Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 228 The responsibility of captain, the confidence that never existed

The almost one-sided battle officially started on the competition stage of the 11th Squadron.

On this day, Abarai Renji finally realized why the 11th Division's team spirit was so brave.

When he joined the team, he often heard about the glorious history of Zaraki Kenpachi from the mouths of the team members from the top to the third down.

But Renji Abarai, whose mind was filled with the figure of Master Sufeng, didn't take it to heart at all.

In his eyes, perhaps only the commander-in-chief, Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, who is known as the strongest Shinigami, can rival Master Sufeng.

Not to mention, Master Sufeng's men were defeated.

However, today's battle refreshed his understanding of the captain.

Shebimaru's double blades tore open Zaraki Kenpachi's exposed flesh, adding another hideous scar to the scar-filled chest.

However, Zaraki Kenpachi closed his eyes tightly and spread his arms, looking like he was intoxicated with enjoyment.


“It’s such a long-lost feeling!”

"The strength is acceptable, but the genius Madarame calls should not be limited to this level."

Renji Abarai had a look of horror on his face, unable to understand what was going on with the monster in front of him.

Is there any saying that before the battle begins, let the opponent chop with a knife?

"Are you ready?"

A ferocious smile appeared on Zaraki Kenpachi's demon-like face.


Two weird blades collided, and the chaotic serrations and snake-tooth-like blades intertwined, causing a lot of sparks to fly.

Abarai Renji felt the handle of the knife in his hand shake, and the majestic force spread from the knife, almost making him let go of the handle.

The power shook, and the whole person took several steps back.

Although Kenpachi Zaraki had imposed a self-seal on himself, the battle with Sufeng before entering the Infinite Hell had already allowed him to partially unseal it.

Although he has not yet reached his heyday, he is still considered the best among captains.

The first blade collision did not stop Zaraki Kenpachi. He glanced at Abarai Renji who was retreating but not afraid, and a trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

Before he could regain his footing, the wild beast's aura hit him again.

Amid the wild laughter, the disorderly saw teeth swung down forward like crazy, and the fierce wind swept across the competition stage, suddenly tearing open ravines on the already messy ground.

Clang, Clang, Clang——

Sparks flew everywhere, and the crisp sound of gold and iron interlaced was endless.

Abarai Renji retreated continuously under the crazy offensive, his eyes filled with ferocious bloodshot eyes, trying his best to squeeze the potential in his soul.

Below, the team members were dumbfounded, staring at the red-haired figure with stunned eyes, unable to understand the scene in front of them.

Zaraki Kenpachi's power is well known.

Renji Abarai's genius level is also widely spread among the 11th Division.

But they never expected that a junior who had just joined the team could persist for such a long time under Zaraki Kenpachi's attack.

You know, even the team members above him can't withstand Zaraki Kenpachi's sword.

In the distance, on the roof, a figure wearing pure white feathers stood quietly.

If you ignore the melon seed rinds that are constantly popping out of his mouth, he still looks like a master.

"What a wonderful battle."

Sufeng commented casually, "What on earth is that guy Urahara thinking? The method of sealing Bengyu will gradually weaken as the host becomes stronger."

"The potential is constantly being stimulated, and Renji's spiritual pressure is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye."

"Breaking the boundaries of death?"

Although he said that, Su Feng knew it very well.

Even if Renji Abarai fuses perfectly with Honyu, it is impossible to break through that limit.

Bengyu's own ability is not a universal wishing machine.

It can satisfy the owner's desire for power and enable it to continuously evolve.

Evolution also has its limits, and is essentially nothing more than guiding one's own potential.

The main reason why Aizen was able to become a transcendent and stand at the top of the world was because his own talent was strong enough.

At the moment, under Kenpachi Zaraki's fierce offensive, Renji Abarai's strong desire for power, as well as the constantly inspired spiritual pressure and strength, are like candles, melting Urahara Kisuke's in the depths of his soul. seal.

If things go on like this, the sealing method will one day completely disappear.

By then, not to mention Aizen, even a captain with the strength of Byakuya Kuchiki would be able to easily detect the difference in Renji Abarai.

Sufeng seriously suspects that Urahara Kisuke is fishing for law enforcement.

There must be other countermeasures in this unfinished collapsed jade.

Just as he was thinking, Zaraki Kenpachi sent a big brick flying, directly splitting Abarai Renji dozens of meters away, plowing a deep ravine on the ground.

The competition platform was evenly divided into two halves, with gravel mixed with renovated soil, demonstrating the powerful destructive power of Zaraki Kenpachi's casual blow.

"Hey, is that the level?"

Zaraki Kenpachi looked at Abarai Renji who was smashed into the wall and buried in the rubble, with a trace of disappointment flashing in his eyes.

"Compared to the last battle, it's really unpleasant!"

Unfortunately, no explosion occurred.

Renji Abarai was knocked unconscious by a direct blow from Kenpachi Zaraki, and he lost consciousness when he was buried under the rubble.

Even with the potential of the half-finished Honyu to guide him, it is still not enough to defeat Zaraki Kenpachi at this stage.

In the case where they are all cheating players, it is obvious that Zaraki Kenpachi’s cheating is more unreasonable.

Madarame Ikkaku teleported to the vicinity of the ruins, and after a lot of effort, he pulled out Abarai Renjiwa, who had dozens of broken bones.

"Fortunately, he's still alive."

The bald man breathed a sigh of relief. If Renji Abarai was hacked to death by Kenpachi Zaraki, wouldn't he have to live with guilt for the rest of his life?

"Leave it to you, Ikkaku."

Zaraki Kenpachi glanced at the unconscious Renji Abarai, then carried the serrated Zanpakuto and walked straight into the team building.

"It's lunch break now."

"After you wake up, go find that guy Tsunayo Sufeng."

"This time, let's just warm up..."

In the distance, Sufeng seemed to have heard Zaraki Kenpachi's unabashed words, and felt a toothache.

Co-authored: Decades of being imprisoned in the endless hell still cannot make you repent, right?

It's not that he is afraid of fighting, it's just that he has the same idea as Nelu Harribel, that this kind of fighting is just unnecessary trouble.

It makes no sense at all.


The 10th division team building.

Among the piles of files, a short white-haired figure was immersed in it, working hard and seriously.

A large number of documents passed under his hands, most of which were trivial matters between the team members and disputes in Rukongai.

Generally, it is enough to leave it to the team members below.


When he was correcting a certain document, Hitsugaya Toshiro's expression suddenly froze, and as his eyes moved, his expression became more and more solemn.

"Casualty and injury report..."

After pondering for a moment, he stacked the documents in a drawer and prepared to hand them over to the captain for processing.

At this moment, a hearty laugh accompanied by a strong smell of alcohol came from the door.

"Guhahahaha, Xiaobai!"

Zhibo staggered into the butler's office drunkenly, "Look what good things I have brought back for you?!"

“The top quality sweet natto from Runlin’an District!”

"This captain remembers you saying that this is your favorite food."


Shiba Isshin sat on the sofa without any image, pushing the lunch box in his hand on the desk.

Looking at the useless appearance in front of him, Hitsugaya Toshiro had veins pulsing faintly on his forehead. While the corners of his mouth twitched, a low voice sounded in the butler's office.

"When calling me at work, call me Vice Captain Hitsugaya!"

"Also, I've got all the documents."

As soon as the words fell, Shiba Isshin's eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn't hide his shock.


Before Hitsugaya Toshiro could react, he was picked up by a pair of big hands and lifted directly into the air.

"You're so capable, Xiaobai!"

"As expected of the next captain!"

However, the only person who responded to him was Toshiro Hitsugaya with a shitty expression.

He was not surprised at all by Shiba Isshin's performance.

Since being "sold" to the 10th Division, he has discovered that compared to Sufeng's occasional lack of focus, Shiba Isshin almost never loses focus.

He didn't take the opportunity of being the next captain at all seriously.

Shiba Isshin was in his prime, at a peak stage in terms of spiritual pressure and other aspects.

Under such circumstances, it would not be a problem to serve as captain for another few hundred years.

"Please let me down."

Hitsugaya Toshiro said expressionlessly, "I found a report that you need to review, Captain."

"The report was from two months ago."

After Shiba put him down, the report was also presented to him.

"In a living city called Naruki City, the Shinigami responsible for stationing here died for no reason."

Hearing this, Shiba Isshin suddenly sobered up, and his whole body immediately sobered up a lot.

"If I remember correctly, this matter should still be under investigation, right?"

Hitsugaya Toshiro flipped through other reports and continued: "That's right, but I just found an additional report on this matter."

"Two more people died last month while the cause has not yet been identified."

Shiba Isshin's pupils narrowed slightly, and the surprise in his eyes flashed away.

"I leave the investigation to you."

"Suddenly I remembered that I haven't paid for the drinks at Huajie yet. I'll be right back."

With that said, he turned around and left, but before he reached the door, he heard Hitsugaya Toshiro's voice behind him.

"Captain, are you going to investigate alone?"

"This matter should be reported to the captain."

Shiba Isshin's pace suddenly stopped and stopped at the door. He calmly said without looking back:

"This investigation is too dangerous, just leave it to me."


He suddenly turned around and smiled broadly, "You must have full confidence in my captain!"

Before Hitsugaya Toshiro could respond, the white haori embroidered with the character "十" disappeared from sight.

"Confidence?" Toshiro Hitsugaya smelled the smell of alcohol filling the butler's room and shook his head helplessly, "How can something that has never existed exist?"

After pondering for a moment, he returned to his desk, took out a messenger machine from the drawer, and after dialing it skillfully, a familiar and reassuring voice suddenly came from the room.

"Moses Moses, is there anything important?"


Thanks to Mr. Bashe Tunxiang and Mr. Derrick in the Forest for the reward. I didn’t notice it before, sorry!

Regarding the God of Death series, there is a very strange setting, and the spirit king’s will runs through it all...

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