stood in the same place, like a clay sculpture.

"Haha, yes, yes, the blind can teach too!"

Tsing Yi geeks nodded their heads and said nothing, no longer said anything, returned to the pot, took some of the wreckage in the pot, and ate it with gusto.

time flies.

The silver moon fell and the sun rose.

In the distance, the sky is white, and a white morning light wanders around the mountain. Standing on the top of the lonely peak, the blue waves are swaying in the distance, and the pavilion is looming, just like a fairyland.

When the sun's first radiance shines on the body, Ding Hao is a spirit, and finally wakes up from the state of selflessness.

"A good horrible defensive sword, such as the closure of the closed, block all the flaws, the magic to the extreme, delicate to the extreme, unimaginable, this world has such an impeccable defensive sword, it is hard to imagine, what sword in this world The law can break the defense of this trick!"

Ding Hao could not help but admire.

The grade of this sword method is only far beyond the human rank and the ground level.

As for whether it is reaching the heavenly order or the **** level, it is difficult to judge with Ding Hao’s current vision.

"Haha, I have a chance to realize a total of three unnamed swords. It doesn't belong to any martial art. So how much do you use, you don't have to worry about it. The one you just taught to you is called [closed door thank you], is three The only one in the nameless swordsmanship, hey, even in the whole question of the sword, I am afraid that few people can break the old man!"

Tsing Yi geeks saw Ding Hao’s amazed look, and vanity was satisfied, and it was a rare explanation.

Ding Hao looks serious and his heart is full of gratitude.

He knows what this sword method means for a swordsman. He has to kneel down on the knees and express his gratitude for the greatest courtesy.

"Oh, don't stop, what are you doing?"

The Tsing Yi geeks saw Ding Hao’s gesture, but it was a look of horror, and he jumped away at the first time.

Ding Hao, I want to worship again.

Tsing Yi geeks were busy raising their hands, and an invisible force sprang up, holding Ding Hao.

He shook his head with a messy head like a rattle, and screamed: "Don't be embarrassed, don't hurt me, I can't accept you as a coward. I said it before, pass you this trick." In order to repay your reward for making delicious food for Laozi, so we don't owe anyone!"

Ding Hao heard that he could only helplessly get up.

Can't accept the audience?

What a weirdo!

After a pause, Ding Hao thought of something, hippies and face together, laughing like a blooming white flower, said: "Predecessors, you just said this unnamed sword style a total of three strokes? Hey, then you Why don't you do things badly, send the Buddha to the West, it is better to pass on the remaining two unnamed swords and teach them to me!"

Tsing Yi grotesque eyes rounded, glanced at Ding Hao, and finally laughed happily: "Well, you kid, really greedy, haha, want to learn the other two styles of Laozi, it depends on your chance!"

After that, the figure shook, and there was no sign of disappearing in front of Ding Hao’s eyes.

Ding Haoyi, what I want to say, is already late.

A gust of wind blew, Ding Haoqing woke up and glanced over the surrounding cliffs. He hit a stunned spirit and thought of something, and suddenly he was in a hurry.

"Hey? Hey, it’s gone, it’s too pitted. If you are such a high ghost place, you will take me down! What should I do? My sister’s, it seems that I can only climb step by step, is it that Laozi is crossing? Climb the life of the cliff?"

In order to dare to return before the start of the semi-final battle in the Fifth Academy, Ding Hao can only take risks again.

Fortunately, this harvest is not small.

Tsing Yi geeks come to mysterious, the style of the teaching [closed door thank you] sword method, once the power is completely mastered, in the face of any master under the warrior, Ding Hao can be invincible.

Moreover, Ding Hao also vaguely figured out that Tsing Yi geeks should come specifically for themselves. The so-called "passing a sword method as a reward for cooking" is just an excuse. He simply wants to find a reason to teach himself. Thank you.

Who is this person?

Why is it so good for yourself?

What is the purpose?

Ding Hao grabbed the protruding rock and climbed down, curiously guessing in his heart.


The flaming red sun slowly emerged from the east side of the mountain.

The fifth day of the Fifth Academy is undoubtedly the most exciting stage.

Because today will not only produce the semi-finals, but also will compete for one or two, three or four, and decide the first person in the final five.

The first five-institution ratio, which has far-reaching influence on the fate of this famous disciple, will end today.

Many people came to the first stage of the Yanwu District early in the morning to seize the best viewing position, so that the first time to see the fierce confrontation of the talented teenagers!

When there was another hour from the beginning of the Fourth Battle, the entire Yanwu District was already crowded.

As time went by, there were more and more people around the first ring.

In addition to the registered disciples of the various colleges, there are also previous disciples, outside disciples, inner disciples, ceremonies, hawkers selling melon seeds and other identities, and they are surrounded by the hustle and bustle. It seems to be waiting for a grand festival to come.

Time passed slowly and quickly.

It’s time to go to the time of the semi-final battle and the time of the three musk.

The white blouses of the Intermediate People's Court [Seven Yimeng], the yellow shirts of the North Academy of the United States, the young Lin Xin, the yummy yummy, and the young genius Li Lan and other young geniuses all appeared in people's sight.

They are the focus and center of today's attention.


Today's first, ask for red tickets and collections.

Thank you for your love and support.

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