West Rukong Street, Runlin'an District.

Under the leadership of the sixth division deputy captain Gin Ginjiro, Sufeng met his future siblings——


Although Kuchiki Byakuya is older than him, it does not prevent him from calling him this.

In his world view, whoever has the toughest fist is the boss.

"This is the first time we meet, brothers and sisters. I am Dabai's eldest brother, Tsunayashiro Sufeng."

Sufeng greeted them as if they were familiar with each other, and at the same time looked at the person in front of him.

A woman who is gentle and elegant at heart.

She looks very similar to Lucia, but her eyes are slightly drooped, gentle and restrained, without any ostentation.

Especially when facing Sufeng, there is a bit of uneasiness and fear in his eyebrows.

"Bai, Lord Byakuya, he..."

Sufeng took the tea from Gin Ginjiro, took a sip, and explained:

"Dabai went to persuade Mr. Yinling and the others."

"After all, it's not an easy thing to get you into the Kuchiki family."

Hearing this, Fei Zhen's cheeks immediately turned red, her head lowered, and there was a hint of shyness in her joy.

Even though she had been used to the situation over the years, she still couldn't control her emotions under the nonsense of her eldest brother, Byakuya Kuchiki.

Probably, this is a common problem among women who fall in love.

"Lord Sufeng, I'm sorry to trouble you during this time."

Feizhen quickly recovered her emotions and replied with a smile.

Obviously, she was very aware of Sufeng's mission here.

Although as a civilian in Rukongai, I don't know much about the system structure of Seireitei, I still know some common sense.

For example, among the Shinigami, the captains who wear white feathers and have numbers embroidered on their backs are the most powerful Shinigami. Looking at the entire Soul Society, there are only a dozen or so.

Now that Byakuya Kuchiki invited a captain to protect him, Heizhen felt a little flattered.

"Don't be too restrained."

Sufeng waved his hand, "Dabai and I have a pretty good relationship. Not only have we grown up together, we often communicate with each other about problems encountered in practice."

"If he didn't trust me, he wouldn't let me protect you."

Hearing this, Fei Zhen secretly breathed a sigh of relief and looked much calmer.

The next conversation between the two basically revolved around Kuchiki Byakuya, and Sufeng once again realized another side of this guy.

I have to say that love can still change a person.

The topic deepened and we gradually talked about each other.

After briefly explaining his life experience, Sufeng finally asked one of the questions he was most concerned about.

"Were my siblings always alone before meeting Baymax?"

Hearing this, Feizhen's expression suddenly dimmed, and her lowered brows and eyes were full of sorrow and regret.

She was silent for a long time, and then she slowly said: "No, my sister Lucia and I used to depend on each other, but because the environment in Xudiao District was too harsh, I abandoned Lucia when she was still in her infancy..."

"Later, I regretted it and went back to look for it, but..."

The implication was very clear, Rukia was abandoned by her and she can no longer find her.

But Su Feng knew very well that at this stage, Lucia should still be doing some sneaky things in the Xu Diao area.

And, if he remembered correctly.

Xudiao District was reorganized once by him himself.

At that time, when I reviewed the files, I found that the Qichuan family had monopolized the drinking water resources in Xudiao District. After a series of rectifications, almost half of the Qichuan family were imprisoned.

It was not until a few years ago that this group of people were released after serving their sentences and resumed their status as lower-level nobles.

Although it was vigorously rectified once, as one of the most chaotic neighborhoods, the order in Xudiao District did not last long and returned to its original appearance.

Burning, killing and looting were commonplace.

Someone like Rukia who only commits petty theft is already considered a model citizen.

The reason why he asked about this was mainly because of a guess in his mind.

When did Urahara Kisuke put Honyu into Rukia's soul?

It is very difficult for an adult woman like Hijin to survive in Rukongai, let alone Rukia as a baby.

Reminiscent of Bengyu's ability to read the minds of everyone around him and guide their power.

Is it possible to guess that Urahara Kisuke had already implanted Bengyu into her soul when Feizhen abandoned Rukia?

Such a guess is also in line with Lan Ran's remarks, he had already discovered the trace of Bengyu a long time ago.

But out of some bad taste, he didn't take away Bengyu immediately, but used it to start a new round of situation for the pawn.

Although in the end, the appearance of the hang force caused the chess game to fall short, but the overall direction is still in the hands of Aizen.

Thinking of this, the corner of Su Feng's mouth slightly raised, although his IQ level is not suitable for being involved in this kind of game.

But who lets him know the direction of the script?

The worst thing is, just lift the chessboard in advance.

Su Feng is looking forward to it, if he really destroys all of Aizen's layout, how will he deal with it.

In fact, ever since Mo Chengshuang also decided to garrison Xuquan, the future has become confusing.

Now, what Sufeng did was just adding fuel to the fire.

"Xutang area?"

He said thoughtfully, "I will send people to search for it. Once there is news about Lucia, I will notify you as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Feizhen's eyes suddenly brightened a lot, and then he bowed his head respectfully and thanked:

"Thank you very much, Lord Sufeng!"

She is not someone who likes to trouble others, but when it comes to her sister, she doesn't care too much.

As the saying goes, one thing does not bother two masters.

While waiting for Kuchiki Byakuya to deal with family affairs, Sufeng asked Gin Ginjiro to return to the Seireitei and visit the Sikawa family in Noble Street.

Since this group of people has been operating in Xudiao District for many years, they must be very clear about the forces and details of all parties involved.

It's perfect to entrust this matter of finding someone to them.

after one day.

Sikawa Kuranosuke and Sikawa Ryo appeared in Runlin'an District with panic-stricken expressions on their faces. They knelt respectfully in front of Sufeng and had no idea what was going on.

When they received the notice from Gin Ginjiro, they rushed here immediately and waited for the fate of the person in front of them.

"It's not a big deal." Sufeng looked indifferent, pointed at Feizhen beside him, and said, "This is Kuchiki Byakuya's unmarried wife, Feizhen, and her sister Rukia disappeared in Xudiao District. .”

"The Qichuan family has been operating in Xudiao District for many years, so they should know the layout."

"Give you three days to find Lucia, and then the management rights of drinking water resources in Xudiao District will be returned to the Sichuan family."

"Of course, the premise is that it is within reasonable business scope."

After the words fell, Sikawa Kuranosuke and Sikawa Ryo looked at each other, both seeing the unbelievable look in each other's eyes.

They had come with the idea of ​​working for free, but they didn't expect that Mr. Tsunayashiro Sufeng would be so generous and directly gave away the management rights of drinking water resources in Xudiao District.

Although there are prerequisites for reasonable operation, this does not mean that there is no profit to be made.

And their original purpose was not that little money.

Expanding the family's vitality is the most fundamental purpose.

"I obey, Lord Sufeng!"

After the two got excited, they fought for the ground with their heads.

Finding someone may seem difficult to others, but for the Qichuan family, who are the local leaders in Xudiao District, it is nothing more than a trivial matter.


Xudiao District, on the dirty streets, in the shadows of the corners.

A petite figure was huddled next to the garbage pile, not caring about the stench filling his nostrils.

At the end of his gaze, there were several flat piles of food and pure drinking water on the dirty cloth.

It seems that because he hasn't eaten for a long time, the lips of the petite figure are covered with cracked and dry skin.

She stared intently at the movement of figures on the stall, suppressing her restless heart and waiting for the right moment to appear.

Half an hour later, the middle-aged man guarding the stall looked relaxed, stretched and yawned, completely without the initial vigilance.

In his opinion, the stalls here are the business of Lord Serizawa Tamado, and no one who is short-sighted would dare to come here to cause trouble.

You know, Lord Serizawa Takato is a powerful being who once killed Hollow!

However, at this moment, a petite figure rushed out of the shadows like lightning, suddenly came to the stall, picked up the nearest package, turned around and ran away.

Things happened so fast that before the middle-aged man could react, the petite figure had disappeared at the end of the street.

"Damn bug, how dare you steal Serizawa Takato-sama's things!"

The wind was blowing under Lucia's feet, and her crystal eyes showed unconcealable joy.

She had been waiting for several days before she found such an opportunity. The heavy package must be full of food, which would definitely allow her to live for many more days.

However, just as she was overjoyed, she didn't notice that a shadow suddenly appeared in front of her.


The petite body bumped directly into the opponent, the package in his hand was taken away directly, and the teasing voice also sounded in his ears.

"Let me see who is so brave and dares to steal in Xudiao District."

Lucia's body suddenly stiffened, and she looked up with difficulty. The smile of the man in front of her made her feel as if she had fallen into an ice cellar...

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