Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 340 Long live Your Majesty! !

The old man with a gray beard and a bald head was spitting in front of the conference room, his face was red, and his whole body was extremely excited.

Saito Immortal looked at the figure in front of him, his expression somewhat dazed.

Dimly, she seemed to see the figure from a thousand years ago again.

Everything seems to be back to the beginning.

Mobilization for war began again.

Kyōraku Shunsui yawned, feeling extremely decadent.

He was not at all interested in this exciting speech. On the contrary, the Komamura Left Front next to him was extremely excited and his expression was extremely fanatical.

As a loyal supporter of Yamamoto Genryusai, he firmly supports any order he makes.

Even if it means letting him die.

After all, in the understanding of Komamura Zuozhen, his life belongs to Yamamoto Genryusai.

Without his forgiveness, the human-wolf clan at this time would still be living in the deep mountains and old forests, living like wild beasts day after day.

"As expected of Lord Genryusai!"

Komamura Zuozhen roared, and there seemed to be a fighting spirit in his pupils, "This speech has completely aroused the fire of war in my heart!"

As the speech ended, Yamamoto Genryusai lowered his eyes slightly, and the blazing heat suddenly swept through the entire conference room, and the majestic spiritual pressure suddenly fell:

"Everyone, the time has come to live up to the name of the Gotei."

"This time, what awaits us will be the most terrifying war. Many of you may never come back."

"But I hereby promise that any force that wants to destroy Soul Society must first step on my body."

"The war has begun!"

Everyone's emotions were also aroused.

It's not just Squad 11.

As gods of death, most of them have warlike genes hidden in their bones.

With only one force able to survive, they burst out with unprecedented potential and motivation.

Early the next morning, in front of the Technology Development Bureau.

Above the experimental dojo.

Several figures are correcting the coordinates of crossing the boundary.

Because after learning that Sufeng was running a force in Hueco Mundo, Yamamoto Genryusai decided to set the location where everyone would appear in the kingdom of Hueco Mundo.

Considering that the elite soldiers and holy soldiers of the Invisible Empire are not something that ordinary soldiers can contend with, only the Shinigami above the rank of high-ranking officers are dispatched this time.

Yamamoto Genryusai even gave up the principle of sticking to Soul Society for the first time and directly chose to attack with all his troops.

As a result, in front of the deep and dark black cavity, a group of Shinigami of different shapes released their powerful spiritual pressure, demonstrating their power.

"Set off!"

Yamamoto Genryusai waved his hand and took the lead in entering the prepared black chamber.

Zaraki Kenpachi grinned, a fierce and cruel aura continued to permeate his surroundings, and followed him in big strides.

No one looked forward to war more than he did.

Only racial battles like this can allow him to enjoy the ultimate fighting.

The other captains also led their respective chief officers and followed.

Unohana Retsu led Saito Immortal, Shikatori Hatsuunsai and a small group of Kaidou masters from the fourth division to the end of the team.

They belong to the logistics force and are also the most important component of the expeditionary force.

"Hey, I haven't seen such a big scene for a long time."

Nie Shuli grinned, the corners of his mouth almost touching his ears, "The last time I saw him was in the data record in the Great Spirit Book Corridor."

"The war between the original Thirteenth Team and the Invisible Empire."

"I didn't expect it would be our turn so soon. It's really surprising."


Sufeng appeared beside him as if teleporting, and asked aloud: "Is the Kingdom of Void ready?"


Nie Yuli nodded and said, "It will definitely shock their jaws."

"After all, the Kingdom of Xu is the absolute ruler who can compete with Xu Ye Palace..."


Hueco Mundo, above the endless desert.

The huge city wall stands above the crescent moon, sitting in the desert like a giant steel beast, exuding an extremely ferocious aura.

Suddenly, the sky was torn open, revealing deep darkness, and dozens of powerful spiritual pressure breaths filled the air.

"Is this the Void Kingdom of Sufeng?"

Jingle's spring water pressed down the coir raincoat and fell from the air. He looked at the bottom of the city wall in confusion, but he didn't seem to see the scene he imagined.

"It seems like..."

Before he could finish his words, several figures appeared beside him, interrupting the words on his lips.

As strong spiritual pressure fluctuations erupted from the black cavity, Sufeng slowly walked out of it.

His eyes were calm, like a real king patrolling his territory.

Suddenly, the desert outside the city wall began to tremble violently, and sand dunes emerged from below, like mushrooms after a rain.

In just a moment, the area within sight was completely occupied.

Brutal spiritual pressure filled the air, blending with each other, and a suffocating feeling enveloped everyone's heart.

"In the end what happened……"

Kuchiki Byakuya's pupils shrank, and he once again felt his weakness.

The strong wind and thunder intertwined, weaving an illusory throne, suspended under the crescent moon, exuding the ultimate majesty.

On the city wall, Harribel put on the costume of the Void Kingdom, burst out a huge spiritual pressure beam, and shot straight into the sky. Her serious voice also spread across the desert:

"Everyone, show your loyalty!"

"Salute to His Majesty Tsunayashiro Sufeng!"

As his voice fell, a horrifying scene occurred. The sand dune squirmed and erupted, and countless ferocious figures walked out of it in one order.

It seems like an endless ocean, covering all areas within sight!

This is the ocean of virtual groups!

The entire Gotei 13 team's eyes widened, their pupils shrank suddenly, and they could hardly believe what was happening in front of them.

Hollows and big hollows of different shapes tore through the sand dunes and appeared under the city wall. The violent aura stirred up, as if they were going to devour people completely.

The spiritual pressure of a single body may not be as good as that of the slightly stronger elite Shinigami, but when they are integrated together, the spiritual pressure they release makes even the Death God captain tremble.

It was unimaginable that the Suifeng they were familiar with could actually establish such a huge country in Hueco Mundo!

The spiritual pressure is like an ocean.

This is no longer an adjective but a statement of fact.

Xu Qun raised his head feverishly, raised his right hand, right paw or right hoof, placed it on the position of his heart, and a deafening roar echoed under the crescent moon:

"Long live your Majesty!!"

The sound wave was so powerful that it expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even set off strong winds in the virtual circle, roaring and burying everything.

At this moment, all members of the Gotei 13 were so shocked that they were speechless.

No matter how hard you squeeze your brains, you can't imagine that so many Daxu would be loyal to a god of death!

And it's not over yet.

In the huge city, extremely powerful and violent spiritual pressure erupted, and the huge light pillars lit up the dark night of Hueco Mundo like countless fireworks.

Ten paths, a hundred paths, a thousand paths!

The spiritual pressure comparable to that of a captain-level Shinigami surged wildly, as if the heaven and earth were toppling, covering the sky and the sun!

"these are……"

Saito Immortal felt that his throat was a little dry, and his lips were extremely dehydrated.


"Isn't this amount a bit too much?"

"Didn't I say that only Daxons above Achiukas can perform Arrancar?"

"What the hell is going on with this amount!"

Another scene that shattered all three concepts appeared before their eyes. All members of the Gotei 13 felt their scalps numb, as if electric current was running through their nerves.

The appearance of an ocean-like group of Hollows was already outrageous, but I didn't expect that even the number of Arrancars would be so terrifying.

Just talking about the strength of the middle and lower classes, a Void Kingdom is enough to completely destroy the entire Soul Society!

Moreover, the strength of the upper echelon is obviously not much worse.

Those crazy-looking guys standing at the front of the Arrancar had a spiritual pressure level that exceeded 99% of the captain's.

And he is the Death God captain who has mastered the virtualization!

"Harribel and Nellie."

Someone recognized the identity of the two. They had previously helped to resist the invasion of the dead from Hell in Soul Society. Their fighting prowess was eye-catching.

And there were actually seven more people standing in the same row as them!

"Is that Mole City Shuangye? I didn't expect this guy to actually join Captain Sufeng."

"That guy with pale skin should be the Arrancar in the video provided by Niryuri."

"There are five female Daxu in total. They are very consistent with my understanding of Sufeng..."

"Not to mention anything else, I am very envious of this alone."

"Me too!"

Soon, the style of painting went astray under the influence of Kyōraku Shunsui and Shiha Isshin.

If it weren't for Yamamoto Genryusai's gloomy expression, the two of them could have discussed this field for three days and three nights.

The military parade is over.

The shock in everyone's hearts has reached an extreme level.

They simply couldn't imagine that Sufeng actually made such a big noise in Hueco Mundo.

When they first heard about it, everyone just thought that he had captured several female Daxu and formed a small organization.

But when the Kingdom of Void appeared in front of everyone, their understanding of Sufeng was completely shattered.

It's too sci-fi.

Even more sci-fi than Nirvana's Technology Development Bureau.

Completely incomprehensible.

It wasn't until a while later that they reluctantly accepted this fact.

"Captain Nirvana, regarding the location of the Invisible Empire..."

Looking at the majestic figure on the throne in the sky, Nirvana twitched the corner of his mouth.

He originally wanted to expose Su Feng's true face, but when he noticed the many unkind looks from behind, he still showed a respectful attitude and said seriously:

"The approximate location has been determined."

"As long as the army presses on the border, the specific location can be determined immediately."

Sufeng didn't talk nonsense and immediately waved his hand:

"Army attack!"

The next moment, a mighty, sea-like formation marched in the direction of the invisible empire.

Hueco Mundo was trembling, and countless dust and sand swept into the sky, covering up the light of the crescent moon.


Invisible empire.

Yinjia City, Great Cathedral.

The dark Quincy soldiers stood uniformly on the square, as solemn as before.

Yohabach appeared on the high platform, overlooking the scene below, and his heavy and majestic voice echoed in the great church:


As soon as the words were spoken, extremely terrifying spiritual pressure suddenly fell, like a flood bursting its banks and seawater pouring in, covering the entire Yinjia City.

In an instant, everyone's expressions changed suddenly, and they looked at the sky with stunned eyes.

A familiar scene once again took place in Yinjia City. The sky was like glass that had been hit by a heavy blow, and the dim and hazy ceiling was instantly filled with cracks.

The extremely hot aura spread and eroded within it, covering the entire Yinjia City in a majestic manner.

Yhwach's face suddenly turned cold, violent spiritual pressure instantly rose into the sky, and a huge spiritual long bow covered the great church.

"Yamamoto Shigekuni!"

The deafening sound echoed, and at the moment when the sky shattered, blazing flames suddenly fell down like a meteor shower.

Correspondingly, dozens of giant sacred arrows burst out from the giant spirit longbow, instantly tearing the air apart and shooting straight into the sky with unparalleled momentum!

The blazing flames turned into scalding red clouds, swelling and exploding in the sky of Yinjia City!

The azure sacred arrow fell into the clouds, intertwined with it, and caused an unprecedented huge impact in the broken sky.

In an instant, the shell of the Static Blood Armor covered the Great Sept, protecting the Quincy soldiers of the Invisible Empire.

Hasward took action.

As the second-in-command of the invisible empire, he has the responsibility to share the harm for His Majesty's people.

Although their Majesty didn't seem to care.

"Everyone, activate the Shadow Realm and go to Hueco Mundo!"

Hasward issued the order. The current Silver Shelf City is not a place where ordinary soldiers can stay. Even members of the Star Cross Knights may not be able to withstand it.

A huge black shadow spread out instantly, immediately covering everyone, and the Quincy's spiritual pressure instantly disappeared into the invisible empire.

At this moment, above the broken sky, a figure of an old man with a white beard appeared, looking at Yhwach in the Great Cathedral with indifferent and cold eyes.

"Long time no see, Yhwach!"

"Yamamoto Shigekuni, you have changed, you are no longer pedantic and stubborn."

Yhwach opened his five fingers, and a large number of spirit sons swarmed in, instantly converging into the Annihilation Cross Knife.

"After a thousand years, people will always change."

Yamamoto Genryusai lowered his eyes slightly, and the blazing flames flashed in his pupils.

"But your fate is destined. Welcome death, Yhwach!"

After the words fell, a hot figure jumped down from the broken shadow, drew a line of fire from the sky, and headed straight for Yhwach.


The sound of gold and iron interlacing echoed in Yinjia City. Hot sparks splashed everywhere, melting the ice and igniting all the combustible materials in Yinjia City.

After a brief confrontation, the two sides seemed to be evenly matched.

"You are old, Yamamoto Shigekuni."

Although Yhwach was a little surprised that the other party could find the location of the invisible empire, he had regained his power and didn't care about Yamamoto Shigekuni at all.

After all, there is a dimensional gap in the strength of the two sides!

"I don't think so."

Yamamoto Genryusai's eyes dropped slightly, his white eyebrows fluttering in the hot wind, and he held a flaming blade in his right hand, lying horizontally in front of him.


"Remnant Fire Sword!"

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