Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 343 There is no opponent ahead of us!

Xuye Palace.

In an empty and bright palace, in front of a huge conference table.

Ten people were sitting around, with different postures and complex expressions.

In front of them, steaming black tea was placed, and directly above the conference table, a huge screen was constantly playing pictures.

Among them, the virtual ocean surged down and directly submerged the invisible empire's army.

The appearance of this scene made even the Arrancar, known as the Ten Blades, a little frightened.

There are too many of them, so much that people can't even have the slightest intention to fight.

If you want to destroy so many voids, you must have the power to completely destroy the entire world.

"In the Kingdom of Void, where did you find so many Void and Great Void ones?"

Yami, who was tall and strong and as big as a hill, had his arms folded and stared at the screen in confusion.

Although he claims to be the strongest Arrancar among the Ten Blades, he is still powerless in front of this group of voids that are like a natural disaster, and he can't even guarantee that he can survive.

After all, this is a virtual swarm, not an ant colony.

A single false flash might not be able to break his steel skin, but what about a thousand and a hundred thousand?


An elegant voice sounded in the conference room, and for a moment everyone's eyes fell on the person who answered.

With his golden and red hair hanging down, narrow-rimmed glasses made of white bone, and a strong bookish aura, if it weren't for the wrong environment, some people might think he was a scholar doing research.

Ten Blades NO.3, Sal Apollo Granz.

One of the strongest scientists in Xuye Palace, the inventor of the technology to transform Arrancar, one of the creators of the Ten Blades of Bengyu, and the main person in charge of the third generation Tengai...

It can be said that besides Aizen, he is the person who has made the greatest contribution to Xuye Palace.

Even the former King of Hueco Mundo, Balegang, was far inferior to him.

Because of being beaten up by the storm, Sar Apollo realized his own shortcomings and gave up the so-called conception information research and development plan.

Instead, he devoted himself to the research on individual strength enhancement. In his day and night research, he modified the Arrancar technology, which steadily increased the Arrancar strength of Xuye Palace by 50% to 100%.

Then came the research and development of the Bengyu Ten Blades.

After Aizen's rebellion, this technology was nearly perfected. After the collected Soul King fragments were transformed into jade, they were embedded into the souls of the Ten Blades in a harmless way, allowing them to reach a higher level. High level.

This was the case with Balegang before.

The King of Hueco Mundo, who was originally only a second-rate combat power, has become a truly first-rate combat power after mastering the power given by Bengyu. He can even compete with the Divine Pardon Guards who have fully activated the Holy Body without falling behind.

As for the sky cover, it is a layer of ghost-like technology that simulates the sky in Xuye Palace.

It allows the Arrancar living in Xuye Palace to see the clear blue sky when he looks up.

Compared with the previous two technologies, it seems a bit unremarkable.

Secondly, there are many scientific research and development in life or combat.

Later, it even developed to the point that Xuye Palace could develop smoothly without anyone, but it could not develop without Sal Apollo.

What caused this scene was not only Sar Apollo himself, but also the severe beating given to him by Su Feng.

If it hadn't been for this violent beating, Sal Apollo would still have been immersed in studying the conception information of Nalaoshizi, and then he would have killed himself.

"Void is not just the product of the death of human beings in this world."

"Reproduction also exists among virtual beings of the same race, and even some alien races are exempt from reproductive isolation."

Sal Apollo propped up his right hand and talked eloquently:

"Because the origin of the Kingdom of Hollows is the Forest of Great Hollows, the area with the largest number of Great Hollows in Hueco Mundo. Nirvana has conducted relevant research on this aspect."

"With the blessing of some kind of medicine or some kind of technology, he increased the reproduction speed of the virtual group by more than ten times."

"Coupled with the exaggerated base number of the Great Void Forest, it is normal to create this imaginary ocean."

Having said this, Sal Apollo pushed up his glasses and said confidently: "But you can rest assured that the same method will not work on us."

"After a scientist obtains enough intelligence, any means will be cracked one by one."

"Instead of worrying about being devoured by the Hollows, it's better to pay close attention to the Gotei 13 and the Arrancars of the Hollow Kingdom."

"After all, Hueco Mundo can only have one king..."

The words stopped suddenly, and Jublade's eyes fell on the front of the conference table.

There, a brown-haired man with a calm expression and elegant posture was sipping black tea in a cup. His appearance did not change much, just like when he betrayed Soul Society.

The king of Xuye Palace, Aizen Soyousuke.

It seemed that he had realized that he had finished tasting the black tea. Just when he was about to raise his eyes, everyone withdrew their gazes as if they were electrocuted.

The awe of Aizen has been deeply engraved in their souls.

Even if he obtains a more powerful Bengyu state, it is the same.

In front of Aizen, the Ten Blades couldn't even think of resisting, let alone fight him.

"King to king, king to general."

A calm voice sounded in the conference room, as if it had some strange magic power, attracting everyone's attention again.

"Sufeng is not your target."

"As you can see, there are many enemies, but there is no need to panic. Just watch quietly and wait for new instructions."

"No need to fret, no need to worry."

"No matter what happens, as long as you follow my footsteps, then..."

"There is no opponent ahead of us."


Under the crescent moon, above the battlefield.

Corpses littered the field, rivers of blood surged, and broken limbs were piled up, just like a Shura battlefield.

Because the individual strength is far inferior to the elite soldiers and holy soldiers of the Invisible Empire, a large number of Hollows were killed when they first met.

However, the newly cleared field was instantly filled by the virtual crowd coming from behind, leaving no chance for anyone to rest at all.

Every time a Quincy kills a Hollow, a new Hollow fills its vacant spot.

So much so that even when they were fighting until they were weak, they still couldn't see any signs of reduction in the number of Hueco Mundo in front of them.

The armies of the Invisible Empire fell into despair.

So what if you can be immune to the virtual poison? In front of the vast ocean-like virtual crowd, any means are in vain.

They could even hear the deafening roar coming from the virtual group:

"Remember Lord Mole City's instructions, and don't forget His Majesty's preferences!"

"Those who look crooked and cracked will be killed immediately, even if they are blown to pieces, it won't be a pity!"

"Ugly thing, uglier than me, who will die if you don't die?!"

Some Quincy killed by Void Flash were filled with anger when they were dying.

Is it wrong to be ugly?

Compared with the army, they are fighting each other in full swing.

The battle between the Shinigami Captain Daxu Arrancar and the Star Cross Knights seemed even more intense.

Because of Hasward's order, the battlefield was completely divided, and each member of the Star Cross Knights could find a matching opponent.

Not only are the low-end enemies frighteningly numerous, but the mid-range and high-end ones are also outrageous.

This battle was extremely frustrating.

The Knights of the Star Cross could not even imagine that the gods of death, who were mortal enemies of Hollows, would one day master Hollow technology, and it would be an improved version of Hollow!

When the Death Gods took out the Hollow Masks one by one and put them on their faces, they had to admit that their cerebellum shrank a little at this moment.

The star seal that can break a small amount of virtual poison is completely useless. Not only can it not win the swastika of the gods of death, but it has also become a prop to cheat oneself at the critical moment.

Kenpachi Zaraki tilted his head, put the long serrated knife on his shoulder, and listened to the opponent's pre-battle declaration with an expressionless face.

"Is there no swastika?"

"It's really funny that the captain, one of the six special forces, failed to master the swastika."

Berenike Gabriel, who has short side-parted hair, said in a joking tone:

"I really don't know why His Majesty would list someone like you as a special combat force. He's clearly just a fool who seems to have no brains."

Zaraki Kenpachi asked in confusion: "The combat power of the six special records?"

"Ichigo Shiba, Ichibei Ichibei, Sosuke Aizen, Kisuke Urahara, Kenpachi Zaraki and..."

Speaking of the last person, Berenik's expression was a little gloomy, "It symbolizes the truly unknown Tsunayo Sufeng."

"Huh?" Zaraki Kenpachi was confused at first, then grinned, "Did your Majesty make a mistake?"

"A guy like Tsunayashiro Sufeng..."

The serrated sword was raised from the shoulder and suddenly slashed forward. Golden spiritual pressure surged from the blade, turning into a huge beam of light that shot straight into the sky.

"It's not something he can evaluate casually!"

Berenik's pupils shrank suddenly, and he was about to activate his holy writing ability "Dissent", but he was horrified to find that Zaraki Kenpachi was more than a little faster than him.

The moment the first word was spoken, the long serrated knife landed above his head.

The blazing spiritual pressure burst out, symbolizing the Quincy's Quincy Cross, which shot straight into the sky, trying to interrupt the opponent's attack.

But the individual differences are too big. Even after opening the Holy Body, Zaraki Kenpachi is still not a being that Berenik can touch.


Blood splattered, and a huge figure was split in half from top to bottom. The squirming intestines and internal organs were piled up and leaked out, exuding an extremely strong smell of blood.

"Hey, trash!"

Zaraki Kenpachi spat disdainfully and immediately started looking for other targets.

Looking into the distance, a giant orangutan was attacking a white figure with its fangs and claws. The roars that erupted from time to time formed sound waves, directly blasting huge holes into the ground.

"The captain who was forced to retreat by such a thing..."

Zaraki Kenpachi felt itchy and wanted to steal that person's opponent.

However, when he got closer, he suddenly discovered the other person's appearance.

Black hair scattered, gentle smile, weirdly curved Zanpakutō.

Zaraki Kenpachi turned around and left without saying any nonsense.

Other opponents can rob it, but only those who are related to that guy cannot touch it.


Noticing Zaraki Kenpachi's spiritual pressure disappearing, Unohana Retsu returned his attention to the opponent in front of him.

"Using sound as a weapon of attack?"

"Quinnies always have some weird abilities."

"This was the case with wars thousands of years ago, and it is still like this now."

She waved her curved flesh, and suddenly the flesh and blood of the huge orangutan in front of her opened up, revealing the stark white bones.

"Really, it makes people lose any fighting spirit..."


The huge head fell from the neck, and blood rose into the sky like a fountain.

"Who will you choose as your next opponent?"

Unohana Retsu used a teleport to miss the rain of blood falling from the sky to avoid getting any blood on himself.

If she were still Unohana Yachiru, she would have enjoyed the smell of blood from her enemies.

But now she is Unohana Retsu, and she is not a Unohana Retsu alone, so naturally she has to pay attention to her personal image.

Because someone doesn't like the taste of blood other than her own.


"Cough, cough!"

Jutsuro Ukitake looked like he was about to die of illness. He forced a smile on his face and looked at the boy-like figure opposite.

"I didn't expect that Yhwach has become so insane that he even sent children to the battlefield."

Opposite him, a relatively short figure stood with his hands in his pockets, messy blond hair hidden under a hood, and red eyes full of arrogance and disdain for everything in the world.

"It's completely different from what I [imagined]."

"The Invisible Empire was completely defeated, many members of the Knights of the Star Cross were killed in the battle, and even His Majesty's most trusted bodyguards, the Divine Absolution Guards, were in a bitter battle."

"Fortunately, Your Majesty chose to believe in me. My power is the strongest."

"Let me introduce myself, [Dreamer] Gremy Tomu, the strongest being of the Knights of the Star Cross."

"My holy writing ability is [V], turning dreams into reality."

Gremy put his hands in his pockets, his posture extremely arrogant, as if nothing in the world could arouse his interest:

“The most powerful force in the world, like right now, is imagination.”

As he spoke, the sand began to surge and condense upwards. In just a moment, a huge stage was built.

Seeing this, Ukitake Jushiro not only did not show the proper shock, but he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ahem, you are really lucky."

"I didn't expect that what I was asked to do could be completed in one go."

Gremi looked puzzled, frowned slightly, and said in confusion:

"what are you saying?"

Opposite him, Ukitake Jushiro smiled and said softly in a coaxing tone:

"Before the war started, I asked my teacher and Sufeng to stay in Soul Society due to physical reasons, because I knew very well that I could not carry out high-intensity battles."

"Cough cough, even talking harder can cause a violent cough."

"But Sufeng rejected my request. He teamed up with Captain Ni and Seinosuke to give me emergency treatment and entrusted me with something."

Hearing this, Gremi suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. Just when he was about to activate his ability, he discovered that Ukitake Jushiro opposite him had taken off his captain Haori.

"Although this commission is somewhat against my standards, for the sake of Soul Society, it is not impossible to break it once in a while."

"Find Gremy Thome and kill him..."

When the Death Tyrant costume was also taken off, Gremi's pupils shrank suddenly, and black lines appeared on the slightly jagged body of Ukitake Jushiro opposite him.

The lines are intertwined, like an arm with eyes...

Thanks to the always speechless boss for the reward, and thanks to all the bosses for your monthly votes.

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