Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 347 An existence that cannot be looked at by the eyes

It's hard to describe the scene in front of me.

The Quincy King opened his "eyes" and his pupils shrank suddenly, and a trace of fear appeared on his ferocious face for a long time.

In his eyes, the lamb that was originally extremely weak suddenly shed its sheepskin and transformed into a hungry and ferocious beast.

The explosion of momentum alone gives people a feeling of suffocation.

A huge fist shadow appeared in the sky, and the supreme will was integrated into it. The blazing high temperature surged and exploded in it, lighting up the entire Hueco Mundo in an instant!

Deafening roars echoed over the battlefield, and the barren sand surface trembled violently, stretching to the end of the sky.

Even the Xuye Palace and the Kingdom of Xu were affected by this.

At this moment, countless people's eyes were focused on the direction where the sound came from. While their faces were frightened, they also had a new understanding of this battle that transcended dimensions.

Sufeng didn't hesitate at all, and immediately punched out with a loud roar.

The sky seemed to be directly torn apart by the aftermath. The thick spiritual pressure clouds separated to both sides. Even the barren sand surface was piled up to thousands of meters high, and huge ravines like canyons were opened!

Yhwach's eyes showed a fierce light, and there seemed to be an infinite future evolving in his red eyes.

"Holy Sing·Praise to the Holy Land!"

A huge wall of light emerged at his feet, suddenly reaching the sky. The huge cross of annihilation reflected each other in it, reflecting the faint light of the crescent moon.

As the highest spell among the Quincy group, Sanctuary's Praise's defensive power is enough to compete with Kidou No. 95 and above.

Few Quincy can release it easily.

It is different from the previous Praise of the Holy Land released by Lloyd Lloyd imitating Yhwach.

The supreme spell unleashed by Yhwach himself was far too terrifying in terms of power, spiritual pressure, and specifications.

The shadow of the fist covered the ground, and the wall of blue light shot straight into the sky.

The red fist pressure was like a substantial river of magma, rolling down. The moisture in the surrounding air was evaporated rapidly, and even the white sand under his feet began to melt.

The blazing white and azure Cross of Annihilation exudes the power of divine radiance, dyeing the dim night sky with its own color.

The collision of the two forces created a heart-stopping aftermath in Hueco Mundo.

Red and blue were intertwined, but distinct. The moment the aftermath broke out, the ultimate power was twisted to the limit, tearing apart the space of Hueco Mundo, and suddenly detonating an endless storm of spiritual particles.

The materialized spirit storm roared in the sky, as if there was no limit.

The black cavity collapsed, and before the huge searchlight-like Jutu could launch a suicide attack on Sufeng, he was affected by the aftermath and was completely wiped out immediately, leaving not even a trace.

The power of the Sanctuary Praise is constantly rising, and the huge annihilation cross in it is transformed into a sacred annihilation arrow, swarming to consume the power of Su Feng's punch.

However, no matter how hard he tried, the impact that erupted on it did not attenuate at all.

Spider-web-like cracks appeared on the azure sky that stretched straight to the sky, and then shattered with a cracking sound.

In an instant, Yhwach activated his Static Blood Equipment.

Countless branch-like blue lines suddenly appeared on its body, intertwined and woven together, covering its figure and constantly expanding outwards.

But Yhwach's movements were still a step too slow.

The arrangement of the static blood suit was not even half completed, and the shadow of its fist was already greeting the deep and ferocious face.


It struck Youhabach in the face arrogantly and unreasonably.

Sufeng seemed to be aiming at this point, and he attacked that old face every time.


In an instant, Yhwach's face was distorted and ferocious, his teeth stained with blood fell out of his mouth, and the sound of broken cheekbones was heard one after another.

The static blood suit didn't even last for a second before it shattered directly and had no effect at all.

"Tsunayashiro Sufeng, you deserve to die!!"

Yhwach turned into a meteor and fell to the end of the line of sight, immediately stirring up sand waves hundreds of meters high. The scene was once extremely spectacular.

The unprecedented pain swallowed up the few sanity that Yohabach had.

When he stood up from the pit again, his eyes were completely blood red, with compound double pupils constantly emerging in them.

"I saw……"

"The look of your death!"

Yhwach's hands ignited concentrated spirit flames, and the blood dripping from his cheeks turned into fuel, and the static blood suit spread over his body again.

The blood stains on the bones of Sufeng Fist weaved branch-like patterns at an extremely terrifying speed, blooming with azure light, adhering to his palms, and spreading up his arms at extremely fast speeds.

The spiritual pressure exploded, and the blazing impact directly wiped out the erosion of the static blood equipment.

Sufeng moved his arms and made a sound like a firecracker. He looked at Yuhabach who was speeding towards him with an indifferent expression and said calmly:

"What will happen to me when I die?"

"I hope you're not dazzled."

As he spoke, his pupils were already filled with gilded color, and majestic pressure instantly filled the battlefield. The desert suddenly collapsed, and deep abyss cracks exploded all around.

Its spiritual pressure is constantly rising, as if the world is overturning, with no upper limit.

Centered on where Sufeng stood, the surrounding scenery was constantly distorting.

The naked eye can no longer even see the traces of its existence.

At this moment, the Shinigami, Arrancar, and Quincy in Hueco Mundo could no longer sense Sufeng's spiritual pressure.

In their perception, Sufeng seemed to have completely disappeared, leaving no trace left.

For a moment, the Shinigami and the Arrancars looked at the battlefield in the distance with concern.

However, the thick spiritual pressure light appeared again, and the already dark sky entered absolute darkness at this moment.

The crescent moon was completely obscured, and even the light of the Annihilation Cross was completely obscured.

Yhwach, who was still using his flying sickle to fly at high speed, stopped his pace abruptly when he saw this scene.

His expression was extremely shocked at this moment, and his eyes were a little dazed.

This level of spiritual pressure...

You must be kidding, right?


I can no longer sense this guy's spiritual pressure?

Could it be said that the gap between them is already big enough to cross dimensions?

There is a saying that reiatsu can sense each other.

When the difference in spiritual pressure between the two parties is not large, the other party's spiritual pressure can be detected through the existence of spiritual connections, and the nature of the spiritual pressure of Hollow, Shinigami and Quincy is different.

But if the difference in spiritual pressure between two people reaches a certain level, the weak one will not be able to detect the traces of the strong spiritual pressure.

Looking at Yhwach who braked halfway, Sufeng raised the corner of his mouth slightly, a ferocious smile appeared on his face, and a dangerous voice sounded on the battlefield:

"Yhwach, I hope your 'eyes' are as useful as before!"

The moment the words fell, Yoha Bakhton felt his scalp numb, his eyes widened to the limit, and he activated [Omniscient and Omnipotent] again.

What made him horrified was that there was a void of nothingness in front of him!

[Omniscient and Omnipotent] has failed!

Sufeng's future turned into nothingness, as if it didn't exist in this world!


He roared angrily, and his whole body seemed to be broken, "How could my 'eyes' not see your future?!"

"A hallucination?"

"Aizen Sosuke, I know it's you!"

"get out!"

Looking at Yhwach who was completely in a defensive state, Sufeng laughed and explained kindly:

"As you said before, I lack the ability of the rule system to cope with the [omniscience and omnipotence] you inherited from the Spirit King."

"But if my [authority] is superior to yours, can the so-called [omniscience and omnipotence] really be able to see the future that I interfere with?"

"This is like, can you see the future of the Spirit King?"

Yhwach's anger suddenly stopped. As his pupils shrank suddenly, an unconcealable chill shot from the soles of his feet to the sky.

It's not like he hasn't thought about related settings.

But in Yohabach's mind, the Spiritual King is the supreme existence. He opened up the Three Realms, filled the world with the cycle of [life] and [death], and gave humans the fear of death.

With his half-hearted [omniscience and omnipotence], he really cannot see the future of the Spirit King.

Even with the intervention of the Spirit King, the future he saw might be false.


The Soul King has been killed by the despicable ones. They chopped off his limbs, hollowed out his internal organs, and sealed him in a spiral filled with death and life.

The remaining power of the Spiritual King is not enough to stop his progress!

"Don't think about it."

Sufeng's pupils glowed like gold, like the gaze of a real god, and his indifferent mood spread on the battlefield:


"It is an existence equal to the three realms."

Yhwach's body was trembling. He stared at Sufeng in front of him, and his substantial spiritual pressure turned into a storm surrounding him, resisting all negative influences.

Suddenly, he calmed down and raised his right hand. A deep ball of spiritual light appeared in his palm, and countless rays of materialized light gathered in all directions of Hueco Mundo.

"Rise, Silver Emblem, Gray Grassland."

"The circular road hidden by light, the eyeballs of agate, the tongue of gold."

"The cup of the skull, the coffin of the gods, the thing held high is your heart!"

A huge blue ring enveloped the battlefield, even Sufeng was covered in it.


The moment his voice fell, a huge beam of light erupted from the spirit son's halo, and instantly submerged into every battlefield in Hueco Mundo.

The war that was still stalemate stopped instantly.

Countless rays of light erupted from the bodies of the members of the Star Cross Knights, and the beams of light even swallowed up the soldiers of the Invisible Empire.

Gerald Valkyrie was resurrected three times in a row. The towering giant of light suddenly stiffened in the pillar of light. His huge body continued to disintegrate, turning into countless spirit sons, soaring towards the battlefield further away. .


Yamamoto withdrew the flames, and a dull voice sounded under the virtual mask.

Opposite him, Lloyd Lloyd's body instantly returned to the appearance of a bald man, and then his flesh and blood dried up, revealing a skeleton-like posture.

Hasward's performance wasn't much better.

Not only his strength, but also a part of his soul was stripped away.

Until his death, Lloyd Lloyd was still shouting words such as "Long Live Your Majesty" with a pious and fanatical expression.

On the other hand, Hasward's eyes showed a bit of gloom: "As expected..."

Because not all of his power comes from Yhwach, he still has a certain fighting ability after being sanctified.

Even stronger than a certain car captain.


Hasward raised his eyes and looked at the opposite side. The broken Death Tyrant's armor was burning with fierce flames. The air was extremely distorted. The virtual mask engraved with flame patterns made Yamamoto look like a demon walking out of the flames.

His opponent is Yamamoto Shigekuni, the strongest Shinigami in the Soul Society for thousands of years.

It was true before and it is true now.

There is no god of death stronger than him, and those who are stronger than him are no longer the god of death.

"My traitor once said that before the war started."

Yamamoto's deep voice sounded, "If the Knights of the Star Cross are sanctified, there is no need to stop them, just watch quietly from the sidelines."

"Because, even if Yhwach is deprived of all Quincy power, he will not be a match for Hell."

"As for you..."

The burning flames on Yamamoto suddenly disappeared, and even the spiritual pressure emitted outside weakened a lot.

"You can become a citizen of the Kingdom of the Void."

At this moment, Hasward looked shocked and could hardly speak.

Looking at the expressions of the enemy opposite him, Yamamoto suppressed the urge to cover his face in shame.

He would never say the exact words, it would be too embarrassing.

Yamamoto still can't figure out why, as fellow Genryu disciples, there is such a big personality gap between Sufeng Shunsuikai and Ukitake?

So what's so good about Quincy?

Do we still want to pursue species diversity?

Most of the members of the Star Cross Knights died suddenly on the spot, with all the power in their souls stripped away.

Except for a few people, the Invisible Empire was nearly wiped out.

And most of the remaining Quincy looked like their faith had collapsed.

They thought they would reach the pinnacle of life by following Yhwach, but what they didn't expect was that they would reach the end of life one step ahead of schedule.

Of course, there are very few exceptions.

Buzby was lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment, looking firmly towards the battlefield in the distance, as if fire was burning in his eyes.

"Is it time to absorb our power?"

"Yhwach, your end has come!"


After activating the Holy Yhwach, the spiritual pressure and aura surged. The pupils in his eyes were constantly twisting and trembling, exuding a heart-stopping aura.

Multiple pupils were staring at Sufeng in front of him. Yohabach's voice suddenly calmed down, and even his emotions became much deeper:

"Is there an existence that cannot be looked at?"

"Then rewrite my future with omniscience and omnipotence."

"Tsunaya Sufeng, the final winner will only be me..."

Thanks to Mr. Derrick in the Forest for the reward, and thanks to all the bosses for their monthly recommendation votes.

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