Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 126 What does it have to do with my Tsunayashiro family?

On the ground, huge ravines spread all the way to the end of sight, almost swallowing up the entire street.

The bursting flames soared into the sky, covering everything and everything turned into nothingness.

Ginjo Kūgo stared intently at the fire in front of him. This blow nearly exploded with 120% of his power, and it could be called the strongest blow in history.

He firmly believed that even if a captain-level Shinigami took this blow head-on, he would be badly injured at least.

However, when everything cleared up, Sufeng's intact figure appeared in his sight. If anything, it was different.

The pliers used to hold the locks of hair in place have disappeared.

The third of the Four Maple Secret Steps: Kong Chan.

The moment he was hit by the sword pressure, Sufeng activated Shunpo and dodged the attack at the cost of the Star-pulling Clamp.

This is a usage he developed in his spare time.

It always feels a bit inappropriate to ask the captain Haori to pay the price for launching the empty cicada every time.

After all, Captain Haori’s sewing requires a lot of time and is not cost-effective.

"how come……"

Ginjo Kūgo seemed to have suffered some kind of major blow. His originally high fighting spirit was instantly poured out of water, and his whole person became depressed.

"The gap can't be smoothed out by exploding seeds."

Su Feng patted the dust stained by Yu Zhi, "This is not a hot-blooded comic, how can there be so many miracles?"

And take advantage of this gap.

Yincheng Kongwu raised his head suddenly, the light flickered, and his figure instantly approached Sufeng. The moment the cross gallows rose, it tore the air in front and fell down suddenly!


Under the terrifying impact, the ground continued to explode and subside, countless rubbles flew up, and ravines crisscrossed the area.

The original concrete floor was destroyed by the aftermath, and was replaced by a huge pit of tens of meters.

But there was no trace of joy on the face of Ginjo Kūgo, who had caused such destruction.

On the contrary, his expression was stiff and frozen, with a sense of distortion.

The dust and smoke cleared, and a Zanpakutō with a cold glow was placed in front of him, right in the path of the cross gallows.

The next second.

A terrifying and completely unreasonable force struck from the cross gallows. Unprepared, Ginjo Kūgo was instantly knocked away.

The whole person turned into a football that was blown away with great force, flying towards the building in the distance.


There was another collapse sound, and the several-meter-high building collapsed and turned into ruins, burying Ginjo Kūgo.

Before Sufeng could finish his last strike, Ginjo Kūgo rushed out of the ruins in an awkward posture, and at the same time shouted at him unwillingly:

"Impossible, even Captain Death could be so powerful!"

"When you came to this world, your own spiritual pressure was obviously limited!"

Ginjo Kugo had obtained information from more than one god of death, and he knew very well that gods of death above the vice captain would be limited to 80% of their spiritual pressure when they went to the present world.

He claims to be the first person to fully manifest the art, but now he can't even defeat a Shinigami captain with one-fifth of his spiritual pressure.

This is a bit too hurtful for self-esteem.

You know, he has devoured the spiritual pressure of dozens of Perfection Jutsu practitioners and Shinigami.

Hearing this, Su Feng has a strange expression:

"The limited spiritual seal is only limited to the deputy captain and captain's spiritual pressure. What does it have to do with my Tsunayashiro family?"

When Shinigami above the vice captain goes to the present world, in order not to bring unnecessary influence on the spirit of the present world, a limited spiritual seal engraved with the respective team crest will be stamped on any part of the body, and the spiritual pressure will be limited by extreme restrictions The rate is eighty percent.

For this, Su Feng once expressed his understanding.

Once the current world is affected too much, Soul Society will also show a corresponding reaction.

After all, the Gotei 13 uphold the name of the Gotei, so it is the Shinigami's responsibility to protect the present world.

However, this behavior seems somewhat abnormal to Su Feng.

There are many crises in the modern world, and a black hole may be opened anywhere, and then a great void on the level of Killian, Achukas or even Vastod will appear.

This kind of enemy may not be beatable even at its peak, let alone one whose spiritual pressure is limited to one-fifth.

Therefore, when Sufeng goes to the present world, he usually chooses the world-crossing gate of the Tsunayashiro family.

Don't even think about limiting your strength and putting yourself in danger.

Yamamoto Genryusai also took a fancy to this point, so he entrusted this task to Sufeng.

"The Tsunayashiro family..."

Ginjo Kūgo's tone was stagnant, this unfamiliar word was somewhat beyond his understanding.

Previously, through the interrogation of the god of death, I got a lot of information about the world of corpses and souls, but about the five nobles, let alone ordinary soldiers, even the chief executives know very little.

"Well, the cat and mouse game ends here."

Sufeng raised the Zanpakutō that glowed with spiritual pressure in his hand and signaled, "It's time for you to get on your way."

As the words fell, the sizzling lightning flickered on the blade, giving off a strong dangerous aura.

Ginjo Kūgo gritted his teeth, burst out his spiritual pressure again, raised the two-handed giant sword in his hand, and tried to compete with it.

However, the next moment, a distant figure flashed over, and the scorching lightning struck down.


The huge spiritual pressure protection was like paper, and a large amount of blood shot out in an instant.

"Go, what are you kidding?"

Ginjo Kūgo's face was twisted to the extreme, letting the blood flow freely, "It's just a mere spiritual pressure ration..."

"Go to hell!!"

In rage, the cross gallows suddenly slashed forward.

At the same time, Sufeng raised the Zanpakutō in his hand, and blue-purple thunder exploded on it, condensing and wrapping around the blade.

Thunder burial!

The next second.


As the lightning raged, the two blades collided in mid-air, and a deafening roar echoed throughout the abandoned warehouse area.

The cross gallows broke with a sound, the broad blade cracked into a smooth section, and the Lan Yin hit Ginjo Kūgo's chest without losing its power.

In an instant, blue-purple thunder swallowed it up, and the moment the blood splashed, it was evaporated by the terrifying high temperature.

The spiritual pressure was gone, and Ginjo Kūgo's aura completely disappeared.

When the lightning retreated, only a scorched black color remained on the ground, not even a trace of the body was left.

"Ishikawa Seven Seats, come and wash the floor."

Su Feng holds the knife and draws back his posture, his fingertips smoothing the restless electric arc. The posture is calm and calm, clearly leaving plenty of energy.

Ishikawa Naoto was still immersed in this horrific battle for him, until he heard Su Feng calling his name, he just came back to his senses, hurriedly moved to the battlefield in a panic, and carefully collected the remaining traces .

And on the edge of the abandoned warehouse.

A black cat is hidden in the shadows, its golden vertical pupils staring at Sufeng's figure, and the cat's face reveals human thoughts...

Thanks to Mr. Derrick in the Forest for the reward. Thank you for your understanding and support. I will work hard to improve.

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