Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 321 The balance of the soul, the ability that cannot be cracked

The situation is reversed!

The real Yhwach appears, and his oppressive power reaches its peak!

The spirit flames burned fiercely, and the void burned out traces of distortion visible to the naked eye.

Just standing there makes people feel hopeless and unable to face him face to face.

It wasn't until he killed Lloyd Lloyd that his cruel nature was exposed, and both the Ten Blades and the members of the Star Cross Knights had an irresistible fear of him.

Lloyd Lloyd's imitation may be to consume Aizen's power, or it may be to allow the Quincy King from thousands of years ago to regain his authority in front of the world!

Judging from the scene, the effect is still very obvious.

At the very least, people were already filled with unconcealable fear when they looked at Yhwach.

Hearing Aizen's words, Yhwach lowered his eyes slightly, as if he didn't seem to care very much:

"Then let me test it myself."

"I hope your strength is as amazing as your size."

As he finished speaking, he opened his arms, branch-like lines appeared on his arms, and vast and endless power suddenly burst out.

The huge azure holy bow suddenly appeared, and several giant sacred arrows condensed on it, exuding unparalleled sharpness.

At the position indicated by the arrow, the flow of spirit particles visible to the naked eye was running wildly, causing the atmosphere to make a tearing sound like cloth.

The movement was so loud that it was already greater than the imitation of Lloyd Lloyd just now.

Before the sacred destroying arrow was launched, the momentum had already reached its peak. The air emitted an overwhelming wail, and the ravine on the ground continued to widen until it turned into a real abyss.

The corners of Yhwach's mouth raised, his spiritual pressure surged, and the great holy bow in front of him suddenly loosened its bowstring.

In an instant, the heaven and earth were penetrated by light, and the brilliant light was like the sun, illuminating Hueco Mundo. The night receded and day appeared.

Aizen looked directly at the sacred Mie Ya flying by, with a smile of interest on his calm face. He raised the mirror, water and moon, and slashed it downwards.

The dazzling sword burst out under pressure on the blade, turning into a crescent moon, shining in all directions!

The moment the two collided, bursting flames shot up into the sky, like a volcano erupting. The hot temperature swept through the strong wind, carrying the impact and surging in all directions.

Hueco Mundo trembled violently under the collision of this force, even affecting the Ten Blades and Star Cross Knights further away.

Now, there are no ordinary Hollows and Great Hollows on the battlefield. Even the Quincy soldiers of the Invisible Empire have all withdrawn, staying as far away from the battlefield as possible.

The Knights of the Star Cross and the Ten Blades may be able to survive the aftermath, but once they are involved, not even a complete body will be left behind.

The Great Holy Bow appeared above Yhwach, and the Spirit-transformed Cross Knife of Annihilation emerged from it and fell into his hand, exuding an extremely powerful aura.

With just a slight wave, the scalding heat waves dissipated and were replaced by blazing blue light.

Without any verbal exchange, the two collided instantly.

The aftermath was surging, the space was torn apart, and one after another hideous ravines were added to the overwhelmed ground.

It wasn't until this moment that the gap between the strong ones was truly reflected.

Neither the Ten Blades nor the Star Cross Knights could approach the battlefield between the two, let alone intervene in it.

The spirit storm continued to rage, as if it was going to destroy the entire world of Hueco Mundo.

Hundreds of miles, thousands of miles, ten thousand miles...

The figures of the two fighting fiercely turned into light that could not be caught by the naked eye. They kept colliding with each other, and the aftermath covered the entire battlefield.

Sword pressure flew out at every turn, and the sacred destroying arrow exploded.

The scene was once spectacular.


"Such power..."

In the monitoring room, Nie Yuli was tapping the keyboard in front of him crazily, and his ten fingers turned into afterimages, accurately landing on the correct keys.

"It's too exaggerated, it's too exaggerated!"

His expression was crazy, and he would look back from time to time to say a calculated conclusion.

"Even if the captains completely mastered the virtualization, they would not be able to compete with them head-on!"

"Even some of the weaker captains will be melted directly the moment they come into contact with the power."

"Literally melting, like that potato."

As if the blade was on fire, a bunch of potato slices were accidentally burned into nothingness by Sufeng's control.

Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni's expression was even more solemn than ever before.

The victory in the war a thousand years ago gave him unwavering confidence in his own strength.

In the past thousand years, there has never been a stronger Death God than him, which inflated his confidence to the extreme.

If it weren't for the emergence of Sufeng and Aizen, perhaps Yamamoto Genryusai would still be immersed in the glory of the past and unable to extricate himself.

But with Aizen's rebellion, a whole new vocabulary appeared in front of him.

The transcendent!

An existence that exceeds the upper limit of the current racial strength.

Just like Aizen, Sufeng, and now Yhwach.

Perhaps we also need to include the Zero Squadron of the Soul King Palace, the God's Absolution Guards of the Invisible Empire, some of the Ten Blades of the Hollow Night Palace, and some of the Arrancars of the Hollow Kingdom...

Of course, the performance of these people is open to question.

There is also an unbridgeable gap between the transcendent and the transcendent.

Now after seeing the battle between Yhwach and Aizen, Yamamoto Genryusai had doubts about his own strength for the first time.

Can he really defeat such a level of existence?

If it fails, where will Soul Society go?

For the first time in a thousand years, he was confused about the future.

"Whole sweet potatoes?"

Sufeng handed the roasted sweet potatoes to Yamamoto Genryusai and said with a smile.


Just when Yamamoto Genryusai was about to get angry, his expression suddenly froze, as if he remembered something.

It seems like...

The first Transcendent he knew was right in front of him.

"Traitor, do you have the confidence to defeat the two of them?"

After pondering for a moment, Yamamoto Genryusai asked the question he was most concerned about.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Su Feng.

It's not just Genryusai Yamamoto who cares about the answer to this question, but others as well.

after all.

Whether it is Yhwach or Aizen Sosuke, their goal is Soul Society.

The latter is slightly better than the former.

At least Aizen won't think about destroying the world and returning the three realms to a state of chaos.

"Do you want to hear the truth or do you want to hear lies?"

"Nonsense, of course it's the truth!"

"I don't know, I'm not sure, I don't know."

Sufeng directly denied Sanlian, "Neither Aizen nor Yuha, they have used their full strength."

"It's not clear to what level the former has evolved."

"The latter doesn't even show omniscience and omnipotence. How can we judge this?"

"to be honest."

Sufeng pointed to the exciting scene of the battle on the screen and continued casually:

"If the two of them only have this strength."

"One punch, no more."

"If their brains don't explode, then I lose."

The outrageously exaggerated remarks immediately caused gasps of air in the monitoring room.

Everyone looked horrified and their eyes were filled with fear.

They knew Sufeng was very strong, but they never expected it to be so strong!

Yamamoto Genryusai's expression was even more dazed.

If Sufeng Rebellion can defeat the current Yhwach and Aizen with one punch, does that mean that he will also be defeated by him with one punch.

In a daze, Yamamoto Genryusai seemed to see a picture of the future.

The Sufeng rebel had a ferocious expression and smiled ferociously, then his fists were ignited with flames and lightning, and he punched hard, directly shattering the Liubian Ruohuo, without losing its power, and completely blasting his head.

Life ends suddenly!

Yamamoto Genryusai shook his head repeatedly, putting this malicious thought behind him.

Although the rebels are unreliable most of the time, they still don't miss the mark at critical moments.

Just when everyone was shocked.

The picture on the screen changed again.

Yhwach seemed to be tired of the endless battle. He opened his fingers and spirit missiles flew out from his fingertips and landed directly on Aizen's head.

next moment.

The huge five-pointed star array covered Aizen, and its spiritual pressure completely enveloped Zhan Chan on this side.

"Usurp the altar!"

Then, the picture began to fluctuate.

With the appearance of mosaics, the scene was completely lost at the moment when Yhwach was about to activate his ability.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's really a pity!"

Nie Yuli knocked on his temple, making a popping sound, as if the brain inside was hidden by him in an unknown place.

"The fluctuations of the spirit are abnormal, and the monitoring system has failed."

"The screen connection failed, and it is no longer possible to watch the battle between the two."

"Fortunately, enough information has been collected."

He loaded a large amount of data into the database for subsequent analysis to find ways to deal with it.

Nirvana has never been as desperate as others from beginning to end.

In his opinion, be it Aizen or Yuha, they are nothing more than stronger living beings.

As long as he still exists in this world, he must have flaws.

However, this flaw has not been discovered yet.

"The result..."

Yamamoto Genryusai frowned, but he didn't mean to blame.

Because he knew that being able to monitor the battle between the two was already a skill of Nirvana.

"His Majesty Sufeng's Arrancars will convey the results to Soul Society as soon as possible."

Nirvana said without looking back, "Captain, instead of thinking about these things, you might as well think about how to deal with the all-out war that is about to break out."

"In the near future, the scenes of war will probably be several times or even dozens of times more grand than they are now!"

Yamamoto Genryusai remained silent. After thinking for a moment, he stood up and left the monitoring room.

With his departure, others returned to their respective jobs and made preparations for the war.

"Captain Sufeng, there is another very critical question."

With only Niruri, Sufeng and Yamada Seinosuke left in front of the screen, Niruri suddenly said with a serious expression:

"After the virtual group is killed by the Quincy in large numbers, it will completely disappear, so the alert value will be abnormally high."

"What's strange is that the number of Hollows who died in this war should have triggered a Shutora-level alarm immediately, but until now..."

He was typing on the keyboard in front of him, and then a large amount of data appeared on the screen, intertwined and stacked with each other, and finally formed a line of huge fonts:

"The balance of the soul has not been destroyed, and all values ​​are normal!"

Niryuri's expression was more serious than ever before, and even Yamada Seinosuke's expression gradually became serious, his brows furrowed deeply, thinking about the possibility.

"Is there anything wrong with normal?"

Sufeng said casually, "It's better than killing a large number of Rukongai residents to maintain stability, right?"

Hearing this, Nirvana shook his head repeatedly and denied:

"Actually, in terms of the stakes, it would make me feel more at ease to eliminate the residents of Rukongai than it does now."

"The balance of the soul is like a scale. Any increase or decrease in the weight will cause the other end to decrease or increase."

"Nowadays, a large number of voids have disappeared, but it has not caused the emergence of imbalance."

Yamada Seinosuke then added: "This means that the balance of the soul has been completely broken long before this war began."

"Between the three forces of Hueco Mundo, Soul Society, and the Invisible Empire, there is another force that we cannot detect..."


The three people looked at each other and almost said the answer in unison.

"It's really a haunting in the true sense."

Sufeng frowned, "Last time, Jiumianjing Yantie, did you come up with anything useful?"

Nirvana shook his head: "The phosphorus gas in hell, analyzed from a certain perspective, is actually the special form of the spirit child. As for the chains on its body and its current state..."

"Due to the lack of supplementary comparative data, it is impossible to determine its specific composition."

"The only thing that is certain is that the Death Captain who falls into hell will gain a certain level of strength."

"As for whether this increase varies from person to person or is a fixed ratio, I have no clue at all."

Su Feng asked again: "Don't you know Jiu Mian Jing Yan Tie himself?"

"In that guy's words, he is just a little guy." Yamada Seinosuke sighed and said with a helpless expression: "Even the first generation captain who escaped from hell together, he is the weakest one."

"Others weren't even willing to take him with them."

"For someone of his level, he can't know everything, but he doesn't know more than us."

"It's even better to ask the criminal in prison."

"Perhaps they know more information."

Sufeng nodded: "That's all we can do. When the battle in Hueco Mundo is over, I will personally go to the prison criminal family and ask about the specific matters about hell."

At this moment, Yaozhou hurriedly ran from the side and said with an anxious expression:

"The battle is over. I have reconnected to Hueco Mundo's surveillance screen."

When the red button was pressed, all the data on the screen disappeared, replaced by a charred battlefield that looked like hell.

"According to the information sent by the Kingdom of the Void, the battle between the two sides has not decided the winner."

"Youhabach failed to seize Aizen's power by usurping the altar, and Aizen confused everyone with his ability of mirror flower and water moon..."

Thanks to Mr. Derrick in the Forest for the reward, and thanks to all the bosses for your monthly recommendation votes.

I have begun to think about the follow-up ending plot. I may write a daily routine after the war, as well as some plots in the Western Bureau. I will finish it this month or early next month. I will check the follow-up update status. I will write it later. The more difficult it is, I hope all readers will forgive me.

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