Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 145 Unohana's Brain Circuit

The endless dust exploded in an instant, the ground let out an overwhelmed wailing sound, and the battlefield within a few thousand meters collapsed layer by layer.

The two kinds of light, golden yellow and blue-purple, clashed with each other, but in the end, the former lost to the latter, and was swallowed up and buried without any trace.

Everything in the four directions seemed to have been plowed by endless thunder. The charred soil was filled with a fiery aura, and streaks of burning red color flowed through it like magma.

The aftermath surged and continued to spread in all directions. The abandoned buildings were all turned into ashes, and even half of the intact stones could not be found.

When the dust cleared, the thick dark clouds on the zenith remained, and the oppressive feeling covered the bottom, as if the mountains weighed heavily on the heart.

A scorched black body on the ground melted into the soil, and it was not even clear which was the head and which was the foot.

Unlike Byakuya Kuchiki who was almost killed instantly.

Even at this point, Zaraki Kenpachi still did not lose consciousness. He could be seen holding the serrated sword tightly in his right hand, and his ferocious eyes were still staring at Sufeng:

"It's not over yet, Tsunayoshi Sufeng!"

From the coke-like body, a piece of Reiatsu was squeezed out from nowhere, and condensed on the Zanpakutō.

Zaraki Kenpachi instinctively held the sword with both hands, integrated into the two-handed swordsmanship he had learned before, and violently slashed forward.

The golden spiritual pressure turned into a sword pressure like a light curtain, and fell with a bang amidst the bursting thunder.

Su Feng's attack was a bit faster than him, and the moment the sawtooth long knife swung down, he had already attacked with a stance of swordsmanship.

Kendo: Fushu!

The strongest kendo that incorporates the power of the complete technique, nearly all the spiritual pressure is integrated into it, the sound of manic thunder is deafening, and the arc of electricity wraps around the blade, rushing like thunder.

Su Feng didn't squint his eyes and went straight towards him.

The blades interlaced, and the sound of roaring sounded again, and the majestic impact immediately turned into waves, piled up layer by layer, and swept towards all directions.

The ground collapsed into a huge pit with a depth of tens of meters, and the earth surged straight into the clouds, almost connecting the sky and the earth.

The raging winds destroyed everything within sight, uprooting trees and blending powder into the charred soil. The two figures were obscured by the burst of dust.

At the center of the collision, the majestic power burst out from Sufeng's arms, fused with his body's spiritual pressure, and pressed downwards in a caressing and slashing manner. The blue-purple light shone in all directions, even penetrating the dust!


Accompanied by a breaking sound, the serrated long knife snapped, and half of the blade fell in the air.

The blue-purple sword pressure gushed out, hitting the charred body again impartially.

From the right shoulder, extending all the way to the left lower abdomen, the charred flesh was opened, and almost no blood could be seen seeping out, as if Zaraki Kenpachi had already lost all the blood in the previous injury.

Two ferocious penetrating wounds were scattered on his chest in the shape of crosses, which was horrifying.


Zaraki Kenpachi staggered a few steps, his narrow pupils staring at Sufeng, his eyes filled with unconcealable joy and joy, his mouth widened and his white teeth revealed:

"Tsunayashiro Sufeng, you..."


After the words fell, the tall and thin body fell straight down, and the whole person sank into the charred soil.

Sufeng sheathed his sword and let out a slow breath.

It has to be said that Zaraki Kenpachi is exactly the protagonist template in anime. Once he finds an opponent he can't beat, he will explode into the small universe anytime and anywhere.

In the battle just now, his spiritual pressure increased more than once, as if there was no limit.

It's a pity that the speed at which he unlocked his strength could not keep up with Sufeng's explosion.

With all his strength, Sufeng flipped the table with his backhand, and used the power of his complete technique to strengthen his attack twice, almost cutting Zaraki Kenpachi's body into several pieces.

Just when he looked down at the charred body on the ground, Kusuka Yachiru jumped out of nowhere, appeared next to Zaraki Kenpachi, and poked his head with his finger.

After realizing there is still breath.

Kusaka Yachiru's eyes narrowed, he raised his bright innocent smile again, and bowed deeply towards Sufeng: "Thank you so much!"

"Ajian has never been so happy."

"If it weren't for the strong wind, Ajian might have been depressed for a long time."

Sufeng grinned, a dangerous aura lingering around him:

"You thank me too early."

"I already said it before the battle started..."

He lowered his head and came closer, placed one hand on Kusuka Yachiru's little head, and rubbed it for a while:

"The loser must pay the price!"

Kusuka Yachiru looked confused, as the situation did not seem to be developing in the direction she expected.

Sufeng let go of her head and looked eastward.

Several powerful spiritual pressures are coming here.

Because the battle between the two did not last too long, the captains did not arrive at the first time.

The first one to appear on the battlefield was the captain of the fourth division, Uno Hana Retsu.

Seeing that the battle was over, a look of disappointment suddenly appeared on Gentle's face.

"It's still a step too late, what a pity..."

Unable to see the battle between the two, Unohana Retsu felt extremely disappointed and had no choice but to fulfill her duties and use her superb return method to heal the charred body on the ground.

"This level of injury..." The pity in her eyes became more and more obvious, "The battle must be very intense, right?"

Realizing that he missed a big show, Uno Hanauri has already begun to look for opportunities to make up for it.

Until, her eyes fell on Su Feng beside her.

The feathers were covered with dust and dirt, and many of them were dotted with dark red blood stains, like blooming flowers.

Unlike Zaraki Kenpachi who was half-dead, Sufeng only had some excessive consumption of spiritual pressure. The bursts of multiple ultimate moves and the use of the full power of the technique almost drained it dry.

Fortunately, its spirit son affinity is relatively high, and the consumption has recovered nearly half in a very short period of time.

Right now, except for some lacerations on the palm, it can be described as completely uninjured.

This wave is, speed pass Zaraki Kenpachi.

Realizing this, Uzhihualie's thoughts surged in his heart, and thoughts flashed in his mind.

Lord Sufeng seems to be much stronger than before.

Perhaps the exclusive dojo of the fourth team is no longer suitable for continuing kendo exchanges.

If you have the chance next time, you can choose a remote place in Liuhun Street.

Just in time to replace the bamboo sword with a Zanpakutō...

As if thinking of some dangerous and exciting scenes, a faint blush appeared on Unohana Retsu's cheeks, and even his breathing became a little more rapid.

Sufeng, who couldn't connect with her at all, stared at the woman in front of him in confusion. For a moment, he couldn't figure out what state Uozhihualie was in.

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