Bleach: Stir Up the Situation

Chapter 546 Can you really say that you don’t care?

Although Yoruichi's words were somewhat protective of Isshin, it was indeed the case, and relying on mere speculation could only go so far.

Even if they take this step, the suspected Quincy force will not be able to give Hong Jiang enough help, or in other words, it will not be able to meet Hong Jiang's inner expectations.

Urahara thought about it and realized that he had not missed any details. So, if Hong Jiang wasn't too impatient and lost his bearings, then there could only be some information that he didn't capture.

Sure enough, the next second Hong Jiang said in a deep voice: "That's right, we can only get so far if we rely on guesswork."

"Then..." Just when Ye Yi was about to ask a question, he realized that Hong Jiang obviously meant something in his words. What does 'we' mean? Does it mean Hong Jiang, her and Urahara?

Hongjiang seemed to see through Yoruichi's thoughts and affirmed: "Yes, if it is me, you and Urahara, whether it is speculation or reasoning, it is already the end at this point."

He looked at Yixin again: "But for Uncle Yixin, he has far more clues than we do."

Yoruichi frowned: "Do you still think Uncle Yishin is lying about what happened back then? He actually saw the appearance of the murderer?!"

"No, no, no, I don't think his experience of chasing him out was a lie. Moreover, even if what he said was a lie, it doesn't make any difference."

"Whether the person who caused the tragedy was a man or a woman and what his appearance was, these things that seem to be clues are actually of no value." Hongjiang continued: "A being who can conceal the Seireitei defense system. , even if you know some of this information, you can’t find their hiding place.”

"In other words, Uncle Yixin has no reason to conceal such unimportant information, unless the information he knows is extremely critical, such as it can directly harm someone or someone."

"Is it Kurosaki Masaki? If Uncle Isshin saw Kurosaki Masaki at that time, there is a possibility that he could have concealed it for the other party." Urahara said half-jokingly: "But this is impossible. I have met Kurosaki Masaki. She doesn’t have the strength to destroy the entire squad.”

"But just like what you said, Hongjiang, Uncle Yishin did not hide the meaning of his original experience. But obviously you feel that Uncle Yishin is hiding something. In other words, what he is hiding is not the past but the present?"

Urahara made a throwing motion with both hands, "If you have anything to say, just say it, I'm almost confused."

Seeing Urahara like this, Hongjiang's inner restlessness suddenly calmed down a lot. I really don't know if this narrowing of eyes is to ease the atmosphere, or if he really can't figure it out.

"Then I'll be honest. Our guesses about the tragedy of that year can only be limited to the possibility of a Quincy. This is an unchangeable fact now."

"But so much time has passed. For us, the tragedy has become an unchanging memory. But for Uncle Yishin, life has changed dramatically."

Yoruichi frowned and glanced at Kurosaki Masaki's photo in the room, "The change you are talking about doesn't mean..."

"Yes, Uncle Isshin found Masaki Kurosaki, the woman he loved in his life, but she passed away."


Hongjiang raised his hand as if to suppress Yoruichi's anger, "I understand, and I'm sorry for my behavior in uncovering Uncle Yishin's scar, but this is something that has to be mentioned."

"If Uncle Isshin no longer wants to pursue the truth of the tragedy of the 10th Division because of Kurosaki Masaki and his regret for the killings he once committed against the Quincy, then he has no reason for Kurosaki Masaki's death. I will give up the investigation!”

Isshin's figure on the sofa trembled slightly, and he kept shouting in his heart, don't say any more, don't say any more!

But these accusations and pleas were stuck in my throat and I couldn't say them out.

Urahara also looked suddenly enlightened. Before he could say anything, Hiroe's questioning voice came into his ears: "I once asked you about Kurosaki Masaki's death, and you also said that it was abnormal, right? ?”

Urahara nodded, and seeing his eyes that seemed to understand everything, Hongjiang knew that the other party completely understood what he meant, which also made him feel more confident.

"Actually, I was very shocked when I first heard that Kurosaki Masaki would die. He was a Quincy who was able to save Uncle Xinxin from the reformed Hollow, but there was no way he would be killed by an ordinary Hollow."

"Did her strength decline after she became Hollow? How could Uncle Isshin be so relieved and let her move around as she pleased? After all, a special soul like a Quincy can easily attract Hollows in this world."

"All I can think of is that an accident happened. I checked with Urahara later and he also said that it was indeed an accident." Hongjiang looked at Isshin and said in a tone that left no room for doubt: "At least from Urahara, it was still your reaction back then. Anyway, I’m very surprised by Kurosaki Masaki’s death.”

Bringing up old events again, Yoruichi's mind was drawn back to the time when Kurosaki Masaki died. Her impressions still remained on Isshin's empty eyes as if she had lost her soul, and the painful scene of holding Masaki's photo.

For Isshin, this was undoubtedly a heartbreaking pain. If it weren't for the three Ichigo siblings, she had no doubt that Isshin would have gone into Hueco Mundo to avenge his wife.

But if you ignore this sad picture and focus on the incident itself, you will find how unusual it is.

Just as Hongjiang, a bystander who had not personally witnessed it, thought, it was unbelievable that a Quincy with extraordinary skills would die in the hands of an ordinary Hollow.

It's just that at that time, Yoruichi and Urahara's attention was still on Seireitei, Aizen, and Honyu, and Kaichixin didn't look for them after that, so this strange thing was not investigated in depth, and it just turned into a piece of sadness. memories.

Forgetting and ignoring are understandable things for them, but for Kurosaki Isshin, they are unforgivable, or simply impossible.

Even if Isshin is not a deep-thinking person, it is not difficult to realize how strange his wife's death is. In fact, this is not difficult for anyone who is familiar with the God of Death and the Quincy.

"Maybe he didn't realize it at first because he was in a difficult mood, but as time went by, Uncle Isshin would always calm down, and the facts proved that he eventually calmed down."

Hongjiang said, trying to make his perspective closer to Isshin at that time: "Why was my wife suddenly killed by an ordinary Hollow?"

"Is there something wrong with the virtualization that has been suppressed in the body?"

"Or is it the Shinigami of Seireitei, another experiment by Aizen?"

"If I were Uncle Yishin, I must have thoughts like this in my mind. He may be able to accept his wife's death for the sake of his children, but he absolutely cannot accept his wife's unexplained death!"

"If it were me, I would do my best to investigate and keep investigating until I know the truth!"

Hongjiang said, came to Yixin, looked down at the man with his head lowered opposite and asked coldly: "Have you investigated, Uncle Yixin?"

"Or to put it another way, can you honestly say that you have neither investigated nor wanted to investigate?"

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