Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 271 The shattered Bengyu, Aizen’s weapon

The hill of double death.

The swirling white cloth suddenly appeared on the execution ground, attracting the curious eyes of the captains and deputy captains.

Thousands of anti-white snakes.

By using special spiritual tools, chanting complex ghost incantations, and adding ghost magic techniques, people or objects covered by white cloth spiritual tools can move instantaneously to a specific location.

The difficulty of this ghost path is not high, but due to various restrictions, few Shinigami use it.

The captains were curious, who would come to this twin execution ground through the Thousand Counter White Snakes at this time?

When the white cloth was scattered and the familiar smile appeared, the expressions of everyone present were frozen in place, as if they had been petrified.

What's more, the pupils shrank suddenly, and the huge spiritual pressure that had been restrained from his body exploded instantly, and the hill of Shuangshu was filled with terrible oppressive power.


Cold sweat fell from Sui Feng's forehead and slid down her white neck. However, at this time, she couldn't care about her own changes at all, and just looked forward blankly——

That pure white figure bathed in the morning glow.

"Resurrected from the dead? Or have you never died?" Nirvana recovered from the shock as quickly as possible, grinning with a crazy smile, "It's really interesting, we seem to have been played hard by this guy. ah!"

Maozhihualie lowered her eyes slightly, still maintaining a calm posture. She had already judged the loopholes in the corpse during her thinking just now.

Aizen's resurrection from the dead did not surprise him too much.

She was just curious as to what the other party's purpose was for appearing on this execution ground.

Just now, because Jushiro Ukitake terminated the execution without authorization, he angered the captain, Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, and a master-disciple war broke out.

Kyōraku Haruka decisively stood on Ukitake Jushiro's side, and the three of them fought and retreated, already far away from the range of Shuangshou Hill.

Right now, there are only two, three, four, six, seven and twelve captains left on the Shuangshu Hill.

Kenpachi Zaraki and Toshiro Hitsugaya were seriously injured and are still being recuperated in the comprehensive rescue center.


In the direction of the rack, Ichigo noticed Renji Abarai lying on the ground like a wounded beast.

At this moment, his whole body was soaked in blood, and countless wounds were still bleeding out. The mottled blood even added an extra layer of color to Death Tyrant's disguise.

Hearing the sound, Abarai Renji struggled to turn his head away, saw the worried eyes of Ichigo and others, and forced a smile on his face, indicating that they did not need to worry about him.

Although the injuries were serious, no one would die for a while.

"It's such a touching friendship."

After a moment of silence, Aizen finally spoke slowly under the gaze of everyone:

"You still have to care about others when you can't protect yourself. Is this the so-called bond?"

He looked at the captains, and the complicated expressions were immediately visible.

Regarding Aizen's sudden appearance, while everyone was shocked, they were also more confused.

It was originally just an ordinary travel incident invading the Seireitei, but with Aizen's "resurrection from the dead", it suddenly became complicated and confusing.

"Have doubts filled your heart?"

Aizen spoke to himself, as if chatting with old friends, and his brisk tone did not seem to have the slightest malice:

"Golden Seal Society, forty-six chambers, judgment, execution, travel disaster invasion..."

"How could a popular captain like me be involved in a seemingly unrelated matter?"

"All of this probably started with the virtualization incident."

"Actually, the Aizen Sosuke you know from the beginning did not exist."

As soon as he finished speaking, the atmosphere above Shuangshu Hill suddenly began to tremble. The air currents above the dome were overwhelming, and the thick clouds turned into white air waves and violently exploded.

The majestic spiritual pressure suddenly descended on the execution ground, like a flood bursting the embankments, and like a collapse of the sky. The air became thick and solid, and the gravity suddenly increased.

A biting chill surged into everyone's hearts, and the expressions of the captains changed again and again, unable to maintain their initial calmness.

This level of spiritual pressure has even surpassed them by far, surpassing the God of Death!

"Is it finally here? The mastermind behind it."

However, under such spiritual pressure, Aizen was still as gentle as before, as if just the breeze was blowing on his face without being affected at all.

The captains looked in the direction of his gaze, and a familiar figure came into view.

The white captain Yu Zhi, with a handsome and gentle face, long black hair decorated with star-like pendants at the end, frowned slightly, and sighed softly into everyone's ears.

Captain of Division 9, Tsunayashi Sufeng.

"You always have many misunderstandings about me, Aizen Soyousuke."

Facing the other party's frame-up, Su Feng sighed helplessly and explained, "You are clearly the mastermind behind this. I just gave a gentle push on top of this wave."

"That's all."

On the way to Shuangrengaoka, he combined the current intelligence, the information he knew, and the clues Tōsen Kaname "inadvertently" left in the ninth team's detention cell, and vaguely understood Aizen. A whole new understanding.

Now Aizen has jumped out of the chess game and become the chess player.

And this is what gives him the confidence to be so calm and unhurried.

The captains looked at the scene in front of them in confusion, wondering why Sufeng, who was also the captain, acted like he understood the scene at hand very well.

What happened in this! ?

Also, what's going on with this terrifying spiritual pressure that's enough to make the captain tremble? !

Renji Abarai, who was lying prone, was completely dumbfounded. The shocking scenes one after another destroyed his low IQ. For a time, the whole person fell into a completely sluggish state, unable to understand at all. Conversation between two people.

Among the people present, perhaps only Nirvana Li, who had collaborated with Sufeng many times, had guessed part of the truth through many clues.

"Hey, even I keep this kind of thing a secret." He curled his lips with disdain.

After hearing Sufeng's remarks, Aizen's smile reappeared on his face, just like at the beginning:

"It's obviously my turn to say this."

"From the beginning of this accident, when Shiba Isshin's reiatsu was discovered by the Technology Development Bureau, the curtain has already opened."

"As the head of the Tsunayashiro family and the master of the Golden Seal Society, it is extremely simple for you to issue an execution order."

Sufeng tilted his head and responded, retorting: "It's not such an exaggeration. The Golden Seal Society is still the same Golden Seal Society. I just gave them some 'trivial' suggestions."

Aizen nodded matter-of-factly, seeming to agree with Sufeng's statement, and continued:

"After that, Abarai Renji and others invaded Nishi Rukongai. With the support of the Shiba family, they entered the Seireitei through the Shirodo Gate, which eventually caused huge turmoil."

"Everything looked so perfect, like I planned it myself."

At this moment, everyone was already in the midst of the conversation between the two and fell into an unextricable shock.

The eyes of everyone looking at Su Feng's back were filled with extremely complicated emotions.

They can't understand, what is the purpose of doing this?

Could it be that he wanted to deprive the Shiba family of their power and make Soul Society the sole authority of the Tsunayashiro family?

"And all I need to do is to be killed by Ichigo Shiba while guarding the Palace of Confession."

Aizen turned around, looked at the father and son near the stand, and said calmly, "For this reason, I specially designed a grand exit."

"Nailed to death on the outer wall of the tower by the Quincy's exclusive sacred destroying arrow."

"Just like the war a thousand years ago..."

At this moment, Uozhihua Lie suddenly said: "But your body..."

Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Aizen: "Is it the same as a real corpse?"

"Actually, there should be an easier way to forge."

He looked at Sufeng again, their eyes met in the air, and there seemed to be sparks igniting in the air, filled with the smell of anxiety.

"Like this."

"Break it into pieces, Jing Hua Shui Yue."

On the Two Death Hill in full view of everyone, Aizen pulled out his Zanpakutō, and the tip of the knife pointed downwards and sank directly into the ground.

"Its ability is to be completely hypnotic."

"Any Shinigami who has seen its liberation will be completely trapped in the illusion controlled by me."

"It's a pity that because of the existence of Captain Sufeng, this ability is full of flaws. Just like the web woven by spider silk, it seems to be precise and tight, but in fact, it only takes a little force to break everything. .”

"You think so, Captain Sufeng?"

Faced with Aizen's question, Sufeng admitted frankly: "Actually, Mirror Flowers, Water Moon, etc. were still effective for me many years ago."

"I'm just curious, when did you know that I could crack Kyoka Suigetsu's abilities?"

Hearing this, Aizen smiled slightly:

"When did you get the illusion that I didn't know about this?"

"That corpse was forged by me specifically for you, Captain Sufeng."

"It's just to involve you in the Fourth Division to facilitate my next actions."

After these remarks, the captains' gazes towards the two men changed again. They could no longer be described as looking at normal people.

Aizen didn't care about other people's gazes. At this moment, Sufeng was the only one in his eyes:

"You may think that the purpose of my doing this is just because of the broken jade created by Urahara Kisuke."

At this point, he reached out and picked up Renji Abarai, who was lying on the ground unable to move. The bright red blood stained his white palms, forming a sharp contrast.

"By the way, you may not know what Bengyu is."

"This is a substance that goes beyond the common sense of Soul Society. It can dissolve the boundary between Hollow and Shinigami in an instant."

"Kisuke Urahara realized that the material Hongyoku was very dangerous, so he tried to destroy it, but he couldn't find a way to destroy it. In desperation, he came up with a way."

"That is to put a seal on Bengyu and hide it deep in other souls."

At some point, tree trunk-like lines appeared on Aizen's palm, and under everyone's astonished gaze, it penetrated Abarai Renji's body!

After it was stretched out, there seemed to be a bright gem emitting an alluring light between the thumb and index finger.

"It's really surprising. It turns out that Bengyu's shape is different."

Aizen casually threw the worthless Abarai Renji aside like garbage, never looking at him seriously from beginning to end.

"It's quite beautiful, but it's a pity that it is no longer useful to me."


A similar level of spiritual pressure as when Sufeng appeared suddenly descended on Shuangshou Hill, and a violent wind suddenly swept up. Aizen's white captain Haori made a hunting sound in the wind.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, the gem emitting bright light made a slight clicking sound, and tiny cracks appeared on it, and an indescribable terrifying aura spread within it.

Violence, madness, killing, fear...

Countless negative emotions enveloped Shuangshou Hill, causing everyone to fall into an unspeakable biting cold, as if they were enveloped in malice.

"Has it preserved some of the characteristics of the Hollow?" Aizen smiled, "It seems to be essentially the same as the Bengyu I made later."

Sufeng looked at the subversive scene in front of him without showing too much surprise.

As early as Aizen showed a not too strong desire for Bengyu, he had already guessed the truth in his heart.

Aizen had already obtained the complete Honyu before this!

"The Corridor of the Great Spiritual Book?" Sufeng said calmly, "You are as unscrupulous as ever in browsing information on my territory without permission."

Aizen's pupils glowed with a blazing white light, and he exerted force with his fingertips, crushing the broken jade that was taken from the depths of Renji Abarai's soul to pieces.

Countless bright dust scattered in the air, drifting in the wind on every inch of the Shuangshu Hill.

"It's just the path to success."

Aizen said to himself, "The experience of the captains of the twelfth division in the past has not only allowed me to learn the manufacturing method of hōgyoku, but also gained the accumulation of wisdom."

As Kisuke Urahara said before, those who looked through the life information of the captains of the 12th Division found out——

Aizen Sosuke!

"What is your purpose?"

The sudden heat interrupted the conversation and everyone's thoughts. The scalding heat wave surged down from the sky, as if a sun had fallen into the world.

Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, with his upper body exposed and covered with scars, returned to the Hill of Two Deaths. Flames burned around his body, and the temperature rose to a limit that ordinary people could not bear.

The water in the atmosphere is evaporating rapidly.

"The treasonous person, Aizen Soyousuke, I will never condone any act that goes against justice!"

Yamamoto Genryusai immediately slashed down with one move, and the wave of fire rolled down, making a deafening roar. Even the double-reinforced hills were still cracked and ferocious under the power of this move. crack.

However, when the flames covered Aizen's body, he seemed to have encountered some kind of obstacle and could not move forward any further.

Aizen's gentle voice sounded amid the heat wave:

"You still have the same fiery temper as always, Captain Yamamoto."

"It's a pity that you in your initial state are not enough to pose a threat to me..."

The previous foreshadowing was used. In fact, there are many details that reveal this, but it is still because of my limited level that I cannot describe it better. There are also a little bit less scenes about Aizen in the previous chapters.

But I personally feel that if I write it this way, at least Aizen has maintained his coolness.

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