Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 274 The Immortal King, Malice Under Double Death

Jingraku Shunsui stared at Sufeng beside him with a ghostly expression.

It was as if he was no longer shocked when he saw Sufeng showing off his power on the dome.

What a ridiculous statement, what a destructive idea.

How could Daxu and Death, such natural enemies, coexist peacefully together?

Don't even think about sharing a house.

Just the terrifying appearance alone makes people uninterested at all!

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Kyōraku Shunsui spoke righteously and solemnly, "It is impossible for the group of Kyū to coexist peacefully with the God of Death!"

"The good-looking one, well, Arrancar..."

Sufeng stretched out his hands and drew an S-shaped curve in front of him, "It's of this size."


Jingraku Shunsui took a deep breath and frowned, looking completely troubled.

"In this case, it seems, it seems, it's not impossible..."

As the person who envied Sufeng the most, Kyōraku Shunsui often regretted why he did not serve as a chief officer in the ninth division, even though the lower chief officers and even the team members were excellent.

The high-ranking officers of the Ninth Division are all fairer and more beautiful than the last, and more naturally beautiful than the last. Even an old guy like him who is used to seeing big winds and waves is extremely attracted to them.

If he hadn't considered that Old Man Shan might burn himself to death with a knife, Kyoryu Shunsui would have wanted to resign from him and join the ninth division.

"As expected, Sepi's eyes are always surprisingly consistent."

Su Feng rubbed his swollen brows and couldn't think of any good excuse to show off his cards to the captains.

Although he is now extremely powerful in Soul Society, he still has to take care of the face of those die-hards.

People like Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni are absolutely unwilling to see all kinds of Daxu appearing peacefully in Soul Society, and even living together with the Shinigami.

Conceptually, further changes are needed.

While the two were chatting, Shiba Kukaku and Inoue Orihime, who had escaped from prison, also rushed to the vicinity of the twin execution sites.

But what caught their eyes was a huge mountain that was destroyed by the majestic force.

Countless piles of rubble and swirling dust blowing in the wind add an air of desolation to this land.

"Could it be that……"

Shiba Kūkaku froze on the spot, "Uncle and cousin have already..."

"Ichigo-san..." Inoue Orihime was also frightened by her guess, and immediately froze, with tears welling up in her eyes.

Not long after, the two squeamish women gathered together and cried. The tragic wails once made the three people who crawled out of the ruins of the double execution ground at a loss.

"Stupid guy."

A low and hoarse voice sounded in the ears of the two of them. Just when Shiba Kongkaku was about to follow the sound, he found his shoulders sank and a familiar black cat stepped up.

"Are you really big-breasted and brainless?"

"Isshin Shiba and the others are not dead yet. It's too early to cry."

Inoue Orihime looked around with a blank look on her face, and finally found the traces of the three of them not far away.


She immediately ran towards him with a face of surprise, and then hugged him without hesitation under the gaze of the other two people.

Seeing this, Shiba Isshin and Shiba Ganjiu's eyes lit up at the same time.

While his son was being pestered by the girl, he carefully pulled Shiba Ganjiu to limp to the side and whispered:

"As expected, revitalizing the Shiba family depends on the next generation."

"Yes, yes, uncle Isshin." Shiba Ganjiu grinned stupidly, "Why don't you just hold the wedding for Ichigo while you are still in Soul Society?"

"Good idea, makes sense!"

Bang, bang!

Before the two of them finished speaking, one of them received an iron fist and was almost thrown directly into the ground.

"Asshole, I'm still in high school!"

Not long after, the three of them were fighting together, like a street gang fight.

The girl looked at the scene in front of her with a blushing face, making silly giggles from time to time. From her dazed eyes, it was easy to see that Inoue Orihime had fallen into imagining the future.

On the other side, Shiba Kūkaku started a fight with Black Cat because he was scolded for being big-breasted and brainless.

On the ruins of the twin execution ground, a huge one-eyed ray appeared, swallowed Renji Abarai and Jushiro Ukitake, who had been treated urgently, and then vibrated their wings and flew into the sky.

Just as the other captains were about to leave, the ground beneath Shuangshu Hill suddenly began to tremble. Countless gravels jumped on the ground, and the dust that had calmed down began to stir again.

The inexplicable aura was like ripples in a lake, covering the entire Shuangshou Hill in just a moment, and was still spreading towards the Seireitei.

As the wolf tribe with the keenest sense of danger, Komamura Zuozhen already pulled out the Zanpakutō from his waist like a conditioned reflex, staring at the countless piles of rubble with his sharp eyes.

Kuchiki Byakuya also stopped where he was, looking down with a frown, feeling as if he was enveloped by an extreme cold.

This feeling is like facing Hitsugaya Toshiro's swastika.

The sudden change caused the captains present to stop in place, and even the internal fighting in the Zhiba family stopped.

On the mountain top where the gravel is piled up, the dangerous atmosphere is still permeating the air, as if it is accumulated power.

Suddenly, a beam of light burst out among the rubble, shooting straight into the sky, leaving a blood-like trace on the bright blue sky.

And this seemed to be some kind of signal. Two, three, dozens, or hundreds of beams of light burst out from the ruins. While dyeing the dome red, there was also an aura of extreme violence.

The beams of light converged and turned into an incomparable beam of light, which suddenly rushed into the sky, almost covering the entire scope of the Double Execution Ground, and the captains' faces were also dyed red.

The captains who sensed the danger used Shunpo and moved away from their original positions.

Under the ground, a sound like breaking glass was heard, clearly reaching everyone's ears.

The violent aura gradually solidified, and a huge ferocious evil ghost skeleton appeared on the dome. The deafening roar resounded through the sky, making the double execution ground that had just experienced the ordeal fall into hell once again.

The spiritual pressure was like a tidal wave, vast, and the blood-red ripples visible to the naked eye spread to all areas within sight at an extremely rapid speed.

Like an earth dragon turning over, with the ruins as the center, huge abyss-like ravines tore open, showing deep darkness, which was soon filled with blood red.

The roaring sound resounded through the dome, and the movement was so loud that it even affected the entire Seireitei.

Yamamoto Genryusai, who was halfway through, noticed this situation, stopped immediately, turned his head and looked back into the distance.

The old man's eyes were deep, as if there were flames surging in his pupils, and his old face was full of trouble.

After a moment of hesitation, Yamamoto Genryusai let out a cold snort: "With that kid here, why am I worrying so much!"

After saying this, he walked away towards the team building without looking back.


The sound of explosions resounded through the ruins, and countless rubbles were shaken into powder. The huge cracks opened on the ground were like the bloody mouths of ferocious beasts, swallowing up all the materials above.

Immediately, Kidou's spiritual pressure appeared, and complex Kidou incantations covered it and emerged in the mid-air, forming a semicircular barrier.

"What the hell is going on?"

The deep voice of Komamura Zuozhen sounded next to him, "Why do I have an ominous premonition?"

"Xu's spiritual pressure seals the ghost path." Niryuri let out a joking and disdainful laugh, "Can't Captain Komamura's sense of smell be incapable of smelling something?"

"You..." Komamura Zuozhen was furious.

Since he showed his true face to others, most people didn't have much bad feelings toward him. Only this Nirvana would make verbal mockery from time to time, as if he had some kind of bad taste.

Byakuya Kuchiki looked cold and explained in a low voice: "There are records in the Kuchiki family about the seal under the double execution ground..."

Before he could finish his words, a sound like shattering glass resounded on the ghost path barrier. Spider-web-like lines were densely covered, and countless tiny blood-red lights shot out from the gaps.


With a sound like morning bells and evening drums, the ghost barrier was completely shattered, and the sky-high red light colored everything in sight.

"Fresh air, sticky spirit..."

Overlapping hoarse sounds resounded from beneath the ground, and the souls in the Seireitei poured into it, forming a substantial storm of souls.

Under the surging wind, a figure slowly rose from it.

The golden pupils are full of violence and cruelty, and the angular-toothed bone mask is attached to the right cheek. The short green hair is tied back, and the handsome appearance reveals extreme hatred.

“What a wonderful, smell of freedom!”

"Welcome the return of the Immortal King. I, Arturo Platido, will once again bring fear to Soul Society!"

Looking at the figure suspended in the sky, the captains felt a strong sense of oppression.

The great void spiritual pressure is not inferior to any captain in the slightest, and even far exceeds that of some people, swallowing up everything in sight.

"Daxu, Arrancar."

The Komamura Left Formation is ready, "I will never tolerate anyone who undermines existing justice!"

Although the inexplicable appearance of the Immortal King was astonishingly powerful, it was far from the suffocating sense of despair that existed when Aizen and Sufeng faced off not long ago.

Under this situation, the Komamura Left Front, which prides itself on being a steadfast guardian of justice, once again felt that it was OK.


"Black Rope Heavenly Punishment King Ming!"


The air trembled and red light surged, and a huge figure appeared in the ruins.

The hundred-meter-tall black-armored warrior has his face covered by a red scarf, his body is protected by thick armor, and his waist is tied up with thick black ropes behind his back.

Komamura's left formation had a resolute face, holding swords in both hands, stepping forward and slashing out!

Simultaneously, the 100-meter-tall black-armored warrior also made the same action. The moment his feet fell, a strong impact visible to the naked eye swept across all directions, and the broken ground let out an unbearable whine.

The strong wind roared, and the giant blade of tens of meters slashed down towards the figure in the sky!

Wherever it passed, the air swept away, and a roaring roar sounded in the sky.

However, in such a powerful scene, a hint of sarcasm flashed in the eyes of Arturo Platido, the self-proclaimed Immortal King:

"Has the Soul Society's Death Captain fallen to this level?"

"It's really humble and pitiful."

"Let your blood be the memorial for the return of my Immortal King!"

He stretched out his right hand, raised his index finger, and faced the front. In contrast to the huge blade, this scene looked extremely humble and pitiful.

But the next moment.

X-shaped virtual flash beams erupted at his fingertips, facing the giant blade like a falling meteorite.


A deafening explosion sounded, and endless smoke and dust suddenly rose and exploded, swallowing everything in front, even drowning the black-armored warriors who were a hundred meters high.

The situation of the war seems unknown.

However, standing below, the left formation of Komamura, who was synchronized with the Black Rope Heavenly Punishment King, suddenly stooped, and with a stagger, several gaps appeared in the blade in his hand.

In the initial attack test, he fell into an obvious disadvantage.

"Hey, Captain Komamura seems to be no match for the opponent."

Jingraku Shunsui said with a slightly serious tone, "How long do you want to watch the show?"

"There's no rush." ​​Sufeng glanced at Komamura's left formation, which was locked in a bitter battle, "Captain Big Dog has rough skin and thick flesh. He won't die in a while."

"Tell me first, what the hell is this guy?"

Kuchiki Byakuya's cold voice suddenly came from the side:

"It is recorded in the family files that Vastod almost captured Soul Society single-handedly earlier. Later, he was defeated by Captain Yamamoto because he underestimated the enemy and was sealed under the Two Death Hill."

"Now this guy suddenly broke out of the seal, probably because the battle between you and Aizen destroyed the balance of the seal..."

He looked at the ruins below, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly.

This not only destroyed the balance of the seal, but the entire Shuangshou Hill was turned into ruins under Sufeng's swastika.

If Fan had been stronger, he would have been suppressed and killed by the aftermath before he could break through the seal.

"It seems I have some impressions." Sufeng thought thoughtfully, looking through the increasingly thin memories in his mind.

Just as a few people were talking, Komamura's left formation was already at a complete disadvantage. The hundred-meter-high black-roped King of Heavenly Punishment kept retreating, which was in stark contrast to his physique.

Seeing this, Broken Bee and others also joined the battle, trying to defeat Arturo.

Wild spiritual pressure surged above the ruins, and the terrifying wind cut shocking traces on the dilapidated earth.

In the center of the battlefield, the area covering several kilometers seemed to have been hit by a meteor, all collapsing by more than several meters.

The substantial red spiritual pressure surged, as if it was about to devour everyone.

The Immortal King, Arturo Platido holds a rainbow-like Zanpakutō and fights among several captains like a real god of war.

Tides of spiritual pressure surged out, and the sky in Seireitei was once again covered in red!

Arturo is a character in "Rondo" and "Three Dimensions". The game is made by Sega. The plot is overused and I won't write too much.

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