The two of them were drowsy, and they were really too tired at this time, so they fell asleep without saying anything more.

A lot of things happened on this day, so this was really a very difficult thing for them to handle.

Unknowingly, it was already dawn before they felt how long they had slept, so this was really a very short time for them.

The sun had penetrated the window, so the sun shone into their bedside. They opened their eyes slightly, and they didn’t even know that it was already dawn.

This is really a very fast thing for them, and they must now pack their bags better.

Only by packing their luggage better can they do this well, so this is also a very good thing for them.

“It’s daybreak, so we really don’t feel anything. We have to get up now, and only in this way can we do what we should do better,” Cangmu said.

He must now get up The other people woke up. Only in this way can they pack their luggage better. They will return to the base soon.

“I really feel a sore back now because I did a lot of things yesterday, so I have to pack my luggage properly now,” Cangmu said.

He had already gotten up at this time, and he had to pack his luggage now. Yongji shouted, and only in this way can they better pack their luggage with him. In this way, they can better complete the things they have not completed themselves, so this is also a good thing for them Very important thing and very urgent

“Get up quickly, we need to pack our luggage now, because we still have a lot of things,” Aoki said. Yuji

, he also felt very tired, but he had to get up at this time, because Only in this way can they better return to their base.

The two of them slowly began to pack their things. Only in this way can they better grasp what they should do.

At this time, after they had cleaned up and had been cleaning up for a long time, they must now better wake up the two sisters.

Only in this way can they be reminded that they should go back base, so they also have to tidy up. Only in this way can they take control of such things. The two of them are going to take their sisters back to the base. Only in this way can they handle it better. Something like this happened.

But at this moment, something happened again that they didn’t even notice. They had to deal with it now.

“I really didn’t expect that her sister was missing at this time, so this is really a very bad thing for me,” Aoki said. Yongji didn’t know what was going on, so this was a very bad thing for me. It was also a very curious thing for him. She didn’t know why her sister left.

They didn’t know how his sister left.

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