Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 211 Nirvana’s bold idea

In the virtual circle, the cold wind is howling, and the moonlight is cold.

The majestic palaces, which stood as desolate as stone pillars, were constantly being torn down and rebuilt.

Balegang stood on a high place, looking down at his palace expressionlessly, gradually turning into piles of ruins.

He has no feelings for these external things.

But the moment he saw the palace being knocked down, it seemed as if he saw his crown as King of Hueco Mundo being taken off.

From the moment he was defeated by that abominable god of death, the King of Hueco Mundo has become a thing of the past.

The current king of Xuye Palace is the man named Aizen Soyousuke.

The huge gap in strength made it impossible for Bailegan to have much resistance.

The supreme power that he was so proud of was as weak as a child's play in front of the other party.

There is no lethality at all.

Every time he thought about this, Bailegang felt deep regret and pain.

"Your Majesty Balegang, are you still remembering the glory of the past?"

A white figure appeared from behind, and his words were comforting, but because of the teasing tone, it was more like ridicule.

"Why are you here?" Bailegang didn't answer the other party's question, and his deep and empty eyes stayed on the figure next to him.

The human-like white body is covered with skeletons that look like clothing, and the hair intertwined with gold powder exudes a gleaming light under the reflection of the moonlight.

There is no trace of violence in the ferocious white bone mask, but it is full of strange elegance.

Hueco Mundo scientist, Sal Apollo Granz.

Vastod, who was once loyal to Balegang, was now taken under Aizen's command when Balegang lost power.

Because of his high professionalism, he participated in the experimental research on Arrancarization some time ago and provided a lot of precious data and research directions.

Aizen greatly appreciated this.

"I would like to inform Your Majesty that Aizen-sama's Arrancar transformation experiment has progressed to the next step."

Sal Apollo smiled elegantly, "The success rate of Arrancar transformation based on Achukas has reached 100%, and the next step should be..."

"Is it my turn?" Bailegang's face was expressionless, as if he was just talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"No, no, no." Sal Apollo waved his hand, "You misunderstood."

"Whether it was before or now, your importance to Xuye Palace and even Hueco Mundo is irreplaceable."

"You don't take the risk until the success rate of further experiments has been improved."

Bailegang sneered: "Then I have to thank you and Aizen Sosuke."

"It should."

Sal Apollo seemed not to hear the sarcasm beyond the words, "According to Aizen-sama, we need Vastod to conduct the Arrancar experiment."

"About the previous Vastod named Harribel..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Bailegang: "It's impossible, don't even think about it."

"The Shinigami named Tsunayo Sufeng is not someone I can compete with. If Aizen wants to get the experimental materials, then let him do it himself."

"It just so happens that both damn guys are the Grim Reaper."

Balegang is a bachelor, without any of the kingly demeanor of the past.

In just one day, being hit so hard that your mind collapsed and your outlook on life was reshaped. No matter how tough your character is, it will inevitably change.

Balegang can still remember the past, which can be regarded as a firm mind.

"That's such a pity." Sal Apollo shook his head, "In this case, we can only target the next Vastod."

"Xu Ye Palace's reconnaissance team discovered a Xu group nest in the northern area of ​​Hueco Mundo three days ago."

“It is home to dozens or more of the same kind as the Yachucas.”

"According to intelligence, their name is Black Wing Demon..."


Soul Society, Seireitei.

The ninth division team building.

The devastated Matsumoto Rangiku fell into deep self-doubt. After teaching Sunsun and others for several days, he forcibly pulled Ise Nanao to serve as a strong man.

The strange thing is that Ise Nanao, who is slender, gentle, and has a reserved temperament, is actually able to overpower Sunsun and others in terms of momentum.

What's even weirder is that in the face of her scolding, the three of them acted obediently and showed no signs of resistance.

Rangku Matsumoto was puzzled by this.

However, this teaching process did not last long. After another month passed, the three of them were taken away by Suifeng who suddenly appeared.

Where exactly Matsumoto Rangiku and Ise Nanao went is unknown.

It is worth mentioning that before leaving, the three of them quietly pulled Matsumoto Rangiku to hide in a shadow corner and told her in a sincere voice:

"Never, never, never let Master Sufeng be snatched away by another woman."

"This is the task we give you, you must do it!"

Regarding this, Matsumoto Rangiku was confused, but at the same time, she also felt strong vigilance in her heart.

I have indeed been neglecting the captain recently.

It is perfectly normal for an outstanding person like the captain to attract the attention and love of the opposite sex.

Counting the good sister Nanao, there seemed to be others in the Gotei 13 who coveted their captain in a strange way.

For example, there were a lot of rumors circulating some time ago——

The story that has to be told between the captain of the ninth division and the head of the Tsunayashiro family, Tsunayashiro Sufeng, and the captain of the fourth division, Unohana Retsu.

The captain of the second division and the leader of the criminal army, Sui Feng, coveted men and took advantage of his authority to force the captain of the ninth division to stay in the second division's building.

The captain of Division 9 brought back a pair of sisters from Rukongai, as well as several handsome boys and girls...

Oh, I almost forgot, this last one is not a rumor.

Matsumoto Rangiku put away her random thoughts and tried to save the last bit of image for her captain.

Although she is very confident in her charm.

But how could the rumors be groundless?

It must be the group of coquettish people outside who covet their captain's male lust, so much so that they made up all kinds of rumors to destroy his image and take advantage of him.

Thinking of this, Matsumoto Rangiku suddenly realized that Sunsun and the others' words were still worthy of attention.

At least, now that the captain belongs to her alone, she should keep him by her side as much as possible.

So, Matsumoto Rangiku gritted her teeth and went to Rukongai to buy ten jars of Moeshun sake.

Although the effect of this wine is not very good, it is definitely a first-rate product in terms of setting the atmosphere.

Matsumoto Rangiku sent the wine jar to her vice-captain's room, stood in front of the window and looked at the captain's room next door, gritting her teeth viciously and muttering to herself:

"Since there is no way to prevent those guys from coveting, then let's squeeze every last drop out of the captain!"


Technology Development Bureau, Laboratory Nine.

Taking into account the risk that Sunsun and others may be exposed if they stay in Soul Society for a long time, as well as the progress of the subsequent Arrancar experiment.

Sufeng decided to send them back to Hueco Mundo.

Although there is a hidden spiritual pressure device developed by Nirvana, it can hide the spiritual pressure form of the disguised Arrancar.

But for Sunsun and others who had just completed their Arrancar, the effect of this device could not provide them with a foolproof concealment disguise.

Once you return to the edge, all effects will disappear.

By then, I am afraid that the entire Seireitei captains will realize the seriousness of the situation.

With Yamamoto Genryusai's temperament, there is a high probability that he would pick up the razor blade of the roasted sweet potato, and if he raised his hand, it would be a blazing inferno.

Although Mr. Yamamoto's tough and stubborn character has softened slightly under the influence of Su Feng, he still maintains the same attitude towards Daxu.

Before he could compete head-on with him without falling behind, Sufeng thought it would be better to keep a low profile.

He believes that this day is not far away.

The black cavity opened, and deep darkness continued to extend within it.

Under the reluctant gazes of Sun Sun and others, Su Feng forced him into the black cavity.

Going to Hueco Mundo with him were Yamada Seinosuke and Akon.

As an important researcher in the Arrancarization experiment, Yamada Seinosuke needs to collect more important data first and analyze it.

Compared to Achiukas, Vastod has undergone tremendous changes.

You can't be too careful here.

If it weren't for the captain position, Niryuri would have wanted to follow him to Hueco Mundo.

But correspondingly, he also put forward a more constructive opinion.

"How about we build a complete laboratory in Hueco Mundo?"

Nirvana looked at the gradually closing black cavity and said thoughtfully, "Build a stable black cavity passage in the laboratory, or directly fix it with a boundary door."

"In this case, it will be much more convenient whether it is experimental research or traveling to and from Hueco Mundo."

Sufeng glanced at him without leaving any trace, and said calmly: "You can make the decision on this matter yourself. You can continue to apply to the Ninth Division for experimental funds."

"Anyway, the Kuchiki family will be responsible for reimbursing the bills at that time."

Nie Yuli grinned, revealing his neat golden teeth: "Since you have no objection to this, I will start the planning."

"Let's start with the establishment of the laboratory."

"Mole City Shuangye's ability is that one porter is worth ten or a hundred!"

Hearing this, Sufeng immediately understood what he meant.

Mole City Shuang also integrated the experimental equipment and various devices composed of spirit seeds in the Seireitei, and then carried them to Hueco Mundo by himself through decomposition and reconstruction.

Although the method is feasible, is it a bit of a waste of resources to let a Yashiro Kenpachi do such things?

Just when Sufeng was about to leave the Technology Development Bureau, Nirvana suddenly spoke:

"One more thing, dear Captain Sufeng."

"The virtualization process of Mole City Shuangye has reached a level that is difficult to control. We need to conduct deeper research on this."

"He and Asido are very different..."

Sufeng stopped and said without looking back, "Just go ahead and do it. I will personally intervene in Room 46."

"Hey, it's just convenient to talk to smart people."

Nie Shuli grinned, "You won't regret this decision, Captain Sufeng."

With the departure of Sun Sun and others, the plans in the Technology Development Bureau are moving forward steadily.

Whether it is the research on Arrancarization, the progress of Hollowing, or the construction of Hueco Mundo Laboratory, it takes a lot of time.

A few months passed by in a hurry, and the first-time students of Zhenou Spiritual Arts Academy seemed to have initially met the basic requirements of Ou Nahara Yangoro.

After careful consideration, he submitted his application for Soul Burial internship.

Applicants are all college students in a class!

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