Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 137 Sifengyuan Inquisition

The intruders were all wearing light black clothes that bound the wrists and ankles, with sleeveless feathers hanging on the outside, or they looked middle-aged or old, which made Ise Nanao quite puzzled.

Why did this group of people hold a young man in the middle? Could it be that he was a member of a large noble family?

However, when Sufeng saw this group of people, he suddenly understood.

The exposed black skin has betrayed their identity.

One of the five great nobles, a god-given soldier, the Sifengyuan family!

The undisguised spiritual pressure indicates that the other party is doing something bad.

The leader looks like a young man, with dark skin and long black hair hanging down his back. His weak expression seems to be no better than Hanataro Yamada's.

For this person, Sufeng was able to call out his name.

The twenty-third generation head of the Shifouin family, Shifouin Yushiro Sakimune.

"Long time no see, Mr. Sufeng."

Yushiro leaned forward slightly and said, "I'm here to ask you something."

There seems to be nothing wrong with the etiquette alone, but the unabashed and even slightly threatening spiritual pressure is really upsetting.

Sure enough, before Sufeng could agree, Yushiro continued on by himself:

"The retainers of the Shifengyuan family in the present world recently discovered the spiritual pressure of Mr. Sufeng and my sister in the current Naruki City..."

"I don't know, I don't know, I don't understand."

Sufeng interrupted Sanlian with one hand, causing Yushiro to swallow the words that came to his lips.

Yushiro knew what he was planning when he opened his mouth.

As expected, he came here for Shifengyuan Yoruichi.

What surprised Sufeng.

Judging from this calm and natural demeanor, Yushiro is definitely worthy of being the head of the Shifengyuan family.

To know.

Unlike the Tsunayashiro family, the Shifouin family has a single head, and there are not so many factions.

The premise is that the head of the family is competent enough.

Sufeng originally thought that Yushiro was a very ordinary guy, but his current performance was beyond his expectation.

My brother's inheritance from my sister's business is not as unbearable as I imagined.

Maybe Yushiro is not as good as Yoruichi, but that does not mean that Yushiro is a puppet family head controlled by others.

As he finished speaking, Yushiro's expression suddenly darkened.

Although he had anticipated this development before coming here, it was still a little hard for him to accept that it had actually come to this point.

"I just want to know the specific situation of my sister. I don't mean to violate the laws of Soul Society."

Xishiro explained in what he thought was the most sincere tone, "If Mr. Sufeng is willing to tell you, the family of Sifeng Academy will fully support you in the next Golden Seal Society meeting."

Sufeng shook his head and laughed.

What is this, trading what belongs to him?

Tsuna Yadai Qiuyue is getting old, and it is time to roll down from the position of Patriarch. Whether Sufeng can be Patriarch, does it depend on the face of the Sifengyuan family?

"I can only tell you that Sifengyuan Yeyi was peeping secretly, and I discovered it."

"Then we had a fight and that was it."

Xishiro's complexion turned extremely ugly, and he naturally didn't want to believe these words.

As if aware of the Patriarch's emotions, the other members of the Sifengyuan family moved slowly and stepped out of the battle formation.

"What do you mean?" Su Feng was dissatisfied, "It's fine to trespass on the captain's exclusive dojo."

"You still want to use force now, Xishiro, have you been gnawed out of your mind?"

"Or, do you think that the current Corpse Soul Realm is your Sifengyuan family's monopoly?!"

Because of his skin color, Yushiro's expression didn't change much, but it's not difficult to judge from the gradually rising spiritual pressure alone, this guy's madness is no less than that of Nirvana Mayuri.

"Mr. Sufeng, I just want to know..."


The terrifying coercion came instantly, and the substantive light turned into wind flow, stirring up the airflow in the dojo, and at the same time crushing everything in it like a flood.

Everyone in Sifeng Yuan's family took a breath immediately, their dark skins turned red, and an ominous premonition suddenly emerged in their hearts.

The strength of the head of the Tsunayashiro family seems to have exceeded their expectations.

Rao, as the elite members of the family, they still felt the terrifying pressure of the sky in front of this coercion.

"Patriarch, why don't we..." the middle-aged Hei Pi persuaded in a low voice.

"Shut up!"

There was a hint of ferocity in Yushiro's expression, although it didn't match his face, and even had a kind of stupid feeling.

But his expression still made the people around him hold their breath and shut up.

Nothing, just because this is the first time seeing Yushiro, who has always been kind, showing such an appearance.

"This guy definitely knows where my sister is."

Yushiro tore off the veil around his neck, and threw it aside casually, a surging Reiatsu surged from his body.

"Be sure to ask it from his mouth, Battle Formation!"

As soon as the words fell, the members of the Shifengyuan family dispersed to the edge of the dojo and released their own spiritual pressure, sealing off the entire dojo.

The spiritual pressure intertwined with each other, forming a huge network.

The appearance of this scene made Sufeng couldn't help feeling in his heart, no matter it was the world of souls or the next village, creatures like brothers controlling brothers and sisters controlling were as terrifying as ever.

Yushiro, who originally seemed wise, looked like he had completely lost his mind at this time.

"Although it is excusable, what does this have to do with me?"

Sufeng said indifferently, "Obviously, I am the victim..."

Before he finished speaking, the members of the Sifengyuan family, who had intertwined their spiritual pressure, were already heading towards Sufeng.

While the black figure flickered, it seemed to blend into the shadow, strangely avoiding the capture of Sufeng's spiritual pressure.

A blade appeared behind Sufeng and went straight to his heart.

However, when he was still an inch away, a fierce punch came and hit him head on.

A dull impact sounded on the black-skinned face, and Sufeng's fist hit the opponent's front door.

The next moment, the tyrannical power burst out instantly.

The head of the person who was hit from the front was raised high, and the neck was extended several minutes. The thin body retreated faster than when it came. The legs were straightened, and the two feet plowed the ground and dragged out a path that was tens of meters long. Gaps and ravines.


The whole person sank into the wall, and the collapsed rubble instantly buried him, leaving only weak spiritual pressure fluctuations.

Such a fierce scene immediately made everyone dumbfounded.

In the information about Tsunayashiro Sufeng, it was never mentioned that his level of free play was so terrifying.

Shifengyuan Yushiro was shocked, and then gritted his teeth, not giving up his idea at all because of the scene just now.

The burst of spiritual pressure directly tore the haori he was wearing into pieces, and violent Kidō power continued to gush out from his shoulders.

Yushiro stared ahead with a firm gaze: "Shunhu..."

Thank you a Feixue for your reward

I should be able to write a chapter before twelve o'clock

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