Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 333 The reopened door to hell

[Self-discipline daily tasks completed! 】

[The spiritual pressure has been improved, and it is currently super spiritual power! 】

[The will of hell is activated! 】

Yamamoto Genryusai is still sad about the passing of his old friends again, but Sufeng has already been immersed in the acquisition of the new power of Hell's Will.

Destroying the dead and maintaining peace in the Seireitei perfectly fit the need for self-discipline in daily tasks.

The increase in spiritual pressure is still expected.

Sufeng himself is really hard to estimate what level he is at.

When he was in the Spirit King Palace, during the battle with Ippey of the Hyōshubebe, the integration of human swords that surpassed the swastika went one step further, making his spiritual pressure surpass that of Ippeybei of the Hyōshoube in the original state.

As for the great monk who is under the swastika, he is probably not that interesting.

However, after the current wave of promotions, at least the name will not be easily erased.

As for the will of hell...

Su Feng's pupils glowed with gilded light, and majestic pressure instantly filled the battlefield. The ground suddenly collapsed, countless cracks began to collapse, and a large amount of phosphorus gas began to spontaneously gather towards Su Feng.

The outward spiritual pressure began to increase continuously.

All the Shinigami in the Seireitei felt this fluctuation of spiritual pressure. Regardless of their strength, they all looked in the direction of Sufeng with horrified eyes, trying to find the source of the spiritual pressure.

But those who are familiar with Sufeng know that a certain pervert seems to be stronger than before.

Kyōraku Shunsui chopped down a hell jailer with his backhand and looked at the sky in shock. Countless phosphorus gases gathered on the spiritual pressure beam that shot straight into the sky, making it darker and darker.

"What kind of drugs has this kid taken again?"

He doesn't understand.

He is also the God of Death, why can some monsters continue to become stronger, as if there is no upper limit at all?

He had previously thought that the son of Shiba Isshin's family was perverted enough. In just over ten years, he had accomplished many achievements that a Shinigami could not achieve in hundreds of years or even a lifetime.

Even Sufeng at that time was still far behind Ichigo.

But now he suddenly realized that he was wrong, and very wrong.

Compared to Ichigo, Sufeng's strength progress is a little slow, but his endurance is strong.

From captain-level Shinigami, to arm-wrestling with the old man Shan, to cutting off the anti-membrane with one sword, and later going to the Spirit King Palace to fight with the leader of Team Zero.

Jingle Chunshui almost watched Sufeng grow up step by step until now.

It was precisely because of this that the shock in his heart was the strongest.

Obviously not long ago, everyone was still in the same echelon. In the blink of an eye, you threw me two circles. Could it be more extreme?

However, Sufeng tells you with facts that it can indeed be done.


Kyōraku Shunsui was so angry that he chopped down another Hell Jailer with his backhand, the force of which was a bit stronger than before.

Because Yamamoto Genryusai was closest to Sufeng, he could more intuitively feel this spiritual pressure that was completely different from the Shinigami.

The moment the will of hell appeared, the nature of Sufeng's spiritual pressure completely changed.

Compared to the spiritual pressure of the Death God Great Hollow Quincy, Sufeng's spiritual pressure is more aggressive and domineering.

If the same amount of spiritual pressure is used against each other, the winner will definitely be Sufeng.

This is the most intuitive feeling of Yamamoto Genryusai.

He didn't understand what happened to Su Feng. From the details, he could vaguely tell that it might have a certain connection with hell.

Realizing this, Yamamoto Genryusai's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Whispering words sounded, and the five fingers of his right hand tightly grasped the dark purple handle of the knife. The veins on the back of his hand were exposed, and wisps of flames escaped between the fingers.

"Has hell controlled you?"

"I will never allow this to happen!"


The scorching temperature soared again, and the water began to evaporate rapidly. This scale even affected the entire Soul Society.

"Old man, what are you doing?"

Just when Yamamoto Genryusai was about to activate his swastika to cut off the connection between Sufeng and Hell, Sufeng suddenly restrained his spiritual pressure, and even the gilded color in his pupils faded away.

"Phew, just recover."

Yamamoto Genryusai immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his old despicable temperament had returned.

Although I don’t know what it will be like to be controlled by hell, but this mean temperament is the only one of scorpions.

Even though he had lived for two or three thousand years, he had only seen a person with such temperament as Su Feng.

"What happened just now?"

Yamamoto Genryusai frowned and asked, "You just suddenly burst out with spiritual pressure. Countless phosphorus gases gathered towards you, and even your eyes turned gilded."

"The momentum is even more harmonious..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Su Feng: "Are they similar to Ni Gu Caizang and the others?"

Yamamoto Genryusai nodded with a solemn expression.

If this is a side effect of killing the dead in hell, then Sufeng is not suitable for continuing to participate in the next battle.

With his old body, he can still contribute his last effort to Soul Society.

But Sufeng is different. Before the great evils such as Yhwach and Aizen are put to death, he is the only hope of Soul Society, and there must be no mistakes.

As a remnant of the old era, Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto was willing to sacrifice his life for the birth of the new era!

"Uh, how should I say it?"

Sufeng was a little hesitant and didn't know how to express it for a while.

It's not that I don't trust Yamamoto Genryusai, but it's really inconvenient to tell everything.

The effects and effects of Hell's Will were far more amazing than he expected.

If the hell will of hell is the existence that controls the entire hell, then after he activates the power of hell will, it is equivalent to a small hell walking in the three realms.

In terms of specific effects, the nature of the spiritual pressure changes, the strength of the spiritual pressure increases, and all aspects of strength will make great progress.

Not much to say.

Now Sufeng is 100% confident that he can be immune to the white pen and one character of Ichibei, the commander of the army.

Most of the abilities of the rule system have been rendered ineffective.

The only ones worthy of his fear were Aizen Sosuke, who didn't know what level of evolution he had reached, and Yhwach who "opened his eyes".

It seems that there is still hell, and there are strong men born in millions of years...

Sufeng counted more and more, and he suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

Suddenly, I felt that the so-called will of hell was nothing more than this.

You still need to keep a low profile...

"If it's not convenient for you to say, don't say it."

Yamamoto Genryusai is not the kind of character who wants to get to the bottom of things. He just needs to make sure that Sufeng is still his traitor, and that is enough.

"The crisis in Soul Society has not yet been resolved."

He turned around and launched Shunpo towards the jurisdiction with the most chaotic spiritual pressure, "We haven't rested yet."

"Let's split up..."

Looking at his retreating back, Sufeng silently took back the words that were on his lips.

Perhaps Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni was once indifferent and extremely cruel, but now his character has undergone earth-shaking changes after thousands of years of hard work.

Now Yamamoto Genryusai is not only a respectable captain of the Gotei 13, but also an elder who is willing to consider his subordinates and even his disciples.

"Hopefully everything goes well."

Sufeng dealt with the remaining "corpses" on the battlefield, and then disappeared.

The invasion of the dead from hell continues, and the jailers seem to have no upper limit, constantly climbing out from outside the Seireitei and even from underground cracks.

Although one punch can kill a large area, there is still no sign of reduction.

After several attempts, Sufeng gave up this pointless move and headed to the location where Nirvana's spiritual pressure appeared.

Where brute force alone is ineffective, perhaps one can place hope in science.


"I'm sorry, Captain Sufeng."

Nie Yuli tugged at her fingers, wondering: "I can't develop a targeted method at the moment. If you give me another period of time..."

He did not continue.

The Seireitei is currently in danger, and if it continues for a while, the entire Soul Society may be destroyed. Even if we develop a way to deal with it, it will be of no use.

Sufeng frowned deeply.

Since his debut, this is the first time he has encountered a problem that cannot be solved by force.

Should he be allowed to directly destroy the entire Seireitei like he did to destroy the valley, thus solving all crises?

"After these days of calculations and surveys by the Technology Development Bureau."

Niyuri typed on the keyboard, and amid the chaotic and rioting spiritual pressure, he placed the projection on the metal wall, revealing a ruin-like scene.

"This is where the Gate of Hell is guarded by the Prisoners."

"We have found corresponding fragments in the prison house before. Although it is not clear who broke it, judging from the force point of view, it is very likely that a powerful force broke out from inside and outside, thus destroying this regularization. The gates of hell."

During the explanation, Nirvana performed multi-line operations to simulate the scene of the gate of hell being smashed on the projection.

Sufeng nodded thoughtfully: "Then what?"

"This also means that a single force cannot destroy the Gate of Hell."

"Well, listening to you is like listening to a speech."

Nirvana seemed to have noticed the inaccuracy in his words. He secretly wiped his cold sweat and gave a more detailed explanation:

"Except maybe someone working with the dead in Hell."

"Also, we only need to repair and complete the Gate of Hell, and the dead can be sealed inside again until the next time the Gate of Hell is broken."

"Where's the repair method?" Su Feng spread out his hands, "I'm pretty good at destroying it. If you try another Gate of Hell, I'll smash it to pieces for you."

Inaba Shadow Wolf said to the side: "It's actually simple. The Gate of Hell only requires two necessary items to complete its construction."


"Reiatsu and the will of hell that transcend species boundaries."

When Sufeng heard these two necessary items, his expression was startled.

Before he could ask, Inabata Rangzuo explained his deduction process.

"There is a lot of knowledge about hell among criminals."

"Through this period of analysis, I discovered that the existence of hell is similar to the world of separation."

"But strictly speaking, the broken world can only be regarded as a passage world between Soul Society's Hueco Mundo and the real world."

"And hell is another world independent of the three realms."

"The existence of the Gate of Hell can, to some extent, be regarded as a large world-traveling gate, or a black cavity."

"When building the Gate of Hell, you only need to magnify the black-cavity ghost path that forcibly destroys the space by more than a thousand times, and it will be completed."

"Captain Sufeng, you should be able to do that, right?"

Inabata Rangzuo's smile was a bit sarcastic.

Only then did Sufeng suddenly realize that he seemed to have been plotted against by Nirvana Li again.

"When did you decide?"

Nie Yuli grinned, and the serious smile actually gave people a sense of peace of mind.

"Captain Sufeng, I've noticed it since you burst out with spiritual pressure."

"Although I don't know what exactly happened, through the analysis of the data, the nature of your spiritual pressure has completely changed. It is simply a superior replacement of the spiritual pressure of the dead in hell."

"Conjecturing from this, I can't think of anything other than the will of hell."

"Were you chosen as the spokesperson by Hell, dear Captain Sufeng?"

Looking at the smug smile in front of him, Su Feng remained silent for the time being.

This answer can only be said to be very close, but not quite.

"Based on the information we have received, we speculate that the will of hell may not be able to control the escape of these dead people, so we chose you, Captain Sufeng, as our spokesperson."

Nirvana continued, "After the deceased fell into hell again, a new gate to hell was built to bring them back..."

Su Feng couldn't bear to listen anymore, and turned to look at the figure next to him.

Inaba Kagerozuo very wisely took out the prepared Hell Gate Kidō incantation and explained it in detail at the same time.

"Because the gate of hell is broken, now only the soul burial ceremony can be used to determine the specific location of hell."

"The rituals required for the ceremony have been prepared."

Inaba Kagerozuo pressed the button next to him, and the metal floor in front of him suddenly split to both sides, replaced by something similar to a shrine.

"The incident happened suddenly, so I can only prepare something simpler, but the effect is the same."

He explained with a sneer, "Captain Sufeng, the next step depends on you."

"As long as the gate to hell is constructed, everything will be peaceful."

Sufeng didn't refuse. After briefly glancing at the ghost spell, he immediately activated his own will to hell.

The gilded color once again filled his pupils, and invisible pressure spread instantly, weighing on the entire Technology Development Bureau.

"Place the stone that connects the soul world to my right hand, and hold the sword that binds the world tightly with my left hand."

"The garrote of the black-haired shepherd, the black clouds gather, and we hunt the ibises."

It is similar to the Kidou incantation that opens the black cavity, except that individual bytes have changed.

Sufeng stood in front of the shrine, communicated with it with his consciousness, and somehow captured an individual that was too huge to be observed.

As the chanting of the ghost mantra ended, a rich blood spread in the dark sky.

A huge portal filled with a strong smell of blood appeared directly above the Technology Development Bureau.

Countless spiritual rays of light condensed from bottom to top, carving a ferocious skull relief on the door.

When the relief took shape, four blood-red rays of light shot out from its empty pupils, suddenly erupting with an extremely depressing momentum.

The door slowly opened to both sides, and dark red miasma and dark black phosphorus gas filled it.

The dead in hell stared dumbly at the soul-stirring sight in the sky, unable to believe their eyes.

Their pupils were filled with unconcealable fear and shock, and their bodies were trembling instinctively:

"The gate to hell has been reopened?!"

Thank you to Mr. Tianma Xingkong and Ma Xingkong for the reward, and thank you all for your monthly recommendation votes!

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