"Take off your clothes."

"Hurry up, you can get the balance after submitting the photos."

"Remember to put your face in it."

In my ears, there was a vague sound of messy voices, which was not very clear.

In my mind, chaotic and complicated memories are running around, figures and scenes are like fragments, passing through my mind one by one, some are clear, some are fuzzy, sometimes fast, sometimes slow.

Gu Zhiqi only felt that his head was buzzing, he was in pain and dizzy, as if he was about to explode.

As Gu Zhiqi gradually regained consciousness, the faint conversation in his ears became clearer.

"Boss, I'll take off my clothes."

"Fuck! This girl looks so damn cool."

"Boss, we haven't had sex for a long time. This girl is so pretty. Before taking nude photos, do you guys think you can..."

"There's no hope, come one by one."

"Boss, you come first!"

Amidst the noisy and chaotic conversations, the unfamiliar scent gradually approached. However, Gu Zhiqi could not control his body for the time being and could not even open his eyes.

The unfamiliar breath is getting closer and closer, there are several breaths.


Gu Zhiqi tried to control his body again.

Someone started tearing off her clothes...


At the same time that the collar was torn, Gu Zhiqi suddenly opened his eyes.

In front of her eyes, a burly man was tearing her clothes apart with a lewd and lewd smile.

Gu Zhiqi narrowed his eyes slightly, and a hint of cold anger suddenly appeared in his eyes.

The strong man didn't notice that Gu Zhiqi had opened his eyes. He was still tearing at Gu Zhiqi's clothes eagerly, his eyes were evil, and he was mouthing obscene words.

"Damn it! It's so tender that you can squeeze water out of it."

"Come on, let me give you some good pain first... ah!"

Before he finished speaking, the strong man let out a scream like a slaughtering pig.


Gu Zhiqi's movements were so fast that no one could see clearly how she got up. By the time a group of young men standing not far away reacted, the strong man had already been trampled under Gu Zhiqi's feet, and the one who was trampled was Some indescribable position.

Gu Zhiqi had a cold and evil smile on his lips, lowered his head slightly, looked at the person at his feet, and said in a cold voice, "Does it hurt you? Huh?"

"Stinky! Stinky bitch...ahhhh!"

"It seems it doesn't hurt enough. Come on, continue." The smile at the corner of his mouth became colder and more wanton.

While all the younger brothers were stunned, Gu Zhiqi's foot had already crushed their boss's thigh several times.

The screams came one after another, which made people's scalp numb.

"You bitch, you dare to hit the boss! Brothers! Kill her."

Finally, the younger brothers came to their senses amidst the screams and rushed towards Gu Zhiqi one after another.

Gu Zhiqi casually kicked the person under his feet away, grabbed the stick that was swung towards him, raised his foot and gave the opponent a kick.


After being kicked, the man flew back suddenly, knocking down three or four people at once.

Three or four more people appeared next to them. Gu Zhiqi took the stick he just grabbed and gave the people next to him a stick.

The man was beaten with the stick and spun around in a small circle, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and then fell to the ground.

Another person attacked, and Gu Zhiqi stabbed him in the stomach with the stick, then kicked him, and then the person flew out.


Smashed into a pile of abandoned fuel tanks.

Later, Gu Zhiqi thought the stick was troublesome, so he threw it away and started fighting with the remaining people with bare hands.

These people looked burly, and each of them looked very strong and terrifying, but in Gu Zhiqi's hands, they turned into little chickens one by one, leaving almost no room for resistance.


①Gu Zhiqi’s Qinianqi

②1V1, double clean, no original cp removed, no affectionate male and female matching

③The whole text is fictional. Everything in the book is fictitious. Please do not imitate it.

④Please do not mention other authors’ works and characters in this book or in the comment area, and respect each other.

⑤ If you like it, you are welcome. If you don’t like it, no one will force you to read it. Please don’t argue in the comment area.

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