Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 139 The arrival of an unexpected person

The first team building, the captain's exclusive dojo.

"The use of Wei Mian mainly depends on the superior person versus the inferior person."

Yamamoto Genryusai's right hand glowed with a light red light, vaguely revealing a faint aura of danger.

"This is a method of using spiritual pressure that requires meticulous control of one's own spiritual pressure."

Sufeng listened carefully to the lecture, observed Wei Mian's changes, and combined the theoretical knowledge previously described by Yamamoto Genryusai, and tried again and again.

Wei Mian is different from Ghost Road, and is a move independent of Zhan Fist and Ghost Walking.

Therefore, there is a certain degree of difficulty in learning.

"I already have a general understanding of your situation."

He dispersed the fear in his palms, let his hands hang down naturally, looked straight at Su Feng in front of him, and said frankly:

"Although I had psychological expectations before this, your performance still exceeded my expectations."

"In just three years after graduating from the Spiritual Arts Academy, he climbed from the sixth level of spiritual power to the second level of spiritual power. The speed of progress can be described as rapid."

"The last Shinigami as talented as you was Shiba Haiyan."

Sufeng nodded thoughtfully.

Strictly speaking, he is very different from Shiba Haiyan.

Members of the Shiba family possess spiritual talents that are better than ordinary souls. As early as when he entered the Spiritual Arts Academy, Shiba Haiyan had already reached the sixth level of spiritual power.

And the head of the branch family, Shiba Isshin, is even more outstanding among them.

Although he had never seriously fought with him, Su Feng estimated that this guy was at least a second-level spiritual powerhouse.

To put it a bit exaggeratedly, a first-class spiritual power is not impossible.

Just look at this guy's record.

Kyoshiro, Aizen's masterpiece, was in his initial state of liberation. He fought hard against Aizen who was in the first stage of collapse, and used his own spiritual pressure to maintain a fixed state for three months.

Maybe Isshin Shiba hasn't reached his limit yet, but he is still considered the best among many captains.

What's more, he also holds the trump card that can overturn the table - the final Crescent Moon Chong.

Although the final purpose of the final Getsuga Tensho is open to question, there is no doubt that Shiba Isshin is also a Kakebi.

"Mastering Wei Mian's skills will help you better control your own spiritual pressure."

Yamamoto Genryusai carefully analyzed, "Using limited spiritual pressure to exert stronger destructive power is our right path."

It has to be said that Yamamoto Genryusai, who has lived for thousands of years, has unparalleled knowledge in this area.

The name of Yuanliu is well deserved.

After just half a day of listening to the lecture, Sufeng planned his future path.

Use the practice of sword Zen to improve your understanding of your own soul, and thereby understand the swastika form of the Zanpakutō.

Master the Wei Mian technique to perfectly control your own spiritual pressure state.

After completing these two items, it is not a problem to increase the strength not only by a hundred times, but at least by ten times.

Of course, this prerequisite is to master Swastika interpretation.

"Weimian is just one of today's lessons."

Yamamoto Genryusai changed the subject, "The essence of Genryu is much more than that."

"While there is still time, I will teach you another move in the cutting technique."

While talking, he took two bamboo knives from one side of the dojo and handed one to Su Feng's hand.

"This move is called Fu Zhan."

Yamamoto Genryusai held the sword with one hand. A little spiritual pressure condensed on the bamboo sword, and a faint edge was revealed on it. As his eyes became sharper, the air was filled with an aura of danger.

Seeing this, Sufeng's attitude suddenly became more serious.

I saw Yamamoto Genryusai suddenly slashing forward, and the sound of tearing cloth could be heard in the air. A black gap suddenly appeared on the floor in front of him, spreading all the way to the edge of the dojo.

Click, click!

A crisp cracking sound sounded on the floor.

next moment.

Starting from the foothold of Yamamoto Genryusai, the floor in front of him collapsed and cracked, and countless debris flew in the sky, scattered on the dojo like a heavy rain.

Sufeng's eyes widened slightly, with a rare look of surprise on his face.

If he just split the dojo with one sword, he could do it easily. Even using a bamboo sword, it would be effortless.

But if the premise is to limit spiritual pressure to an extremely low state, then the difficulty is somewhat beyond one's ability.

He originally thought that the power of Fu Zhan's move only came from the power of Yamamoto Genryusai.

But in fact, even among the countless kendo schools in Soul Society, Fu Zhan can still be ranked in the top five or even the top three.

"Fuzhan is the essence of Yuanliu Kendo."

Yamamoto Genryusai stopped his posture and stood, the bamboo sword in his hand intact as before, still tall and tenacious, "It's a pity that Kyōraku and Ukitakeshi are not here and cannot master this kendo move."

"I heard Captain Unohana once mentioned that your swordsmanship is not inferior to hers, so I want to see if Fu Zhan can regain your former glory."

As he spoke, Yamamoto Genryusai's eyes burned brightly, as if a blazing flame was burning in them.

Before Sufeng could answer, Yamamoto Genryusai began to explain the key points of Fu Zhan.

The seemingly simple and unpretentious moves actually hide mysteries and are endlessly mysterious. It seems like you can see the countless efforts that have been put into the development of this move.

There are not many key points of knowledge. What is difficult is how to master them.

But this is also divided.

With a foundation of eleven levels of swordsmanship, Su Feng didn't need to spend too long if he wanted to learn how to caress and slash.

After telling the story, Yamamoto Genryusai asked Sufeng to try it on his own, while he was responsible for checking and filling in the gaps.

After a few simple attempts, he was surprised to find that Su Feng had initially mastered the sword technique of Fu Zhan.

If there is any difference between it and what he performed, it is nothing more than a gap in proficiency.

Sufeng held a bamboo knife in both hands, and his spiritual pressure was concentrated on it, and he slashed it down with all his might.

In an instant, new scars were added to the crumbling dojo.

Huge ravines ran across the floor, from the center to the edges.

It's a little worse than Yamamoto Genryusai, but it's not far away.

Seeing this, Yamamoto Genryusai nodded with satisfaction, quite pleased that such a talent was no weaker than any of his students.

Just as he was about to comment, a burst of wanton laughter suddenly came from the corridor outside the dojo.

The suppressed and violent spiritual pressure also came, and then exploded into the entire dojo.

"Hahaha! Old man, as promised, I'm here!"

As the wild laughter fell, a tall figure stepped straight into it.

The man has a ferocious face. The scar on the left side of his face spreads from the top of his head to his chin. The edge of the hem of the white captain's feather is jagged. He has a weird hedgehog hair style. There are small golden bells tied to the end of the hair. Suddenly there was a jingle.

The most eye-catching thing is the wild gaze like a wild beast.

Captain of the 11th Division, Kenpachi Zaraki!

Sorry, I have something going on at home, so the update is a little late. I have two more chapters tonight, and I’m working hard to write them.

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