Yongji must now better release his dissatisfaction. Only in this way can he do something calmly.

“I must release myself now. Only in this way can I better accept this reality,” Yongzhi said.

At this time, Lei Mei could still persuade him better, because only in this way, Only then can he better accept this reality.

“I can persuade you better now, which is really a very good thing for you. If no one persuades you, it will definitely not work,” Lei Mei said. In this way, not long after, Yongzhi also Come back, because for him, he must fully understand this reality, and only in this way can he do other things.

“I’m fine now, because I have recognized this reality clearly at this time, and I must accept this reality now,” Yongji said. If he can think like this now, that is really a very good thing. Because this was really a very brave thing for her.

After a while, his mood also improved, because for him, what had already happened should not be sad anymore.

“I still understand this truth at this time, so I have to better accept this fact,” Yongji said.

At this time, he began to continue to study the matter in his hands, and the only thing he could say was this , can we better do such things well?

“I have to study that god of death now, and only in this way can I better draw my corresponding conclusions. This is still a very important thing to me,” Yongji said. In this way, he At that time, he began to study the God of Death again. This was really a very big psychological test for him. After experiencing such a thing, he started to do his own things again.

In the process of research, he was still able to better understand He was ready to do such a thing, but at this moment a piece of information came over.

This was the information passed by his manager, so he had to take a good look at it at this time. Only in this way can he do a better job to find out what’s going on

“Such information must be very important, so I have to better understand what is going on at this time,” Yongji said.

At this time, he began to read such information, but something she did not expect came again. It happened, that is, a god of death ran away

“This is still a very important thing to me. I must deal with such things better now, otherwise, it will definitely not work,” Yongji said.

Another death god was lost, which for him , it is really a very big loss. He must get the god of death back now. Only in this way can such a loss be avoided.

“This is really a very bad thing. When I heard such news at this time, I really felt very helpless,” Yongji said.

Yongji now has new things to do, so he must do more at this time. To deal with such a thing well, he never thought that a god of death would run away again.

This was something they could not imagine at all, so they must better grasp such things..

If they don’t cherish this clue, it will definitely not work, so they must now grasp this kind of thing and this kind of development.

“My own personal matters are nothing, I have to deal with these official matters now,” Yuji said.

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