"Teeth Qi Fierce Light!"

Kuchiki Xianghe jumped into the air, holding the knife in one hand and pressing the blade with the other.

The spiritual pressure exploded, and a circular green halo appeared in front of him. Dozens of green beams exuding a sharp aura shot out from it, instantly blocking all dodge spaces.

Faced with such a level of attack, Sufeng's eyes lit up. Kuchiki Xianghe was obviously much stronger than Takehara Kazuhiro.

Even if he doesn't use his Zanpakutō abilities, he is still above the standard captain level.

This instant ghost technique alone is enough to crush very few Death God captains.

Sufeng raised his sword and slashed, the blue-white wind lingered on the blade, whizzing out in a spiral, setting off the raging wind blade on the ruined streets.

Wind Chaser Blade!

Sufeng mainly uses Lan Yin's wind power, and the attack moves he developed compress the roaring wind into countless wind blades, instantly blocking all areas in front.

The sound of gold and iron interlacing stirred in the mid-air, and the wind blade exploded, shattering all the green beams in an instant.

The power of the Wind-Chasing Blade remained unabated, and it headed towards the figure of the rotten wood and Xianghe in the sky again.

"The Eighty One of the Binding Dao: Duan Kong!"

Kuchiki Xianghe looked ferocious and roared, and the transparent arm barrier instantly condensed into shape to block him.

The wind blade fell, and the heart-wrenching sound of splitting could be heard endlessly.

Even Sufeng himself suddenly felt a numb scalp.

This sound is like scratching a fingernail on a blackboard, and is amplified dozens of times.

Suifeng, who was standing on the ground, was still like this, but the expression of Kuchiki Xianghe, who was close to the empty barrier, was instantly distorted like a ghost, and was no longer human.

He had to admit that the disgustingness of this little devil of death was second only to Ginru Kuchiki and Shigekuni Yamamoto Genryusai.

"The damn God of Death actually uses such despicable means!"

Kuchiki Xianghe took a while to calm down, and in anger he raised the Zanpakutō again, and the lavender spiritual pressure burst out in an instant.

"Bingya Zhenglan!"

On the street, the temperature plummeted!

A large amount of ice and snow suddenly condensed on the front end of the blade that Kuchiki Xianghe held, and as the blade fell, it rushed out mightily toward the bottom.

Like a flood that bursts a bank, everything it passes by is frozen and covered with a thick layer of silver frost.

The power of this form of breaking the path is far greater than the previous attack.

Sufeng's expression remained unchanged, the bluish-white wind breath wrapped around the blade, and spiritual pressure poured into it. The wind breath was instantly compressed, and its color suddenly deepened.

One-sword flow · Cutting off the sky!

With one slash, the crescent-shaped sword pressure mixed with the wind whizzed past the sky, facing the oncoming wind and snow.

It’s stuck! !

Wherever the sword pressed, the ice and snow shattered, and everything revived. Whether it was the frozen ground or the vast ice and snow like a torrent, they could not resist the advance of the blue-white light!

Kuchiki Xianghe's pupils suddenly shrank in fear, flashing in an instant, and he avoided the sharp pressure of the Duan Kong Sword at a weak angle.

"The ability to go straight..."

He looked ferocious and roared angrily, "You will never understand my power!"

The moment the words fell.

Kuchiki Kyoukawa waved the Zanpakutō Muramasa in his hand again. Strangely, there was no movement this time, as if it was just an ordinary swing of the sword.

However, when Su Feng tried to dodge with the instant step, he found that his whole body was unable to move, as if bound by countless ropes.

"Combat experience will always be an indelible gap between you and me."

Kuchiki Xianghe was sure of victory. The tip of the knife once again transformed into a green circular halo. He was ready to pierce Sufeng's head, limbs and body.

He wanted to return the pain that Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni had given him intact!

In Kuchiki Xianghe's heart, Sufeng had already determined that Sufeng was the successor of Yamamoto Genryusai.

Obviously, after being imprisoned and sealed for hundreds of years, his mind was no longer normal.

Sufeng lowered his head and found that his shadow was entangled by dozens of black shadows, and at the end of the black shadow was the sole of the dead wood Xianghe's feet.

"Shadow binding technique?"

He recalled Kuchiki Xianghe's methods and was not too surprised.

Action or not has little impact on Sufeng.

While he can't move, Kuchiki Xianghe will definitely not be able to move freely either...

As soon as this thought came up, a new round of fang energy burst out from the tip of the knife, and the air was filled with the sound of being torn apart.

"Go to hell, you idiot!"

Roaring trees and roaring rivers are as crazy as their appearance.

"The Eighty One of the Binding Dao: Duan Kong!"

Sufeng maintained the stiff posture of wielding the sword, and the substantial spiritual pressure burst out, instantly condensing a transparent barrier several meters high.

Dozens of beams of light fell on the barrier without leaving even the slightest trace.

The blue-white wind breath compressed, and in an instant, it formed a dark-colored wind that wrapped around Sufeng's body, falling naturally like a feather fabric, with the hem fluttering lightly and flowing like water waves.

Duanfeng Yuyi.

This research and development work is based on the increased affinity of the spirit son, which can improve Sufeng's speed, strength and defense in all aspects.

The moment Duanfeng Yuyi was formed, the connection of the Shadow Binding Technique was immediately cut off, and Sufeng regained his freedom.

The next moment, his legs were slightly bent, and the wind lingered on them.

Instant burst.

A roaring sound sounded on the ground, and the terrifying force instantly formed a spiderweb-shaped pit with a diameter of several meters.

Before Kuchiki Xianghe could recover from the shock of having his shadow restraint technique broken, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

In an instant, the pupils shrank suddenly.

He instinctively swung Muramasa, trying to force Sufeng back with a close-range slash.

However, a bright sword light had already passed in front of him.


The sound of breaking sounded, and Muramasa in front of Sufeng was cut into two pieces from the chest cavity, and then all disappeared like a dreamy bubble.

fake body.

"If you do it once, you won't remember it. If you do it twice, you won't remember it."

Kuchiki Xianghe's figure appeared further away and sneered disdainfully, "The victory of this battle has nothing to do with you."

However, he didn't see the slightest look of surprise on Su Feng's face.

on the contrary.

Su Feng's expression was extremely calm, and only a hint of undetectable compassion flashed through the deep corners of his eyes.

He sheathed the sword and said calmly: "Issuing judgment in the name of the captain of the ninth division, Kuchiki Xianghe caused turmoil in the Soul Society and caused large-scale casualties."

"With this, death penalty!"

Hearing this, Kuchiki Xianghe laughed wildly: "A guy who can't even tell the truth from lies, how can he talk nonsense?"

After the words fell, he held the Zanpakutō Muramasa and tried to explode his spiritual pressure again to attack. However, he was horrified to find that his body was like a broken balloon.

Countless spiritual pressures were released from the chest cavity.

Kuchiki Xianghe looked down in shock, and an undetectable trace of blood slowly emerged from his chest.

Intense lavender light continuously bursts out...

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