Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 168 I want you to help me practice

Second Squadron Building, Criminal Army Headquarters.

The solemn atmosphere continued to ferment in the overall dark environment, brewing a emotion called fear that continued to spread in the room.

A petite figure sat cross-legged in front of the long table, sorting out the important information sent today without raising his head.

As the captain of the second squadron, the commander of the Criminal Corps, the captain of the first squadron, and the commander-in-chief of covert maneuvers, Broken Bee's daily work content far exceeds that of some captains.

However, she had already begun to try to take over these tasks since Sifengyuan Yoichi took office, and she has become accustomed to it over the years.

At this moment, a tall and fat figure, like a mountain of meat, squeezed in from the door, and with it came the greasy smell.

Meanwhile, the snap of pancakes suddenly became the only noise in the room.

"Oh Maeda, how many times have I told you that eating snacks of any kind in the criminal army headquarters is prohibited!"

Blue veins popped up on Zui Feng's smooth forehead, and he pinched the brush in his hand with force with a loud click.

The ferocious gaze fell in front of him, and the fat figure suddenly trembled, and the fat all over his body trembled violently.

In a panic, Nozomi Maeda, the deputy captain of the second team, picked up the bag in his hand, raised his head and gave it away, and directly filled the remaining pancakes into his bloody mouth.

After chewing randomly, a large amount of greasy smell filled every corner of the room.

After some operations, the solemn atmosphere disappeared.

"Team, Captain." Ohmaeda sneered and carefully handed over the patrol information, "This is the detailed situation of today's jurisdiction."

"Except for a small-scale conflict that broke out near Kasumioji's home, everything else was safe and sound."

In the face of the powerful Zombie Bee, Ohmaeda's courage was inversely proportional to his size.

Hearing this, Sui Feng frowned, and when she took the mission report and saw the oily handprints on it, her thin eyebrows frowned even deeper.

If she could change the vice-captain, she would have wanted to change him.

However, who made the second team's team building decorated by the Ohmaeda family?

As a family under the aristocracy, with assets rich enough to dominate the Noble Street, the Ōmaeda family's assets are so rich that everyone would covet them.

After a cursory glance at the contents of the report, and just as he was about to make relevant instructions, another voice suddenly came to his ears.

"You are really dedicated, Captain Broken Bee."

In an instant, Suihou instinctively tensed up his body, and without looking back, he threw a backhand shot of the White Fighting Technique: Hanging Persimmon, and a powerful impact erupted from his slender fist.


The dull sound of collision echoed in the room, immediately attracting dozens of figures in black, instantly surrounding the entire room.

"What a gangster, let go of the captain!"

Only then did Ohmaeda react. He pulled out his Zanpakutō with his backhand, pointed it straight ahead, and threatened in what he thought was a vicious tone.

"It seems that Vice Captain Ohmaeda's eyesight is not very good."

Sufeng sighed, "How can you be the captain of a patrol with your level?"

"Even if Xinzhijin catches up with others, it won't mean that you have no professional qualities at all, right?"

"Tsuna, Tsuna, Tsunayashiro Sufeng!?!"

Omaeda Kichiyo saw clearly the figure standing next to his captain, and suddenly took a breath of cold air and exclaimed in surprise.

If it is said that among the captains of the Gotei Thirteenth Team, the person he least wants to see, other than the chief captain Yamamoto Motoryasaishige, is the heir to this great noble family, Tsunayashiro Sokaze!

"When you call captain, please use your honorific."

Sufeng originally had a slight illusion about the legendary "Five Special Combat Powers", but Kichiyo Omaeda, who has just been appointed as the vice-captain not long ago, can't seem to find any advantages.

A mind-blowing look.

Zhanfeng broke free from Sufeng's confinement. While he was surprised, he was also more curious about how he had escaped the various probings of the Second Division.

As the dark side of the Gotei 13, most of the tasks performed by the Second Division are related to intelligence and assassination.

In this case, the amount of surveillance in the team building is mind-numbing.

Even she couldn't guarantee that she could sneak into the criminal army's headquarters quietly under such circumstances.

"Okay, okay, Captain Sufeng..."

Ohmaeda looked frightened and stuttered when he spoke.

The Tsunayashiro family, who are also nobles and the head of the five nobles, has a natural suppressive power over a family like Ōmaeda that is good at business dealings.

Let alone Ōmaeda Kichiyo, it would be the same even if Ōmaeda Kinyuki comes in.

When Broken Bee saw this, his face suddenly showed an expression of hatred for steel.

There really is no lower limit to how embarrassing Vice Captain Ohmaeda can be.

"Please speak frankly, Captain Sufeng."

Broken Bee calmed down, put away the contents of some shady documents, and said expressionlessly:

"What's matter?"

"I want you to help me practice!"

Broken Bee: "???"


Captain's exclusive dojo.

Looking at the black cat decorations everywhere on the ceiling and walls, Su Feng shook his head and clicked his tongue. To some extent, fans like Sui Feng are actually quite scary.

Zhanfeng noticed the teasing meaning in Sufeng's eyes, and immediately explained with a blushing face:

"This, these are all left by the traitor Shifengyuan Yoruichi. I just keep them to motivate myself. I must bring this sinner to justice!"

Sufeng nodded: "Then what's this latest black cat pendant all about?"

"If i remember correctly……"

Before he finished speaking, he saw a black shadow passing in front of him, and the black cat pendant on the wall had been put away.

Zhanfeng glared stubbornly and said, "You made a mistake, that is an old model, an old model from five years ago!"

"Okay, if you say old style, just say old style."

Su Feng didn't argue with him, anyone who wasn't blind could see that Su Feng was obsessed with a certain black cat.

"Let's get straight to the point."

Sufeng took off the feather fabric and hung it on the wall, then took off the upper body's death-defying uniform.

The blush still lingered on Zhanfeng's face, and he took off his captain Yuori's clothes quite coquettishly, revealing the special death tyrant uniform that went around the neck and exposed the back.

Normally I don't feel it when fighting or executing, but when I take off the feather fabric in front of Su Feng, it always feels weird.

"Before we begin, I would like to know where you got your information from."

"I have never told anyone about the practice of 'Shuangku'."

When Broken Bee mentioned the name Shunhu, his expression looked quite strange, and he always felt like he was being spied on.

She originally thought that this was a fighting technique developed by herself, but under Su Feng's explanation, she suddenly learned that Sifengyuan Yeyi had been developing the instant hex for an unknown amount of time.

Even the Sifengyuan family has the technique of instant coaxing that has been passed down from generation to generation.

When he learned the news, Sui Feng's expression turned extremely ugly.

It's like the childhood sweethearts you have always liked, who are in love with each other, and then by a coincidence, the other party tells you that he/she already has someone he likes.

Just thinking about this kind of scene makes people feel numb and tremble all over.


Sufeng moved his arms, and bursts of sound like firecrackers suddenly erupted from his perfect streamlined body.

A strong sense of power came to my face.

Zhanfeng's expression turned dark, and he just thought that the other party was deceiving him: "If you don't want to say it, forget it, it's a reasonable transaction anyway."

"I won't miss any opportunity to become stronger."

Sufeng said without looking back: "Don't worry, you have no chance."

"With your current level, even if you practice for another hundred years, you will still be no match for that black cat."

Suddenly, Broken Bee's face turned darker, and shadow lines spread across his pretty face, as if his whole person was about to fall into darkness.

"Damn bastard..."

Whispered curses echoed in the dojo, and it was unclear whether they were referring to Sufeng or the defected Shifengin Yoruichi.


The teaching of instant coaxing officially began. After Zhanfeng explained the basic principles of instant coaxing, he personally demonstrated for Sufeng.

In an instant, the spiritual pressure erupted, and a large amount of white air flow exploded on the exposed shoulders and back of the broken bee, forming an astonishing wind, reverberating and sweeping around it.

The violent high-compression Kidou spiritual pressure spiraled into the dojo, making a hunting sound.

"Well, it seems to be quite powerful."

Sufeng commented, "It's just that I don't know what the real performance will be."

Faced with such comments, Broken Bee naturally did not give a good look and immediately responded with a sneer:

“You’ll know once you try it.”

However, what she didn't expect was that Su Feng looked eager to try: "Then I won't be polite."

"Hey, you guy..."

Before Sui Feng could finish her words, surging spiritual pressure exploded instantly, Sui Feng disappeared on the spot, and appeared behind her instantly.


A big hand rested on a fair shoulder.

In an instant, Broken Bee's pupils shrank suddenly.

She has been staring at the opponent's figure from the beginning to the end, but she didn't even notice the opponent's Shunpo trajectory, and the palm on the shoulder resisted the impact of Shunbo with pure spiritual pressure.

A completely unequal battle!

"Don't take it lightly in battle." Sufeng reminded, "Captain Broken Bee..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the explosive Kidou spiritual pressure exploded from his slender shoulders, and a strong impact swept over him, forcing Sufeng to retreat in an instant.

White skill·Windmill!

The petite figure leaped up and kicked down with a roundhouse kick, and suddenly fell down like a windmill.


Above the dojo, a huge pit suddenly appeared, with sawdust flying and scattered everywhere.

Sufeng stared at the figure in the dust, somewhat satisfied with the destructive power.

Broken Bee's instant coaxing is not proficient, and because of the limitation of spiritual pressure, it can show such destructive power, which already shows that the potential of the instant coaxing combat skill is great.

Of course, it was still a little worse than the Si Fengyuan Yoichi he had encountered before in this world.

Seeing that Sufeng didn't take advantage of the situation to attack, Broken Bee breathed a sigh of relief and immediately released the instant coaxing state.

Although she knew that the opponent was much stronger than herself, she was still worried about accidentally injuring Su Feng due to her low proficiency in Shunhu.

After all, in a way, Sufeng could be regarded as her savior.

If it weren't for Sufeng, she would have ended up seriously injured in the battle with the rebellious Bird Bee.

"The danger level of instantaneous coaxing is extremely high."

Sui Feng frowned and said dissatisfiedly, "Next time you behave like this again, you must say hello to me in advance."

"As for the detailed techniques..."

Under Su Feng's careful listening, Suifeng dissected out the details about Shunhong bit by bit, and explained them all.

Compared to Yamamoto Genryusai's "people-friendly" teaching method, Zaihou is undoubtedly too gentle.

"That's more or less it, do you understand?"

After finishing speaking, Broken Bee let out a long breath and said, "If you don't understand something, feel free to ask it."

"As long as you're not too stupid..."

However, before she could finish her words, the shirtless man in front of her suddenly burst out with a familiar pressure.

The powerful high-compression Kidou spiritual pressure spurted out from his shoulders and back, and a violent wind suddenly swept through the entire dojo.

The solid floor let out an overwhelmed wailing sound, with Sufeng as the center, the layers cracked and debris flew.

This state did not last long. After Sufeng dissipated his spiritual pressure, he looked down at the petite Sui Feng:

"What did you just say..."

There is a slight modification here. Broken Bee originally learned instant coax a hundred years later, but it is a little earlier. Also, instant coax is correct. It is not instant open. Instant open is an early translation error.

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