Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 155 You are a bit too extreme

"You think you know everything about the world."

"But this is just your own one-sided idea."

Sufeng said to himself, "Destroy all the void in the world? That will only plunge the world back into chaos without life or death."

"Is this what you think the so-called God of Death is supposed to do?"

In the center of the room, the mole Chengshuang, who exuded a faint fluorescent color, also fell silent.

With his limited intelligence sources, it was impossible to confirm the authenticity of this statement.

"Whether it's the teachings of the Spiritual Arts Academy or the records of the nobles."

Sufeng looked at Mole Chengshuangye and said seriously every word, "You have never mentioned the eradication of all virtual things!"

In his opinion, Mole Chengshuang is also a pitiful person.

The tragic experience in his childhood had already driven his thoughts to extremes.

Strictly speaking, what caused his thoughts was the competition for interests among the nobles.

Hundreds of years ago, the Mole City family was once a famous noble family in the Soul Society, and Mole City Shuang, as the eldest son of the family, was extremely talented.

However, something happened to the Mole City family, and all the upper-ranking members died. Other nobles, because they coveted the Mole City family, designed to kill most of the remaining members.

The sister of Mole City Shuangye, the only survivor, fought against Xu Shi during the execution and released the [Double Lotus Blue Fire Pendant] that she had not been able to master, causing her body to explode, and the huge body holding her was destroyed. Virtual.

Only the last smile was left in Mole City Shuangye's mind.

Unfortunately, the nobles were not satisfied with this and still ordered Xu to be put on the execution ground.

In desperation, Mole Chengshuang also awakened his own Zanpakutō, Yulu Zheliu.

With his powerful ability, he slaughtered all the nobles present and created a hellish scene!

Even the Commander-in-Chief of Covert Mobile at the time said that this was the most tragic and unimaginably miserable scene he had ever encountered.

Although his past experience was sympathetic, Sufeng's evaluation of this Mole City Shuangye was somewhat strange.

Could it be that Ning is also from the Uchiha clan in the next village?

In fact, in the final analysis, the nobles who framed the Mole City family are the real culprits.

According to Sufeng's inference, all the noble members present at the time were massacred by Mole Chengshuangya. He couldn't find a target for revenge for a while, so he set his final goal in life on the group of Xu who killed his sister.

Only by annihilating all the void in the world can his hatred-filled heart be calmed down.

Unfortunately, he sensed the Soul King's will from the souls in the Soul Society, and the Soul King did not agree with the implementation of this plan.

Ever since, Mole Chengshuang also set his sights on human beings in this world.

"This is just your one-sided statement."

Mole Chengshuang is still calm, and Sufeng's remarks just now cannot shake his thoughts at all.

"As I said before, your power is very special."

"If I can get your power, I can purify the entire Hueco Mundo, change the hearts of people in this world, and prevent the emergence of Hue from the source."

"Many instincts and attachments, such as complaints and desires, are the seeds of emptiness and will destroy the chain of cause and effect. All we need to do is remove them all to achieve this great ideal."

Although this statement sounds reasonable.

But if you think about it carefully, it is actually ridiculous.

Let's not talk about the consequences of changing human thoughts, just erasing emotions such as desire.

Then there will be no difference between humans and machines, and when they turn into souls after death, they will appear in the same form in Rukongai.

By then, Rukongai will become a paradise for the walking dead.

As a result, the entire Soul Society will become an apocalyptic wasteland filled with despair!

"You are too extreme." Sufeng responded indifferently, "You must know that Xu is also a part of this world. To be more precise, Xu is the original master of the world."

"Even the Spirit King was born after Xu."

"As a latecomer, you want to annihilate the original master of the world and completely eradicate it from the source."

"What is the difference between this kind of behavior and the nobles who framed the Mole City family?"

After the words fell, everyone clearly saw the emotional fluctuations in Mole Chengshuangye's eyes, and the calmness was completely broken.

But in an instant, he was back to normal again.

Yamamoto Genryuzai hit the ground with his cane, attracting everyone's attention, and the majestic voice resounded in the room again:

"The present world and the world of corpses and souls are mutually external existences."

"I don't feel any respect for this world from your thoughts. Such actions are tantamount to trampling on the justice established and accumulated by the ancestors of Soul Society!"

Su Feng coughed twice to suppress the smile that rose from his mouth.

Mojo Soya's remarks were unreasonable enough, and Yamamoto Motoryuzai, the captain, was even more exaggerated than him.

The ancestors of Soul Society established accumulated justice?

It's ridiculous, let's start with the ancestors of the five nobles, including the establishment of the Gotei Thirteen. Looking at the millions of years of history, how can there be any justice?

Darkness, nothing but darkness.

As I said before, justice is just a high-sounding word!

Facing all the coercion from Yamamoto Genryuzai, Mojiro Sho also responded indifferently:

"Master Chief, respect is something that has no meaning."

"As the Grim Reaper, you just need to be a gear that keeps the world running."

However, these remarks were not supported by anyone present, not even Su Feng, whom he was optimistic about.

Thinking of this, Mo Chengshuang also sighed softly, his figure was like a bubble under the sun, constantly cracking and shattering until it returned to the atmosphere:

"Of course, so do I..."

The last words echoed in the room, and the conference room fell into dead silence again.

Except for that rising atmospheric temperature.

Mojo Soya's provocative behavior undoubtedly angered the already irritable Yamamoto Genryuzai.

In his opinion, the remarks just now were just nonsense, a despicable act of trying to disrupt the morale of one's own side.

"In the next period of time, the ban will be lifted!"

There seemed to be flames burning in Yamamoto Genryusai's pupils, and the moisture in the nearby atmosphere was constantly shrinking. "All Shinigami above the deputy captain level are required to wear a Zanpakutō at all times, and can be liberated when necessary."

"Captain Shiba Isshin!"

"Uh, yes!" Zhibo was still engrossed in the words just now, unable to recover for a long time.

"Develop a first-level strict order and convey it to every member of the thirteenth team of the court."

Yamamoto Genryuzai said earnestly, "Be sure to end the absurd idea of ​​the sinner Mojo Soya!"

Thanks to Mr. Yue Fengqing for the reward!

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