Bleach: Stir Up the Situation

Chapter 524 Even if he betrays the world, he has not betrayed you

Hongjiang whistled and walked out of the door of Room 46. Haiyan and Matsumoto Rangiku were already waiting outside the door. Haiyan was brought by him a long time ago, but Matsumoto did not expect this.

"Is it over so soon?"

"I'm not afraid of the shadows. How can you not let me out of Room 46?" Hong Jiangtian replied shamelessly. Jian Matsumoto looked like he was hesitant to speak and continued to tell Haiyan: "Go to the boundary gate first. Wait till I get better."

Haiyan was also very eye-catching and didn't ask any questions. The figure disappeared in a flash, leaving only Hongjiang and Matsumoto.

"The weather is nice today, do you want to go for a walk together, Vice Captain Matsumoto?"

"Huh? Oh! Okay!"

Matsumoto nodded repeatedly and landed slightly behind Hongjiang. The two of them walked towards the location of the boundary crossing gate together.

"Where's that boy Hitsugaya?"

"Captain? He is practicing alone."

Hongjiang smiled: "It seems that boy also knew that his performance was not good this time." Then he moved closer to Matsumoto and asked quietly: "I heard that he stabbed Hinamori again, right?"

"Ah?! This..." Matsumoto was momentarily flustered by Hiroe's impropriety. Although Hitsugaya did stab Hinamori again, he was his captain after all, so it wouldn't be nice to say bad things about him behind his back, right?

Moreover, the captain also blamed himself very much for this, so he started to practice until he recovered from his injuries.

"Looking at you like this, you can tell that you are inseparable. That brat finally knows that you have to work hard. It's really not easy."

Hongjiang said something old-fashioned, and then moved his eyes to Matsumoto: "What about you? You are not bored and come to me for a drink, are you? Any day will do, but not today. I have to go to the real world later."

Matsumoto was stunned for a moment, clenched his fists and summoned the courage to ask: "I want to ask Captain Choizuka, ask Gin..."

The words were on his lips but he didn't know how to say them out. Has he really decided to stand against the God of Death? Or is he acting on your orders? Did he have anything to say to me?

There were too many questions to ask, but it seemed impossible to get answers from Hong Jiang, so the words he said became, "I want to ask you, what do you think of Yin's actions..."

Matsumoto's voice became smaller and smaller as she spoke, and her eyes began to dodge. It was obvious that this was not the question she wanted to ask.

“Does my opinion matter?”


Hongjiang sighed. She knew exactly what the girl in front of her wanted to ask, and she also knew that she shouldn't say anything more. But when the other party finally plucked up the courage to ask, he felt a little soft-hearted.

"You survived him, right, Matsumoto?"

Matsumoto nodded. After Ichimaru Gin left Seireitei, she once thought that he had changed and was no longer like the Ichimaru Gin in her memory.

But in this war, the other side seemed to have a deadly attack, but it narrowly missed her life, which made her feel that things might not be as simple as she thought.

Not to mention that after she woke up, Inoue Orihime also told her about Ichimaru Gin's rebellion against Aizen. Maybe Matsumoto didn't expect that the other party's rebellion was just to avenge his childhood self, but it was really hard to associate Ichimaru Gin with some extremely evil person. It's too difficult.

Good or bad, Matsumoto has always simply used these two standards to measure the person she is most familiar with. But after Inoue's information, and what she heard later about Ichimaru Gin coercing Hong Jiang and others to exchange the Ten Blades, she found that she could not Let's simply look at Ichimaru Gin based on two criteria: good and bad.

However, he always left or arrived without making a sound. He was so much like the him in the memory, the simple him, which made Matsumoto fall into confusion for a time. During this month, her heart was also very confused.

If it was the silver in her memory, he must be an upright and pure person, she was convinced of this.

And the only one who could give her an answer, apart from Ichimaru Gin himself, who was already confirmed to be far away in Hueco Mundo, was Captain Choizuka in front of her.

"Gin does not have murderous intentions for me, so is he really undercover next to Aizen according to your order, Captain Choizuka!"

Hongjiang shook his head and immediately replied: "No, he had his own reasons for taking action against Aizen, and it has nothing to do with me or Urahara."


"I'm just asking you that question to tell you that as far as Ichimaru Gin is concerned, my opinion is not important. No one's opinion is important. The most important thing is you!"


Hongjiang nodded: "To me, he rebelled against Aizen but intimidated me in the end. He is always an unpleasant guy." After speaking, Hongjiang smiled bitterly and continued: "But it's different for you. , I know that you and he entered the Seireitei together from Rukongai, and they are the most important people to each other. For you, it is enough that this does not change, right? "

"But he is our enemy now, isn't he?" Matsumoto said, his expression becoming more melancholy.

"Maybe, but it just means that he did something 'wrong'. To you, he has never changed, right?"

Seeing Matsumoto's confused look, Hongjiang smiled and continued: "People are really too complicated, but in fact sometimes it's not that people are complicated, but that the opinions focused on one person are too complicated."

"Take you as an example. You still firmly believe that Ichimaru is the child who came from Rukongai with you. This is your opinion of him."

Hongjiang pointed at himself again: "As for me, he actually dared to coerce me in the end. If I see him again, I must teach him a lesson. As for mixing with the Arrancar, it is not unacceptable to me. A daring person A kid who needs a lesson, that's what I think of him."

"But most of the people here are different. To them, Ichimaru Gin is just an enemy that he mixes with others. Even if they haven't even spoken to him, the word enemy is enough for them to hate him. "

Matsumoto felt that she understood Hongjiang's meaning, and that the other party seemed to be hinting at something to her, but at the same time, she was afraid that this so-called 'hint' was just wishful thinking on her part.

"But for us Shinigami, Silver, he is an enemy worth hating now, isn't he, Captain Choizuka."

"Maybe." Hongjiang spread his hands and replied, "But you are not the only Shinigami in the Seireitei. In fact, sometimes, temporarily putting aside your identity and stance is a very good way to relax."

"No matter how heinous that guy Ichimaru is, there are too many people here who can catch him, and you may not be one of them."

Hongjiang said, put his right hand on Matsumoto's head, rubbed it hard, and said with a smile: "It is not shameful to keep the best memories for someone. On the contrary, cherish it, kid."

"At least this person has not given up on you even if he betrayed the whole world. I think it is still allowed to retain some private memories for such a person."


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