Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 317 Declaration of war!

In the virtual circle, under the crescent moon.

Blood was bleeding from the corners of Katie's mouth, and her fair skin was covered with burnt marks caused by the high temperature.

The long white gloves she wore on her arms had become dilapidated due to the riot of spirit children.

He looked forward unwillingly, and dark blue lightning kept dancing on his lusty body.

Not only her, but other members of the female knights also couldn't figure it out.

Why do monsters of this level exist in the Kingdom of the Void?

Above their sight, a slender black shadow looked at the four people below expressionlessly, as if looking at a dead person.

In his calm eyes, no emotion could be detected.

The huge and endless spiritual pressure continued to grow as if there was no limit, and raindrops as deep as ink fell between the silver-white dust and sand.

Thick clouds encircled the vast sea of ​​spiritual pressure, covering the entire battlefield.

The rain gradually increased, turning from a drizzle to a heavy downpour, washing away the sticky blood and body fragments in the sand, as if it was trying to wash away everything on the battlefield.

The crescent moon was hidden among the clouds, and a weak moonlight quietly peeked out, falling on the black shadow in the sky.

This makes both the virtual group and the Quincy notice their appearance.

The black wings were fully opened on the back, and the white bone helmet disappeared, replaced by devil-like curved and slender horns.

The black hair grows and hangs down the back.

The empty hole in his chest expanded, a whip-like tail wrapped around his body, and crackling thunder lingered around him.

Black ink-like lines were outlined on the body, drawing hell-like patterns, as if the terrifying pressure from heaven was acting on the four people below.

"Let's do it together."

Lilito gave full play to her duties as the leader of the female knights, directing the four of them to carry out the protracted battle in the way they were best at.

Yes, it’s procrastination.

The four people who had been strengthened by Shengjie were completely at a disadvantage in the previous round of fighting.

With their current strength, they are no match for Ulquiorra right now.

Completely hung and beaten.

"Damn ugly thing!"

Jadis cursed and raised the lightning-shaped spirit short bow with his backhand. Thunder erupted, falling from the sky and piercing through his dusty body.

"Ganon Shockwave!"

"Execution issued!"

In an instant, a huge thunder pillar passed over the dark sky, bursting out with dazzling light, as if a thunder dragon was about to devour everything in front of it.

Facing this blow, Ulquiorra's expression remained calm, as if he was not experiencing a battle.

"Thunder Spear."

An indifferent voice sounded, and he raised his right hand, his fingers suddenly closing together, and with the sound of an air explosion, a gun-shaped spirit polymer emitting an arc beam appeared in the palm of his hand.

Without any hesitation, he threw it out.

In an instant, the air tore like cloth, and circles of white air waves exploded in the sky.

The moment the Thunder Spear and Ganon's shock wave collided, a deafening explosion resounded across the battlefield.

The aftermath surged, and the rolling wind swept over, instantly flying dozens of virtual beings in the edge area.

The other three members of the girl group did not sit back and watch the battle. Instead, they knocked on the heart-shaped boxes on their waists, and various short bows flew out.

The spirits gathered together and burst into brilliant light on the short bow.

The moment the aftermath faded away, three sacred destroying arrows containing strong spiritual pressure tore through the air and headed straight for the black shadow in the sky.

The huge black wings flapped, and Ulquiorra dodged the attacks of these sacred arrows with light movements, and instead dived downwards, trying to resolve the battle as quickly as possible.

Although he has touched the edge of evolution due to the strengthening of spiritual food for many years, he is still at the level of Vastod after all.

It may be possible to suppress it for a short period of time easily.

But once the spiritual pressure is consumed too much, he will be the unlucky one.

From the beginning to the end, Ulquiorra never underestimated any opponent, even Gadis who was blown away by one of his thunderous spears.

"The yellow-haired female brat and the cockroach-headed girl can die."

Calm words suddenly rang in the girl group's ears, "Those with pink hair and those with green hair can survive."

"Hey, it's okay for Lily to die. Why should I die too?"

The cockroach head was so angry that he stamped his feet and fired a sacred arrow in his backhand towards the direction of the sound.

As if Ulquiorra had expected it, he grabbed his black claws in front of him and accurately grasped the spirit bow and arrow in his palm.

Then the spiritual pressure exploded, directly exploding it into spiritual fragments.

"Because you are a man."

"Your Majesty, he won't like it."

The black index finger stretched out, and a dark green light emerged on it. It instantly gathered the scattered spirit fragments around it, and the gorgeous light flashed on it.

Immediately afterwards, a dark green beam of light penetrated at a speed exceeding the speed of sound waves.

Caught off guard, Jiji was immediately penetrated into the abdominal cavity. A hole the size of a fist appeared in the abdomen, the internal organs collapsed, and a large amount of viscous dirty blood dripped from it, immediately infiltrating the lower half of the body.

"But, damn it, actually sneak attack..."

Injuries that would have killed most people long ago seemed to have no effect on Jiji.

The broken internal organs squirmed at an extremely fast speed, and the flesh and blood intertwined, and the hideous wounds were quickly healed.

"The other party is powerful and has far exceeded the expectations in the intelligence."

Lilito stated expressionlessly, "Take out the holy body, otherwise we will really die here."

Before he could finish his words, thunder suddenly fell from the distant sky, and a huge Annihilation Cross burst out of the dust.

An arc-shaped five-pointed star appeared above Jadis's head. Multiple lightning-shaped wings of light were condensed by the gathering of spiritual beings. The powerful spiritual pressure swept through the violent wind.

Jadis drew two lightsabers transformed from thunder from the light wings behind her, activated her flying scythe legs, her body flashed, and she charged towards Ulquiorra again with great momentum.

"Go to hell, you ugly guy!"

The roar of anger mixed with the explosion of thunder suddenly crashed down, and the sand surface exploded layer by layer, and huge waves surged into the sky, exploding and rolling in all directions, and in an instant, dozens of ordinary Hollows were submerged.

Ulquiorra easily dodged it and turned the sound to its limit.

This kind of irrational attack cannot touch his figure at all.

Even if it is affected by the aftermath, its power will not cause any damage to the steel skin with full defense points.

The next moment, three more crosses of annihilation bloomed on the battlefield, huge spiritual pressure poured down instantly, dark clouds rolled down, and the feeling of oppression suddenly filled the air.

Lilito and others also activated the Holy Body and immediately joined the siege battle.

They are not in the habit of fighting one on one. As members of the Star Cross Knights, their primary goal is to grab credit.

Only by gaining enough meritorious deeds can you gain a higher status in front of His Majesty and a stronger soul power!

"Dumbbell Baton."

The gentle voice was particularly incongruous on the bloody battlefield, but its heavy blow actually knocked Ulquiorra away with the Thunder Spear, plowing deep ravines on the ground.

Minina launched her flying sickle kick to pursue, and the pink dumbbell in her hand instantly turned into a long stick, launching successive impacts downward at an extremely fast speed.

"Dumbbell baton combo."


A calm voice sounded, Lilito flew in the sky, opened her hands, and launched a huge zigzag circular attack towards Ulquiorra.

Jiji on the side was not idle, twisting his body, and the skeleton-like light wings behind him suddenly shook off a pile of bones.

Under his control, the bones instantly condensed into several radiant skeletons, running forward.

"Dancing Dead Boys Club!"

"Hungry darlings, eat him bit by bit!"

In just a blink of an eye, Ulquiorra turned from the upper hand to the lower wind. His offensive was instantly suppressed, and even his spiritual pressure was unable to gain the upper hand.

"What a shame, Ulquiorra."

Wild sounds resounded on the battlefield, and the ferocious leopard shadow instantly tore apart the blue skeleton soldiers, and another tall figure appeared on the battlefield.

The assembly line-like body tried its best to show off its wild posture, and its fierce aura swept through the killing.

The shuddering spiritual pressure fell on the four members of the girl group without any cover.

Looking at the enemy in front, with his long sky-blue hair falling behind him, Grimmjow smiled ferociously:

"Which one is better to kill first?"

The offensive and defensive momentum reversed again!


After explaining the matters related to Inaba Kage Langzu, the important task of replicating the spiritual body of Yamamoto Genryusai was also handed over to him.

Sufeng was looking forward to the scene of the two old mountain men appearing on the battlefield.

A group of three people appeared in the observation room of the Lingbo Surveying Research Institute, watching the wonderful pictures on the huge screen as if they were watching a movie.

"Ulquiorra is truly the most loyal Arrancar."

When he heard the words "Your Majesty doesn't like it", Sufeng nodded with satisfaction:

"Know my heart well."

"Captain Nie, you should learn more from Xiaowu and don't make me angry all day long."

Nirvana snorted disdainfully, saying that she would not associate with such a flattering person.

Then, Sufeng took out various experimental materials that Hikifune Kiryu had developed in the Lingwang Palace over the past hundred years.

Including but not limited to temporary soul technology, soul cooking technology, and even in-depth research on his own body, which is Wang Jian.

"Ahem, it doesn't hurt to learn a bit."

When Nie Yuli said this, he was suddenly stunned.

It was only then that he realized something very serious.

It seems that through constant contact with Su Feng, the others seem to have not learned, only this face has become thicker and thicker.

To a certain extent, it is not even weaker than the Quincy's blood armor and the Arrancar's steel skin.

On the screen, the appearance of the huge Quincy Cross heralds the opening of the Quincy's Holy Body.

"A very shocking scene."

Nirvana changed the topic, "The strength of these members of the Star Cross Knights will soar so much after opening the Holy Body."

"Even Ulquiorra is no match..."

Sufeng Tairuo knocked on the armrest of the chair naturally without any worry at all.

"Normally speaking, Xiao Wu's strength should not only be at this level."

"He may not be able to control the power of his next form yet."

Hearing this, Nirvana spread out his hands and said with a helpless expression:

"I can't understand the thoughts of those Arrancars. Their loyalty to you seems to be too high."

"You guy obviously didn't do anything..."

Sufeng nodded and replied matter-of-factly: "It's true that he didn't do anything, it was just that his fist was hard enough."

"For the Daxu, who use devouring their own kind as a way to evolve, the law of the jungle has always been the only law they believe in."

"Even if you are kind to them, if you are too weak, you will be abandoned by them one day."

"You should understand this simple truth."

Nie Shuli grinned, the corners of his mouth almost touching his ears:

"For scientists, even the weakest creatures still have value."

While the two were talking, the picture on the screen changed again.

Grimmjow appeared, and the Leopard King's claws tore through the heavy sky, blooming with brilliant brilliance under the moonlight.

Compared to Ulquiorra who was restrained in every aspect, his fighting style seemed much wilder.

He has only one goal, and that is to kill all enemies present!

However, at the moment when the battle reached a fever pitch, dozens of concentrated spiritual flames suddenly erupted from the shadows above the sand surface, penetrating the sky and the earth.

The hot temperature instantly melted the sand, and the glass-like liquid gurgled among the sand.

Most of the Xuye Palace's group of Xuye were burned away in an instant, and their charred bodies turned into sand in the wind, completely disappearing in the atmosphere of Xuyeco Mundo.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

A surprised expression appeared on Nie Shuli's face: "Captain Sufeng, it seems something serious has happened."

"Is the Invisible Empire preparing to officially declare war?"


Move forward in time.

In the shadow of Hueco Mundo, the invisible empire is stationed.

Yinjia City, Great Cathedral.

The huge cross of annihilation is carved on the outer wall, showing its majestic atmosphere.

The dark Quincy soldiers stood uniformly on the square, with solemn expressions and no sound.

In front of them were the Knights of the Star Cross with different shapes and strange looks.

The only thing that is the same is probably the extremely serious expression.

With the sound of heavy footsteps, Hasward's voice spread throughout the Great Cathedral:

"Everyone, give your cross!"

"Salute to His Majesty Yhwach!"

Neat salutes resounded in the cathedral, and everyone looked at the majestic figure appearing on the high platform with enthusiastic expressions, as if they were looking up to a god.

"Thousands of years ago, we Quincy were brutally attacked by the Death Gods. We lost many of our compatriots and fell into an existential crisis."

The heavy and majestic voice echoed in the empty cathedral. Yohabach looked down seriously:

"We survived in the Shadow Realm, endured humiliation, and waited for thousands of years."

"The final battle is about to begin. It's time to destroy Soul Society and Hueco Mundo and regain the glory of the Quincy!"

Start filling in the hole buried in the front

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