Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 165 First Class Spirit Might

[Self-discipline daily tasks completed! 】

[The spiritual pressure has been improved, and it is currently a first-class spiritual power! 】

[The understanding of the ghost path has been improved, mastered the skills to fight against ghosts, and is currently at the ninth level! 】

[Shunpo comprehension has been improved, mastered the flash flower, and is currently at the ninth level! 】

[The strength of the soul has been improved, and the density of the soul has increased! 】


Just like before, a sound like the bursting of bubbles came from Su Feng's body.

The next moment, the mighty spiritual pressure continued to rise and rise, like an unparalleled wave that suddenly surged above the ocean, one wave after another, reaching the sky.

The change in spiritual pressure even caused a sudden decrease in the density of spiritual particles in the surrounding atmosphere, forming a momentary vacuum.

The blue-white wind breath lingers around Sufeng, accompanied by the sizzling electric light that keeps flashing.

The momentum was not too loud, but it still attracted the attention of Ishida Sozuru.

However, based on his short experience, he had no idea what happened to Su Feng. After seeing that there was no abnormality in his expression, he just attributed this to the specialness of the God of Death.

The breakthrough of the first-class spirit power gave Sufeng some peace of mind, and his originally fluctuating emotions gradually recovered.

At this point, he finally got rid of the fate of cannon fodder.

As long as you continue to become stronger on this basis, you can control your own destiny and that of Soul Society.

As for ghost techniques to fight against ghosts and kill each other, Sufeng had already learned it before.

It's just that learning and mastering are two different concepts. Now he can easily destroy the ghost path released by the captain-level Shinigami like Yoruichi Shifengin.

The Flash Flower is a special Shunpo technique. It's fine for bullying the weak, but it doesn't have much effect against a strong person of the same level.

In the original work, Baymax shattered Ichigo's bonds and sleep with one blow, using the technique of flash flowers.

There is nothing much to say about the final increase in soul strength.

The power of the Perfection Technique has been increased again. If Mole City Shuangya is given a blast of heat and anger in his current state, it will be enough to completely erase his current body from the world.

After digesting Mole City Shuangye's contribution, Sufeng set his sights into the distance.

At this moment, one person and one person are weak, and the battle is in full swing.

It has red feathers, a gryphon-like shape, and black lines on its beak.

Sufeng said that if he admitted correctly, this guy should be called Abirama Leda, a subordinate of the current King of Hueco Mundo, Balegaon Ruisenbang.

The reason why the current King of Hueco Mundo is not Aizen is because Abirama in the sky is still in its true form, with no sign of an Arrancar at all.

Maki Kurosaki pulled the long bow of the spirit child and played with the bird-men in the sky with her flexible movements.

As she said before, during this unprecedented period of time, her strength has been greatly improved.

It can be seen from the envious and sour eyes of Ishida Sogenu not far away.

Countless red feathers fell from the sky, like a heavy rain, instantly turning the sand into a sieve.

As one of the few races that can fly in Hueco Mundo, Abirama has a great advantage in battle.

But in his opinion, the hateful human woman below was obviously more restrained than him.

As if it was free of charge, the spirit son cluster shot upward crazily, with such speed that it even surpassed his Hungry Wing Cannon.

The sacred arrows that were mixed in from time to time almost penetrated his wings many times.

It's like a natural nemesis.

Kurosaki Maki's eyes were firm, and she used her spiritual pressure to remotely lock onto the figure that was flying in the sky and constantly spouting nonsense. Her fingers quickly pulled the bow string, and a bunch of spiritual particles blocked the opponent's movement trajectory.

"Stupid guy, with this level of accuracy, you can't hit me even if you shoot for a thousand years!"

Abhirama yelled loudly, with a crazy expression on his beak, like a defeated villain.

"It's enough."

Suddenly, Kurosaki Maki put down her long bow, raised her right hand in front of her body, and formed a special hand seal. Her calm voice sounded amidst the hustle and bustle.

"Swing the silver whip, hit the five-hand stone bed, and bind it with five frames!"

"What?!" Abhirama realized something was wrong.

Behind him, the two spirit son clusters did not dissipate directly.

On the contrary, the viscous materialized spirit particles burst out from it, instantly unfolding into a five-pointed star array, trapping it in an overlapping manner.

"Holy Mie Ya!"

Kurosaki Maki drew her bow again, raised it to the sky, and released her fingers without hesitation.

A sharp sound of piercing the air sounded, and a lightning-like blue arrow tore through everything in front of it with unwavering speed, hitting the immobile Abirama directly.


A violent explosion surged in the sky, turning into a bright firework, illuminating the dark world again.

A black shadow fell down in the billowing smoke and fell heavily on the sand, creating a deep pit several meters wide.

This is far from the end.

I saw Maki Kurosaki pointing her little white hand far away, and a blue beam of light suddenly rose up from where Abirama fell.

Square destruction array, holy bite!

Everything is calculated.

The huge turbulent flow of souls swallowed up Abirama in an instant, wearing away his indestructible griffon body.

As a Daxu at the level of Achucas, an attack of this level was not enough to kill him.

What's more, Kurosaki Maki knew the truth behind the Quincy's killing of Hollows, and deliberately restrained her own spiritual pressure during the battle to weaken the destructive power of the Reiko Concentration and the Holy Killing Arrow.

When the light of the Holy Devour dissipated, a birdman with a burnt smell crawled out from it.

She thought the other party had let her go, but when Abirama raised her head, she found a man's face with a gentle smile.

"Abirama Leda."

Seeing the god of death in front of him saying his name easily, coupled with the severe pain radiating from everywhere on his body, Abirama became even more panicked.

He couldn't remember when he had publicized his name in front of the God of Death.

"I'll ask you an answer."

There was a hint of refusal in Sufeng's calm tone. Kurosaki Maki stood behind him, gesturing on her neck with her hands, looking like a loyal and timid person.

The scorching injury could not bring any warmth to Abirama. He only felt a frightening coldness all over his body, as if he was facing an angry majesty.

"Who is the current King of Hueco Mundo?"

"Your Majesty Balegang."

"Did he send you?"

"Yes, yes, because extremely strong spiritual pressure fluctuations broke out here, Your Majesty sensed death, the aura of the God of Death..."

Under the threat of death, this Yachukas Abhirama was far less loyal than Sufeng imagined.

After just a few scares, he poured out everything he knew like beans from a bamboo tube.

He did not directly ask about the Arrancar, but only obtained the information he wanted from the current situation of Xuye Palace.

The current King of Hueco Mundo is Balegang Ruisenbang. Apart from him, the most powerful person in Xuye Palace is the only scientific researcher, Sal Apollo Granz.

In addition, there are countless great emptiness and countless ordinary emptiness.

This is not because Abirama deliberately fooled him, but because there were so many virtual beings, and they were born and died every day, it was impossible to count them.

In terms of mid- to low-level combat power alone, Hueco Mundo can easily crush Soul Society and the Invisible Empire.

It's a pity that this is a world that values ​​high-end combat power more.

Quantity is not enough to make up for the gap in quality. Quantity alone cannot fill the gap in spiritual pressure levels.

The undifferentiated spiritual pressure coverage is enough to kill weak beings instantly.

As the hands-off shopkeeper, Bailegang left most things in the hands of Sar Apollo. Even the design and construction of Xuye Palace was Sar Apollo's plan.

But some time ago, the Xuye Palace scientist's temper suddenly became very bad, and he ate dozens of Yachukas in a row.

"The Sixty-Three of Binding Dao: Locking with Bars!"

After confessing everything he knew, Abirama was banned by Sufeng Yibin Dao.

Even the beak of the bird was wrapped with golden chains.

Facing Suifeng who had broken through to the first level of spiritual power, Abirama was not even qualified to struggle, let alone resist.

Abhirama, as a very vicious representative, attacked them as soon as he came up.

Regarding this kind of Daxu, Sufeng said that Yamada Seinosuke and Niryuuri would like it very much.

In the distance, Sogen Ishida integrated his clan members.

Although there were injuries, fortunately no one died in the air strike.

Sufeng threw out a large Senra, and all the Quincy were bathed in green light, instantly turning green from head to toe.

Faced with this kind of green behavior, instead of being angry, they were very grateful.

Compared with the gods of death with their nostrils turned upward in this world, Mr. Sufeng can be described as a saint.

Not only did they not let them get involved in the battle, but they also treated them after the war.

After everyone recovered from their injuries, Sufeng also took out the portable mimetic black cavity capsule, poured spiritual pressure into it, and opened the mimetic black cavity again.

"No, this is the mimetic black cavity capsule leading to the position in this world."

Sufeng casually threw it to Kurosaki Maki, who caught it in a hurry.

“We’ll work together again if we have the chance.”

After that, he pulled the golden chain and dragged Abirama into the mimetic black cavity.

Looking at his retreating back, Kurosaki Maki slightly tightened the capsule in her hand.

"Ms. Maki, although it's a bit presumptuous, I still want to remind you."

Ishida Sogenu stood beside Kurosaki Maki and said cautiously, "The possibility of a Shinigami and a human being being together is really too low."

Although he has very little experience in this area, as a veteran, he is still better than Kurosaki Maki.

Now Kurosaki Maki's eyes looking at the back and Ishida Yusuke's eyes looking at him are 99% similar.

Sufeng had previously rescued Kurosaki Maki from Balk's false flash.

In addition, his appearance is not bad, so it is normal to have a favorable impression of him.

It's probably like this when a girl is pregnant.

"Well, it's just a little lower, it's not impossible."

After Kurosaki Maki was slightly startled, the corners of her mouth raised, and a smile as bright as the sun bloomed in the desolate Hueco Mundo, bright and moving.

"Senior Zongxian still thinks highly of me!"

"I will not live up to this expectation!"


Soul Society, Seireitei.

Division 12 team building, technology development bureau, above ground research institute.

The positioning of the mimetic black cavity is still in its original position. Nirvana's skills in this area do not allow him to make any deviations.

This is the research result just obtained at the cost of sacrificing three world-traversing gates.

The space was torn apart, and ferocious black cracks appeared in the empty field.

Yaozhou, who was responsible for observing this place, was preparing to cheer to welcome Suifeng's return when the alarm in the research room suddenly sounded.

The piercing whistle instantly spread throughout the team building.

In the opened mimetic black cavity, the spiritual pressure belonging to Daxu continued to spread out, like bone-corrosive poison, corroding the researchers' souls.

"Everyone is alert and ready for virtual weapons!"

Yingzhou was operating hurriedly, "The sub-level Daxu is about to appear..."

The figure of the team member responsible for the battle flickered and appeared near the open field, and the continuous ghost chant was aimed at the deep mimicry black tune.

The crimson light locked ahead, ready to go.

As long as the sub-level Daxu appears, it is enough to kill it to pieces!

However, at this moment, a familiar voice came from the darkness, and a white figure dragged a huge golden chain out of the mimetic black cavity.

"Everyone, we haven't seen each other for a long time. As for using such a large formation?"

Under the gaze of countless eyes, Sufeng stepped out with a gentle smile as before...

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