Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 133 The Wisdom of Yuanliu

"Yuanliu is a genre created by the old man two thousand years ago."

Yamamoto Motoyanagi explained in a deep voice, "It includes but is not limited to fighting skills such as cutting fists and walking ghosts, as well as some philosophical insights about life on weekdays."

"After founding the Yuanliu, I founded the Yuanzi School, and renamed it the Zhenyang Lingshu Institute a thousand years ago. Strictly speaking, all the students who graduated from the Lingshu Academy can be counted as my disciples."

"Jingle Chunshui and Ukitake Shishiro are one of them."

During the narration, Yamamoto Motoryuzai stared at Dakou drinking tea with burning eyes, seemingly calm on the surface, but panicked inwardly.

Although I don't know why Mr. Yamamoto suddenly brought up this topic, but it always makes people feel dangerous.

At this point, he could only remain silent for the time being.

As for Yuanliu, it is impossible for you to say that you are not greedy.

As the most powerful god of death in the soul world, Yamamoto Genryasai Shigekuni is not only powerful in Reiatsu and Zanpakutō.

And his unparalleled fighting skills.

The first Kenpachi and Unohana Yachiryu, who claimed to have mastered all schools in the world, were still defeated by Yamamoto Genryuzai and became one of the first captains of Gotei 13 Team?

The strength of Yuanliu has been verified in the two thousand years of history.

Thousands of years ago, the ancestor of a certain Quincy Master who did not want to be named should have a deep understanding of this.

Becoming a disciple of Yamamoto Genryuzai, although it is impossible to improve one's own strength qualitatively, but through learning is enough to strengthen one's body, master more attack methods, and even provide countless ideas for subsequent development.

No matter how you think about it, it is a business without capital, and you will not lose money if you make money with blood.

But for some reason, Su Feng always felt uneasy, as if something bad was waiting for him.

Yamamoto Genryuzai seemed to see what he was thinking, and said bluntly:

"Don't worry, the old man will not impose his own ideas on you."

"Actually, the main reason is that the old man was alerted by the incident of the dead wood ringing the river. If the god of death cannot control its own powerful power, it is very likely that it will become a puppet of power."

"It just so happens that similar techniques exist in Genryu."

Sufeng nodded thoughtfully, his words were so perfect that he couldn't even find a reason to refuse.

The tea room suddenly fell into silence, and Yamamoto Genryusai was waiting for Sufeng's answer.

After a long time, Sufeng smiled happily and said: "Old man Yamamoto has invited you so warmly. If I don't agree, I would be a little ignorant."

"Disciple Tsunayashi Sufeng has met Mr. Genryusai."

Necessary etiquette is still indispensable. Sufeng salutes respectfully and has a meticulous attitude.

Looking at Sufeng with a serious look on his face, Yamamoto Genryusai suddenly recalled in his mind that back then Kyōraku Shunsui and Ukitake Jūshirō also paid homage to their masters in this way.

In the blink of an eye, time seems to have passed a long time.

"That's enough, there aren't many rules in Yuanliu."

Yamamoto Genryuzai said, "From now on, every rest day, you can come to the team dormitory. I will teach you the essence of Yuanliu without reservation."

Although it was just a whim, Yamamoto Genryusai regarded himself as a responsible teacher who would treat every disciple fairly.

Regardless of whether the other party's status is noble or not.

"Sufeng, I will provide targeted teaching based on your current level."

Yamamoto Genryusai said in a low voice, "Since you have not yet mastered the swastika, the most suitable thing for you at the moment is to deepen your understanding of the Zanpakuto."

"If I remember correctly, the Golden Seal Society contains all the sword Zen methods since the founding of Soul Society."

"Have you ever looked into this?"

As soon as these words came out, Sufeng's expression froze slightly, and he even forgot to put down the teacup he had picked up.

WTF? !

Are there other sword Zen techniques collected in the Golden Seal Society?

To communicate with the Zanpakutō, isn't it the only way to communicate with the Zanpakutō that is the sword Zen method taught by the Shino Spiritual Arts Academy?

Because he left the aristocratic class of the Golden Seal Society prematurely, Sufeng knew very little about it.

And because there are many factions in the Tsunayashiro family, targeting each other and wary of each other, no one informed Sufeng of these important points.

As for Jing Le Chun Shui, he probably thought that Su Feng knew this, so he didn't mention the relevant knowledge.

From the time he was admitted to the team, he had been practicing step by step to become stronger, except for the small doses of Jingraku Shunsui.

If it hadn't been for cheating, Sufeng might not be as strong as an ordinary chief officer now.

Seeing this, Yamamoto Genryusai was not too surprised. He just nodded slightly and said:

"There are many methods of sword Zen."

"Genryu Sword Zen may be a good fit for you."

As he spoke, he explained the sword Zen skills in detail word for word, and asked Sufeng at any time if there was anything he didn't understand.

In this regard, Sufeng was also worthy of Yamamoto Genryusai's teachings, and he memorized the method word for word in his mind.

And when he mastered this sword Zen technique, he also understood what Yamamoto Genryusai said before.

As the oldest and most powerful Zanpakutō of the Heat system, Ryuken Wakahu is essentially a Zanpakutō of the Kidō system.

It was based on this point that Genryusai Yamamoto created Genryu Tozen.

In other words, because of the nature of Lan Yin, Sufeng is also very suitable for Genryu Sword Zen.

By analyzing the nature of the spirit particles in the atmosphere, he uses his spiritual pressure to adjust his own state, thereby finding the point that matches his Zanpakutō, and then enters the sword Zen state.

In this way, the understanding between the Shinigami and the Zanpakutō will be deeper.

It has to be said that Yamamoto Genryusai is worthy of the name of the strongest Shinigami. Just taking out something is enough to benefit ordinary Shinigami.

Even a captain-level Shinigami like Su Feng can learn a lot from it.

Yamamoto Genryusai nodded with satisfaction, not to mention Sufeng's talent in learning, this attitude alone was already very good.

Compared with a certain lazy disciple, it is not much better.

"It's already done." Yamamoto Genryuzai reminded, "As for the practice of Genryu Sword Zen, you must persist every day, and you must not just fish for three days and dry the net for two days."

"Only by persisting can one understand the true meaning of the Zanpakuto and understand one's own nature."

"When you come again next time, I will teach you new knowledge."

Sufeng nodded, drank the warm tea in the cup, and bid farewell to Yamamoto Genryusai.

After coming out of the first team, he did not return to the ninth team immediately, but went straight to the fourth team's building.

After staying in this world for many days, when facing the enemy, I mostly used Kidō and Bai Da. Correspondingly, my swordsmanship became more and more unfamiliar.

For a god of death who is determined to develop in all aspects without blind spots, this is a life and death taboo.

The only solution is to have a hearty kendo exchange.

It was a coincidence that he really missed the elegant fragrance on the kendo uniform...

Thanks to the boss Derrick in the forest for the reward.

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